Actually, I appreciate Eric's Input, Candor and Retorts. Although it may seem that I'm pinging on him, that really isn't the case! In fact, when I deal with his company, he is one, of only two individual I will speak to in the office! I've dealt with him for umteen years, talked to him hundred of times and I can't think of any occassion he ever lied to me! Actually most of the discontent voiced towards him, is dealt by someone elses hand! He sells you the job, you show up and the local site representative treats you like a piece of dung! ( Not all sites, just a few )! Who gets the brunt of the blow, The Recruiter!
In all practicality, if things went south for Eric, or the other representative in the office, I'd ship them a resume no matter where they landed and probably go to work for that company, weighting on their reputation and input. Their are a couple of coordinators in the same boat, again, just a few! Loyalty, maybe, but I figure I'd get the straight scoop on an opportunity, the good, the bad and the ugly, before showing up!
I just realized, I may be Sucking Up!
Nay, I figure Eric still owe's me a couple of hundred beers, for being one of the many, who keeps his Butt Employed! Until he pays up, my agenda wont change!
Have a Great Day, RG!