I have read what is said about TP all over the boards
. Is anyone working there now or worked there lately? Kind of concerned about FP&L/TP and the Florida City area. Good place to get experience?
I worked there from 1996 to 2002. When you say experience, could you be more specific. After all, finding out your car isn't in the mall parking lot anymore is an experience.

Florida City has some areas that are set up nice for retirees, but no public schools I wanted my kids to attend. The plant reports about 13% annual attrition in staffing positions which hire off the street (average for many years, some have been about 25%). To put this in perspective, turnover per year is like boomer turnover per deployment back in the canoe club!
Because of the high turnover, it is a GREAT place to get experience. When the second licensed class after mine came through, I was the second most experienced licensed operator on my shift and provided much of the OJT for that class. In comparison, I went to St. Lucie for an outage and only 1 person in the entire Work Control Center was in their assigned position on nights for the first time in an outage! In certain circumstances, that would be ten times the experience!
I have friends at Turkey Point, and I don't want them to suffer because someone comes in for 18 months and leaves them even more short-handed. On the other hand, the Assistant Ops Supervisor (currently the Site VP) interviewed me and told me plainly it was understandable if someone came there with intentions of going to St. Lucie in ten years.
You will have to commute at least ten miles one way, but some choose to commute from Key Largo (and more distant Monroe County Keys) for 40 miles one way or Broward County for 55 miles one way. Quite a few choose Kendall, because it isn't Homestead and is only about 25 miles away. I remember in my interview being shown the 10-mile and 50-mile Emergency Planning Zone Maps and getting guidance on where to live and where not to live.
It isn't a surprise to Turkey Point management that they have to struggle with the area & perceptions of the area. Many employees, however, love the lifestyle of waterfront living in Key Largo and the Margaritaville atmosphere it provides. I don't fish, drink, or boat, and I also didn't stay. Tell my friends Hi if you go down there.