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BMST (Basic Math and Science) Test
« on: Jan 02, 2008, 05:05 »
Not only do I have to take the POSS test, but also the BMST.
I've seen lots of good advice/links for the POSS. Any of the same
for the Basic Math and Science Test???
« Last Edit: Nov 02, 2013, 09:09 by Rennhack »


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« Reply #1 on: Jan 11, 2008, 03:05 »
Hope its not too late... but figure out how to work trig tables, look at radians, quadratic equations, simultaneous linear equations, basic geometric shape calculations (areas, volumes), a car leaves going west at 10 mps, another car leaves 2 hours later at 20mph how long until it catches up type of questions, print reading, exponents, other trigonometry like right triangles and Pythagoreans theorem, etc. Practice you long division and multiplication. They are also going to ask basic definitions like WHAT DOES THE TERM REDUCTION MEAN IN REGARDS TO CHEMISTRY? A BETA HAS THE SAME MASS AS WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING? Etc etc etc. The best thing you can do to prepare is get in the mind set of not spending too much time on something you don't know. If you don't immediately know how to go for the solution, move on. You will more than likely use every second available since its all done by hand. It is pretty basic, but since they used a calculator/computer to make it, and you don't get to use one, working them out by hand take a good chunk of time. Time management is key on this exam.

Good luck!



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« Reply #2 on: Mar 23, 2008, 10:18 »
Took this jewel of a test from Exelon recently, pm me if you need info.


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« Reply #3 on: Jun 29, 2008, 08:48 »
I'm going to be taking the BMST exam for Exelon next week, and I can't find a single practice test out there.  >:( I've read the others post on this site, and I have a general idea of the areas the exam covers, but can anyone else point me in the direction of study material or sites when I can do some review? Thanks in advance.

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Re: Exelon BMST
« Reply #4 on: Jun 29, 2008, 10:15 »
What job are you testing for?

Bone up on calculating radians/degrees of a circle and using trig tables.,12937.0.html
« Last Edit: Jun 29, 2008, 10:16 by Jason K »


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Re: Exelon BMST
« Reply #5 on: Jun 29, 2008, 12:22 »
It's an Equipment Operator. I am doing that same job just with a different company. Thanks for the info.


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Re: Exelon BMST
« Reply #6 on: Jun 29, 2008, 12:57 »
That's one of the post that I read, but it just seems too vague and open. It's telling me to pretty much relearn everything in High School, all the Navy training, and my current jobs training. I wish there was just a 90 question practice test out there that I could use to study from. I know there is for the POSS and GFEs, why not BMST?    :-\

Offline Smooth Operator

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Re: Exelon BMST
« Reply #7 on: Jun 29, 2008, 01:07 »
The BMST practice test should have been sent to you by your Exelon recruiter. I know the BMST is a privately owned exam developed by an HR services company, HST I think, so you more than likely won't find anything publically available.

I am an EO for Exelon.

PM me if you have any specific questions.

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Re: Exelon BMST
« Reply #8 on: Jun 29, 2008, 01:39 »
It's telling me to pretty much relearn everything in High School, all the Navy training, and my current jobs training. I wish there was just a 90 question practice test out there that I could use to study from.    :-\

Honestly, wouldn't the test questions come from the training and education you just cited?


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Re: Exelon BMST
« Reply #9 on: Jun 29, 2008, 01:40 »
The practice test that they sent me was 8 questions long. Not very good seeing how it's a 90 question test. How long have you been with Exelon?


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Re: Exelon BMST
« Reply #10 on: Jun 29, 2008, 01:43 »
Thats 10 years of training and education. I'm just nervous that I'll mess up this test, and I really want to move to the Chicagoland Area. If that's the case, I need to get with Exelon, which means whatever help I can get on this test, I'm taking.

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Re: Exelon BMST
« Reply #11 on: Jun 29, 2008, 03:57 »
Ahh yeah, the practice test did suck. I winged it instead and relied on my nukeness to pull it out.

Specific things I remember:

Solving simultaneous equations, volumetric calculations (Sphere, cylinder, etc), two trains..., coverting degrees to radians or something such, trig tables, sine, cosine, tan

I work at LGS.


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Re: Exelon BMST
« Reply #12 on: Jun 29, 2008, 04:02 »
Thanks. I'm really not looking forward to taking this test. Or studying for it as a matter of fact. I just don't know where to begin.   :(


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Exelon BMST Section Questions
« Reply #13 on: Nov 03, 2008, 03:42 »
I am going to take the BMST in 3 days, and I'm wondering what kind of questions there are in the different areas..

There are 5 different math areas and 4 different science areas, and they are:

Spacial Relations
Basic Numbers

Nuclear Science
Electrical Science

There were some examples on the practice test they gave me, but it wasn't enough to really study off of, if anybody has anything more specific they could give me to study, or some web sites that I could go to, that'd really help.

Thanks! :)

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Re: Exelon BMST Section Questions
« Reply #14 on: Nov 03, 2008, 04:14 »,250.0.html

These are the first two places I'd look.  You might also do a google search on Basic Math & Science test.  If you do a search on Spacial relations it will come up Spatial relations.

Best of luck with the test.

"There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge."

  -Bertrand Russell


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Re: Exelon BMST Section Questions
« Reply #15 on: Nov 03, 2008, 06:37 »
Look at gradients and long division... by hand. :)



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Re: Exelon BMST Section Questions
« Reply #16 on: Jan 06, 2009, 08:30 »
I am late to post here... but maybe for future searchers this will be helpful.
I took and passed the BMST with Exelon, I have a B.S. and know science material very well. The two topics I found difficult were circuitry symbols, and I couldn't for the life of me remember how to convert degrees to radians or radians to degrees (there were a number of these on the exam). The rest was pretty common science and math that I hadn't seen since high school (very basic chemistry and physics) The physics is more like the mechanical comprehension related questions in the POSS. Hope this helps someone. Feel freet to PM me if you want further details. On a side note, I did not even know there was a study guide or material for this exam... HR has been pretty bad with giving me the proper information regarding the exams and I have to retake the POSS (supposedly next week but I have yet to hear from HR).

How did your exam go and the rest of the testing? Best of luck and hope it went well


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« Reply #17 on: Jun 01, 2009, 06:26 »
2*Pi radians in a circle
360 degrees in a circle

If you're not asked to deal with minutes or seconds, best to use 57.29 as degrees per radian.  You should be able to run numbers quickly with this shortcut.

If they ask a question with minutes or seconds, remember that a minute of arc is 1/60 of a degree and a second of arc is 1/60 of a minute.  For those without Navy experience, just remember your clock is based on arcs.


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Re: Exelon BMST Section Questions
« Reply #18 on: Jul 14, 2009, 01:01 »
Hi, I noticed some people had some recent posts on the BMST which were very helpful. I am scheduled to take it next week. Anyone that took it recently have any additional study advice to add?


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Re: Exelon BMST Section Questions
« Reply #19 on: Jul 19, 2009, 10:32 »
Same here I am scheduled to take it on the 28th and I was very dissatisfied with the study materials provided for the BMST.  I have recently taken Physics 2 as well as Algebra 2 so I'm hoping that will help with the test.  Has anyone recently taken the test that can offer some insight into the BMST?

Offline Madcat647

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Re: Exelon BMST Section Questions
« Reply #20 on: Dec 22, 2009, 02:58 »
I also took it last week, make sure to read the first page (instructions). For instance, it said that all the numeric progression problems involved the difference between the two numbers, which made it MUCH easier.  No geometric/ratio changes, no primes, etc.  The practice test did not say this, so seeing that instruction saved me alot of time during the test.



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Re: Exelon BMST Section Questions
« Reply #21 on: Jan 08, 2010, 07:22 »
I took the bmst this week after passing the poss. I thought the POSS was extremely easy, and I probably finished 2/3 of the bmst in under and hour, however-the rest of the test I skipped by and went back to took me forever. Does anyone know how they grade it? I get the feeling they weight this thing by all the additional questions they ask about your background, schooling, time line etc.... and the fact that they told us at the start that they would look at our mathwork we did in the test booklet itself to see if we were heading in the right direction.  I already interviewed and toured the plant, and the recruiter said everything they said was extremely positive. I am just not sure about the BMST. Any insight???


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« Reply #22 on: Jan 12, 2010, 06:33 »
Hey all,

I took the POSS and BMST last week. I passed the POSS, but they have not let me know about the BMST. Does anyone have any clue how it is graded? The examiner made reference to multiple things like if you had a degree, what math courses you had taken in college and when, whether you were ex-navy nuke. They also said to perform all work in the test booklet because they look at the work to see if you were on the right path-even if you may have come up with the right answer. You have to pass the POSS, but score satisfactorily on the BMST. What is the difference? They did say they would let us know by phone how we did- whether we were recommended or not. I was already interviewed for the position (EO) and taken on a plant tour and introduced to the workers. The recruiter said all the feedback from the interviews was extremely positive. Do they let you take the BMST again if you don't score high enough? Just a side note- I am ex-nuke, but that was 15 years ago (MM/ELT). I am a journeyman pipefitter (UAW) and hold several other licenses. Any info might be helpful. I really suspect I didn't score high enough- I finished  probably 2/3 of the BMST in under an hour, but took the last 2 hours going back to look over those problems and work on the ones I passed the 1st time around.

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Exelon POSS/BMST Results?
« Reply #23 on: Jan 15, 2010, 08:36 »

How long did it take you to get your results from the POSS/BMST?  If you pass both tests, what is the next step?  



I can answer my own question.

POSS: They will tell you after they are done processing the test (1 hour)

BMST:  They send it out to have the tests scored (3-5 days/Contact your recruiter for the results)

Interview: 1 or 2 weeks after passing both tests.  You will hear a decision after another 1 or 2 weeks (Contact your recruiter again)
« Last Edit: Aug 07, 2010, 10:22 by stig217 »

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Re: Exelon POSS/BMST Results?
« Reply #24 on: Jan 17, 2010, 12:24 »
Look Elseware
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