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Author Topic: Idaho National Lab (INEL)  (Read 269236 times)

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Re: INEL (Idaho Falls)
« Reply #75 on: Feb 16, 2006, 09:15 »
For all you folks out there looking at INL think twice.  CH2M/WG is currrently pressuring existing contractor to take house jobs or possibly not having jobs.  They just posted 30 new house jobs.  The word is that Per Diem is going away beginning April 1st so you could be facing a dillema on what to do if you go west to Idaho.


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Going to INL
« Reply #76 on: Feb 21, 2006, 09:15 »
 For those of you that have been inquiring about going to INL you've probably encountered the same conflicting and confusing information that I did. Having just arrived at INL I think I can clear up some things. Bartlett, Marcom and EG&G are the three RCT subcontractors onsite. However, all three companies contracts expire on March 31st. No announcement has yet to be made if one, two or all three companies
contracts will be renewed. If any one of the companies tells you that they are going to have the new contract or they know that one of the other companies will not be renewed, they are, shall we say, not being truthful. Not that a rent a tech company would ever lie to a tech. The hiring process works like this. The first company to submit a tech gets the position. A lot of people are submiting with all three companies at once.
What can and does happen is this. You may really want to work for Bartlett but Marcom submitted you first so you'll have to come in with Marcom. Your best bet is to
call all three companies, make your best deal then have them submit you. Right now the pay is approximately $30.00hr and $86.00 a day. Each company has different benefits with EG&G having the best followed by Marcom then Bartlett with very little. When the new contract(s) are issued April 1st the rates and per diem will change but because the new contracts are'nt out yet no one knows for sure what they will be. Again, if someone tells you otherwise we're back to that truthfulness issue. The "RUMOR" is per diem will be $99.00 a day with receipts for sixty days then reduced to $45.00 a day for ten months and no per diem after that. For the techs that have already been here over a year we hear that per diem will be history. The bottom line is NO ONE knows for sure until the new contract(s) are issued so keep watching for an update.

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Re: Going to INL
« Reply #77 on: Feb 21, 2006, 10:22 »
Just curious, any rumor on whether the six month commitment requirement will go away?  With per diem being done like that, plus a six month commitment, going back to INL will be looking pretty slim.  It's a shame, a lot of great guys/gals up there.


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Re: Going to INL
« Reply #78 on: Feb 21, 2006, 12:05 »
 Yes they will be asking for a commitment but they may use phrases like "until project completion" or "when released by the RadCon Manager". There is a rumor of completion bonuses in the new contract(s). Your'e right about one thing. What's happening here is a shame. Come April first this could be a sad place indeed.


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Re: Going to INL
« Reply #79 on: Feb 21, 2006, 12:33 »
Yes madhatter, your info is correct about new contracts.  The word is that EE&G is on their way out, That info came from the EG&G office where thay dont have a warm and fuzzy about their chances.  The PD issue is still being tossed around.  CWI contracts folks dont like having to pay any PD.  Companies like Eberline and possibly SEC submitted bids to pay no PD at all.  To my knowledge no contract award announcements have been made to date so thare are still many variablesthat could happen. 

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Re: INEL (Idaho Falls)
« Reply #80 on: Feb 21, 2006, 01:36 »
I have not heard of any 6mo. commitment.As far as PER DIEM yes it is goinig to change but no one I talk to Mamagement or techs knows what the changeswill beand whan its going to happen.As far as ppper diem going after one year that has been standard At DOE sites and Power plants. I know there has been a push to convenenience road techs to take house jobs at INL,but this site will always need road techs as I don't think the main contractor well be able to support all the work with techs if they make drastic changes to the Per diem without raising the wages.
As far as companies, MARCOM is a top notch to work for more personal and they care about you and do extra things for straight with them and they will be with you.             Nukems.


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Re: INEL (Idaho Falls)
« Reply #81 on: Feb 21, 2006, 03:01 »
What is a Mamagement? Is that a Manager experienced in performing Mammograms.
Before you blow your horn touting Marcom check around. There are plenty of unhappy
current and ex Marcom employees around. Just another rent a tech company. 
« Last Edit: Feb 21, 2006, 03:22 by madhatter »


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Re: INEL (Idaho Falls)
« Reply #82 on: Feb 21, 2006, 06:38 »
Amen to that madhatter!

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Re: INEL (Idaho Falls)
« Reply #83 on: Feb 21, 2006, 08:13 »
Main advantage to Marcom when I was up there was that paychecks were never held up because SLC was snowed in.  Other than that, each of the contract companies had its pro and cons, but in the end, all pretty much equal depending on your personal taste.  As for the 6 month commitment, it was, at least for 2004 and 2005 a standard requirement, break it and you probably wouldn't go back to INL any time soon.  And nukems, if you work for Marcom and if the site coordinator/project manager for Marcom hasn't changed since I left last year, I am almost certain you are one of his personal favorites.


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Re: INEL (Idaho Falls)
« Reply #84 on: Feb 24, 2006, 08:35 »
Any cheap place to live up there?


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Re: INEL (Idaho Falls)
« Reply #85 on: Feb 24, 2006, 12:42 »

         What's the scoop on traveling to and from work there??? Do you have to be bussed in or can you drive your own vehicle? Also how close to the site can you find good housing???
     Any info will be appreciated...


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Re: INEL (Idaho Falls)
« Reply #86 on: Feb 24, 2006, 01:34 »
I'm working as an engineer so the details are provided on my contract. Thanks for the housing info.


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Re: INEL (Idaho Falls)
« Reply #87 on: Feb 24, 2006, 02:30 »
 You can take a bus or drive your own vehicle. Arco is the closest town to the site. I have'nt been there yet but I know that some of the techs are staying there. I believe it's a very small town.

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Re: INEL (Idaho Falls)
« Reply #88 on: Mar 04, 2006, 12:54 »
When CWI asks for resumes to fill RCT positions Bartlett and EG&G  do a 'Resume dump', basically giving them the whole database. Marcom actually calls people and gets their permission to submitt their resume--Hence the Emails. Even then you have a choice of which company to go with after you are approved. or if you are not satisfied with your company you can switch to another. I've  seen many people do it.

as far as the contracts go, nothing is official, everyone is going by expectation and rumor, but something should be announced this month
« Last Edit: Mar 04, 2006, 11:24 by Smart People »
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Re: INEL (Idaho Falls)
« Reply #89 on: Mar 07, 2006, 10:53 »
Hey Smart People,  Bartlet always does a resume dump for all of there jobs!  That is why contract techs have a rep for not being reliable when it comes to showing up for jobs.  MarCom is a reltively new company and has to advertise and make calls, EG&G is not a true rent-a-tech company and has to do the same thing as MarCom.  MarCom is not the only game in town.
« Last Edit: Mar 07, 2006, 11:46 by Nuclear NASCAR »

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Re: INEL (Idaho Falls)
« Reply #90 on: Mar 07, 2006, 08:11 »
Exactly true Handyman. Marcom is not the only game in town. i'm grateful that i have a choice. and it goes without saying, you can't please everyone.

i recently heard the contract has been extended for probably a couple months. so no changes soon to come.
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Re: INEL (Idaho Falls)
« Reply #91 on: Mar 07, 2006, 11:42 »
Yes,  the current contracts for all three companies have been extended until the end of May.  NO COMMERCIAL JOBS TO GO TO THEN!!  Limited options for techs when PD policies change.  Also was told CWI posted 20 more house jobs for a total of 50 postings.  Not good for contract techs.

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Re: INEL (Idaho Falls)
« Reply #92 on: Mar 08, 2006, 07:39 »
Yep things will probably not work in our favor in the next couple months. i see the writing on the wall and am doing my best to prepare for that eventuallity (i.e. saving money, training etc.)

hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
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Think twice and say nothing..Chiun
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Re: INEL (Idaho Falls)
« Reply #93 on: Jun 28, 2006, 06:00 »
C,mon people with all the fun and games going on out here start yaking it up


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Re: INEL (Idaho Falls)
« Reply #94 on: Jun 28, 2006, 10:46 »
Your right DDD, it seems like with per diem going away in 60 days there would be a lot of activity on here. I guess, or at least hope, they are all on the jobs board. This could be interesting in the next few months. The commercial side should have no problems staffing the fall outages with all the techs that should be available from INL. I also hope these guys know if they stay, it will never get any better, leave and the per diem will come back. Its in their hands! As for myself, Oconee will give you about 60 to 70 days with PD, and INL a chance to see what it's like with no rct's.

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Re: INEL (Idaho Falls)
« Reply #95 on: Jun 29, 2006, 11:41 »
And for those that think that Idaho is a Mecca, 30 new house tech positions just opened up.

Brings back memories of last November, When the layoff papers included a house tech application. figuratively speaking of course.
« Last Edit: Jun 30, 2006, 09:07 by Smart People »
Blessed is the man who can laugh at himself--he will never cease to be amused
Think twice and say nothing..Chiun
I'm as big a fool as anyone..And bigger than most.. Odd Thomas


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Re: INEL (Idaho Falls)
« Reply #96 on: Jun 29, 2006, 09:03 »
Well today the word was put out that PD would stay as is until late August, and that was with just 7 or 8 RCT's putting in a written notice and alot more just a verbal. The 30 new house tech slots?? Well,that should be funny. I am sure a few of the locals with families will stay, and that is understandable, but that should probably just about do it. There has to be some changes made in this industry and why shouldn't it start in Idaho Falls. If they can get away with no pd here then whats to stop the rest of the industry from following there lead. Thanks to the ones that stood up, and to those that didn't you owe them lunch!


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Re: INEL (Idaho Falls)
« Reply #97 on: Jun 30, 2006, 03:26 »
I'm surprised they're not keeping diem until the end of Sept or Oct. That would lock people out of the fall outage season and keep most people there thru the winter when nobody in their right mind wants to head for Idaho (unless they're going skiing) and everybody has to pay for Christma.....oops, I mean Nondemoninationalsecularearly winterholiday (Happy Thatthing Y'all).


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Re: INEL (Idaho Falls)
« Reply #98 on: Jul 01, 2006, 06:09 »
Idaho...That is a State...Right?

Obviously the Prime Contractor, or house as they call themselves, have the need for greed!  I'm sure the cost cutting excuses are due to government funding reductions.  I'd even bet the higher ups are taking a reduction in salaries and perks.....RIGHT! 

Hats off to the ones who said NO


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Re: INEL (Idaho Falls)
« Reply #99 on: Jul 02, 2006, 02:51 »
And for those that think that Idaho is a Mecca, 30 new house tech positions just opened up.

Just curious...I was looking (for electronics jobs) on CWI's website and didn't notice any RCT jobs listed... ???
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