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What should the passing grade be for plant entrance exams?

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Passing Grade for Plant Entrance Exams
« on: Oct 08, 2003, 05:47 »
In the push to meet outage staffing needs, are we in nuclear training "pushing-people-through-the-pipeline" merely to meet the needed number of people to cover all the work that'll be done? Are folks really "learning" anything, or merely "getting their ticket punched"? Your opinion please.


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Re: Passing Grade for Plant Entrance Exams
« Reply #1 on: Oct 08, 2003, 07:48 »
Having been a trainer at a DOE facility I can now say:

1. 20% of the work force could not read a lick.
2.  Since the Union fostered this I could not flunk them on tests.
3.  The tests were read to them with mucho emphisis on the correct answer ie: when making the wrong choice the reader would say ARE YOU SURE THAT IS THE ANSWER YOU WANT OR WOULD YOU LIKE ANOTER CHOICE.
4. I was removed from my position for not going along with the status quo.

So in answer to the question :It is a cattle chute.  Feed them through the line to get them in.


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Re: Passing Grade for Plant Entrance Exams
« Reply #2 on: Oct 08, 2003, 08:00 »
As i heard one Exelon tester say, "We need a set number of sponges during every outage, regardless of their knowledge level"


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Re: Passing Grade for Plant Entrance Exams
« Reply #3 on: Oct 08, 2003, 08:08 »
This may be a little off topic but,,, I recently took a 6 week RCT course, paid for by myself. I took the test yesterday and made a 90. I have no experience. Any way, all of the job openings I have found require experience.. Any advice??? Was my 90 a good score?

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Re: Passing Grade for Plant Entrance Exams
« Reply #4 on: Oct 08, 2003, 08:41 »
80% seems reasonable to me, although I have seen various ways some Techs(?) pass. As we all know its not so much the knowledge you can regurgitate as well as how you can apply that in the field.

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Re: Passing Grade for Plant Entrance Exams
« Reply #5 on: Oct 08, 2003, 08:43 »
99% of the HP tests have nothing to do with what we do. Why not prove ability by doing a mock up job?  I know the answer, cost!  I have always passed with a high score in both HP & Doe.  I usually study for about 3-4 weeks.  The next day, for -get- about it. Would a mechanic be asked to design a car in order to have a job? We all know Techs that can pass tests but are terrible HP's., plus Techs that are great HP's but have a hard time with the tests. Something more practicle, or in the middle should be used.
I remember at IP3 taking a test, in the middle of it the instructor took all the papers and sent us to do something else.  The next day all of our grades were R-80. When asked what that meant, we were told the score was a Remedial 80%. When asked what THAT meant. We were told that R-80 meant that we were CLOSE ENOUGH. Everyone passed. Then we went to the MIND MAP class!!!

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Re: Passing Grade for Plant Entrance Exams
« Reply #6 on: Oct 09, 2003, 04:34 »
passing grade should be 80%. test subject matter should be relevant to the work to be performed.  if someone is going to sit a control point doing frisker watch, then test for basic knowledge and communicative abilities.  there is no need to test for knowledge of mathematics >algebra, nor physics >basic science if a person is going to be a meter reader, barrier installer during an outage.  if they are going to do radiological assessments, then a different test should apply. and so on up the ladder.
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Re: Passing Grade for Plant Entrance Exams
« Reply #7 on: Oct 09, 2003, 04:57 »
test subject matter should be relevant to the work to be performed.

Sloglo, you know better than that.  I have yet to take a test that dosen't expect you to almost be capable of splitting the atom in your backyard. Especially when you will be supporting the mucking out the sub-pile sumps.  I always ponder function of the mitochondria in a cell during high contamination/dose jobs.
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Re: Passing Grade for Plant Entrance Exams
« Reply #8 on: Oct 09, 2003, 10:10 »

Sloglo, you know better than that.  I have yet to take a test that dosen't expect you to almost be capable of splitting the atom in your backyard. Especially when you will be supporting the mucking out the sub-pile sumps.  I always ponder function of the mitochondria in a cell during high contamination/dose jobs.

splittin atomz ina back yard ain't no big deal, yinze just gotta get that little axe out.  probs arise with keeping tracka alla those pesky little splintery thingies.  however, i too must confess that when strolling around a s/g cubicle, ro2a in hand, i have a tendency to, theoretically at least, quark a bit.
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Re: Passing Grade for Plant Entrance Exams
« Reply #9 on: Oct 09, 2003, 12:33 »
Having been a trainer at a DOE facility I can now say:

1. 20% of the work force could not read a lick.
2.  Since the Union fostered this I could not flunk them on tests.
3.  The tests were read to them with mucho emphisis on the correct answer ie: when making the wrong choice the reader would say ARE YOU SURE THAT IS THE ANSWER YOU WANT OR WOULD YOU LIKE ANOTER CHOICE.
4. I was removed from my position for not going along with the status quo.

So in answer to the question :It is a cattle chute.  Feed them through the line to get them in.

I too, have found adults that could not (or had limited ability to) read, and was both appalled that they were seeking employment in nuclear power, and saddened, for I knew they had to be embarassed that their secret was uncovered.
Admittedly, I have helped those I knew were struggling and floundering, by helping them "reason-out" the correct answer, but I wanted to be sure they understood what was being taught to them. I have cringed at folks that barely passed with a "70" (after the second try), hoping that I would not encounter them working independently in the RCA.
You may have been discharged for not having "gone-along" with the status quo, T.C., but you maintained your integrity, and should be proud for having done so.


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Re: Passing Grade for Plant Entrance Exams
« Reply #10 on: Oct 09, 2003, 01:23 »
A few plants are requiring testing and mock-ups.  In my humble opinion that is the best way to do it.  80% is a fair requirement for passing proficiency.

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Re: Passing Grade for Plant Entrance Exams
« Reply #11 on: Oct 09, 2003, 01:53 »
A few plants are requiring testing and mock-ups.  In my humble opinion that is the best way to do it.  80% is a fair requirement for passing proficiency.

That is great and as it should be.  The problem of the inability to read and write is another thing.  As bad as the primary educational system ( k-12) is in some areas of this country the inability to be able to perform those two basic functions is inexcusable.  Even the worst school should be able to give those minimal skills.  If not, why are they even allowed to operate as institutions of learning?  Some schools are even lowering their graduation standards.  Now there's a great mechanism for maintaining a competent informed work force.  Heck Florida wants to let some students skip their senior year beacuse "some have the maturity to skip it."  Only a small percentage of 16 or 17 years old has the maturity to skip whole years.  That is unless they attend a institution of higher learning that may also be lowering their standards.  
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