As a 'seasoned" road tech, I must come to Bartlett's defense. Do problems happen? Sure they do. Even back in the days of ANEFCO, Rad Services, the original NUMANCO, Vikem, NSS, IRM,, problems have occured. They are always catastrophic to the individuals to whom they have occured.
I've worked for Bartlett (more "on" than "off") since 1984. Other than one outage where the Site Manager had no idea who I was or why I was there - although he did have an advance perdiem check for me - Bartlett has always delivered what I wanted and when I wanted it (within reason, of course). Virtually all problems I've had have been caused by faulty information between site managers - not the office. And, to be honest, those problems have been rather small.
So, Eric, kudos to you and your staff (even the ones I might disagree with from time to time). Thanks for keeping me employed at the sites I've requested (and a few that I just needed to keep that old paycheck flowing).
I get so tired of reading all the complaints, however justified they may be, leveled at Bartlett, that I felt you should hear from at least one satisfied customer . . . er, I mean "employee" . . . or whatever it is that I am when I'm getting a Bartlett paycheck every week.