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Which are better (and i'm not just talking about making money)

more than 3 months
4 (20%)
2-3 months
6 (30%)
less than 8 weeks
7 (35%)
doesn't matter, i'm house and can't get out of here anyway..
3 (15%)

Total Members Voted: 11

Author Topic: Outages  (Read 8499 times)

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« on: Jul 22, 2006, 10:48 »
I know for lot's of folks an outage needs to last awhile to make it worthwhile, or at least line up well with the other sites in the generally region but what i'm talking about is the 'fun' factor..

used to be we'd have the long outages and everyone would get to know each other, have time for a few good parties (or sometimes just one party that went the duration)..  you'd have outage tee shirts that were tied to the key events, etc...

but these days we hardly get to know each other, there's no time for much partying because before we can agree on where to have it, we're all packing up for the next outage...

on the other hand, for me the best two days of an outage were always the first and the last... so a shorter outage never bothered me much...   

Offline Camella Black

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Re: Outages
« Reply #1 on: Jul 23, 2006, 01:11 »
Speaking from a spouses point of view I have mixed feelings on how long an outage I prefer, several factors come to mind when I ponder my decision:

1. Do I need extra cash to redo the bathroom?
2. Where is the outage located? Near a spa, casino, or great shopping area?
3. Am I going to stay home this outage or travel?
4. What time of year is it and whats the weather like?


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Re: Outages
« Reply #2 on: Jul 23, 2006, 01:49 »
For me, whether or not I like where I work is more important than the length of the job. I have done 3 month outages that I loved (Callaway comes to mind) and three week outages that were 2 weeks, 6 days, 11 hours and 59 1/2 minutes too long!

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Re: Outages
« Reply #3 on: Jul 25, 2006, 09:40 »
I don't like outages. Period.
Wish this place would let me do 40s for our outages.
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Offline Mike McFarlin

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Re: Outages
« Reply #4 on: Jul 25, 2006, 11:59 »
2 to 3 months is plenty, but since we only work twice a year, well if I can stay longer I will.
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