its a CY thang i think.... denial of the fact that SS fuel clading was a big boondoggle - thats a Westinghouse/Cy thang..
surely that is still not going around.. anybody would know to look at the gamma spect, do some delay/decay counting, look at the part 61 analysis and go from there..
Its one thing to snow job the techs, its another to snow job your offsite disposal facility. Historically, all those companies that had PB Beta had fuel "stuff" identified in their part 61 analysis. So, why was the connection not made?? Denial, keep it quiet, avoid MPC calculations (predac), speed up sample count times, lower respiratory requirements- lots of financial incentive to invent PB Beta. A feather curve would tell you a lot of things.....
then there is the "bowled over gamma" invented by .........