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Author Topic: Brookhaven  (Read 24459 times)

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Offline Rennhack

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« on: Jan 28, 2003, 07:02 »
Don't Forget to vote.
« Last Edit: Aug 22, 2009, 12:09 by Rennhack »

Offline Camella Black

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« Reply #1 on: Apr 08, 2004, 05:14 »
If anyone has a favorite hang out, place to shop, or local information for this area please post it here.


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Re: Brookhaven Contracts
« Reply #2 on: Apr 20, 2004, 11:09 »

Thanks for the reply, I appreciate the information.

I just got a call an hour ago with an offer for a position, and it seems like the perfect entry-level position for somebody with my background, so I'm most likely going to take the position, and I'll be there in about 4 weeks. It will be a 6-month or so position, which appeals to me because I realize the need to build up my time towards being a Senior, which looks like it would take 5+ years to accomplish if I was just doing outages.

The BNL complex itself sounds a lot like a Navy base in terms of amenities available on site, according to the Visitor Info section of their web site.

What do you think of the on-site housing, as far as short-term to stay in until I find someplace else?

As for the ocean, I love the open water. I grew up close to the Oregon coast, then spent a tour in the Navy. Living here in Colorado right now is nice because of the mountains, but there's no water.

As for the women and the beach, that's just likely to get me in trouble. :) I'm married now, and my wife won't be coming with me.

I'm likely to end up trying to save as much of my per diem as possible so I can fly back to Colorado every few weeks for the weekend.

The $90/day per diem is a lot of per diem to me, but with the cost of living I would imagine it goes fast.

Is it possible to find a place on the water within a half hour drive of the site that won't break the bank? I'm sure that's asking to much. :)

Thanks Moke!



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Re: Brookhaven
« Reply #3 on: Jun 02, 2004, 08:23 »
For anybody that may have seen the job posting for a Decon tech at Brookhaven on the jobs board, take a look at it if you're looking for some work.

I've only been here 3 weeks, and I really enjoy it. It seems to be good, steady DOE work, and their's a good crew of folks here.

I'm currently working with the Waste Management division, augmenting their staff. It's fairly laid back, and a good chunk of the management folks are former techs.

There's also a couple of D&D projects on site, and those sound like they will be around for a while.

Housing is expensive anywhere on Long Island, and living on site in the dorms currently runs about $810 a month, which is the cheapeast thing I've found so far, plus it's convenient (I can walk to work). If a few people got a place together, it could be cheaper to live, obviously.

The work I'm doing is a good mix of haz waste, rad waste, a bit of deconning, and some odds and ends, with occasional major projects, including some that are coming up (and I guess that might be why the job is posted for waste).

Anyway, it's a great place, good management, and good money (by my standards, others might disagree).

Take care!

Offline metalman40

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Re: Brookhaven
« Reply #4 on: Jun 04, 2004, 05:58 »
The diem is not lowered by staying on site but the lab housing is limited and we are not priority for its use. Normally you can't get over 2 months and I have seen people limited to one week. It depends on how many students and researchers require rooms. The summer is the worst time because school is out and folks are heading here to do summer internships.

If you are coming call Pat Burke before you come in to get an idea of how long you can stay on the Lab.

There are decent rentals available around here you just have to spend some time to find them. You can find quite a few basement and garage apartments for under a thousand a month but they are usually found by word of mouth. So ask people you work with if they know of anything open.
Sometimes you just want to say dilligaf and go dfr.

Offline DecommMan

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Re: Brookhaven Contracts
« Reply #5 on: Nov 10, 2004, 08:52 »
What the plans for BMRR and HFBR ?  I see BGRR is pushing on along.....
Decomm Man


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