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Offline ChiefRocscooter

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Ok I am in and want to thank everyone!
« on: Jan 26, 2007, 02:35 »
OK I have been some what absent from the board lately but I am now ready to return and thank everyone who helped me with advise (and other important things as well, BZ M1 and others)

I today recveived my officaial package in the mail with my Nuclear Equipment Technician offer in it!!!!! :) :) I am excited to start!!  (I know some of you old timers may find it corney but after twenty-three years in the canoe club I feel almost as excited as I was when I joined the Nav)

I have not been on much lately as I have all but finished up getting ready to retire but  getting ready to sell my house and relocate has taken more time than I would like.

While I will not go into detail here let me say that with luck, help, a good attitude, and a little help I was able to get the job I wanted with the company I wanted at the site I wanted!  All I can say is thanks and gee AINT AMERICA GREAT!!!


« Last Edit: Jan 26, 2007, 02:41 by Marlin »
Being adept at being adaptable I look forward to every new challenge!


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Re: Ok I am in and want to thank everyone!
« Reply #1 on: Jan 26, 2007, 05:47 »
Congrats....and thanks for your years of service!! Hope the job is all you want it to be!

Hope my sons have the same attitude when they get out.


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Re: Ok I am in and want to thank everyone!
« Reply #2 on: Jan 27, 2007, 02:15 »
Dude I got your PM. Yes we're gonna get together for some beers AND ribs! I;m glad you got the job at the location you had hoped for. You give me too much credit, all I did was give some friendly advice and shoot the shit with ya on the phone for 2 hours. :) Congrats, the Commercial industry is awesome and getting better.

Jason how is your search going?


Offline Roll Tide

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Re: Ok I am in and want to thank everyone!
« Reply #3 on: Feb 15, 2007, 10:34 »
If I have pointed anyone in the right direction, I am very pleased. BUT I didn't type the resume or conduct the interview that really got the position. Congratulations!
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Re: Ok I am in and want to thank everyone!
« Reply #4 on: Feb 15, 2007, 10:39 »

Tell Eric I said Hello.  He's one funny dude and I think you'll enjoy working with him.  Good luck in Civilian Nuclear Power and let me know how quals are going.


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