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Re: Talk about Bartlett
« Reply #550 on: Jul 01, 2008, 11:49 »
Hey..add me in Women Owned Biz will help with the contracts :-* :-*

Offline Dave Warren

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Re: Talk about Bartlett
« Reply #551 on: Jul 01, 2008, 12:02 »
Hey..add me in Women Owned Biz will help with the contracts :-* :-*
We have NJ for the female.
I am the disabled Vet.
We need some minorities and Indians and we are in there.

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Re: Talk about Bartlett
« Reply #552 on: Jul 01, 2008, 12:08 »
Dave..Is that "THE END OF AN ERROR"?  Count me in! :-* :-*
« Last Edit: Jul 01, 2008, 12:10 by NJ »

Offline Phurst

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Re: Talk about Bartlett
« Reply #553 on: Jul 01, 2008, 12:19 »
We have NJ for the female.
I am the disabled Vet.
We need some minorities and Indians and we are in there.
Can I be the senior citizen? Plus I'm a single white male, the new minority!
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Re: Talk about Bartlett
« Reply #554 on: Jul 01, 2008, 12:33 »
What's the going price, Mike?
You and me, 50/50, Troja will answer phones for us and serve coffee.

You can't afford me. Besides, I am retiring as soon as the inheritance check comes in.
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Offline Dave Warren

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Re: Talk about Bartlett
« Reply #555 on: Jul 01, 2008, 12:33 »
Dave..Is that "THE END OF AN ERROR"?  Count me in! :-* :-*

Allright, we got NJ, DaveWarren, PHurst and Rennhack.
Marssim wont do it unless we go 51/49.
Troja costs too much.
« Last Edit: Jul 01, 2008, 12:36 by DaveWarren »

Offline Lorrie Henson

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Re: Talk about Bartlett
« Reply #556 on: Jul 01, 2008, 12:42 »
Thanks for the actual input regarding my question for BARTLETT.  I'll check out the companies you indicated, Mike.

Offline Rennhack

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Re: Talk about Bartlett
« Reply #557 on: Jul 01, 2008, 03:19 »
Allright, we got NJ, DaveWarren, PHurst and Rennhack.
Marssim wont do it unless we go 51/49.
Troja costs too much.

I never said I was in.  Running a company sounds like too much work. ;)

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Re: Talk about Bartlett
« Reply #558 on: Jul 01, 2008, 03:38 »
change could be good..even for the home office! :P


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Re: Talk about Bartlett
« Reply #559 on: Aug 21, 2008, 03:57 »
You know, despite all the horror stories I've read here, I still really want to work for Bartlett. I'm on the back up list for Palo Verde currently. Anyone know how efficient that might be?


Offline Brett LaVigne

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Re: Talk about Bartlett
« Reply #560 on: Aug 21, 2008, 04:46 »
You know, despite all the horror stories I've read here, I still really want to work for Bartlett. I'm on the back up list for Palo Verde currently. Anyone know how efficient that might be?


Just not a lot of jobs this Fall, don't be discouraged, next year is going to be busy. And as far as working for Bartlett goes...I don't doubt that people have had bad experiences but I am not one of them. I would love the pay to be better and have some bene's but Bartlett seems to be just as good if not better than any of the other handfull of companies out there. They have more work available than the others and I just can't bring myself to be a Bartlett hater. Don't get me wrong, I think there is plenty that could be done better, but all in all they have treated me fairly.

Just an observation. Many of the people that I know that have had "horror" stories about Bartlett also are the ones that get pissed when Bartlett calls them about work (never understood that one), have a history of getting nasty with the recruiters on the phone, and have a generally negative outlook on the job and want to do nothing but moan about how they deserve better and that they have never worked for a worse utility than the one they are currently at. I for one, believe that it is appropriate to continue to push our employer for better managed contracts that lead us to a better living and some benefits. But in a respectfull manor. I am also gratefull that I get work throughout the year. If you are a traveling tech. and want to have enough work through the year to make a living at it, you are right to want to work for Bartlett.
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Offline HydroDave63

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Re: Talk about Bartlett
« Reply #561 on: Aug 21, 2008, 08:19 »
Not rumors, Bartlett is for sale.

Depending on which Sovereign Wealth fund decides to bid, we could see...

Offline nuclearpear

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Re: Talk about Bartlett
« Reply #562 on: Aug 22, 2008, 10:50 »
as a 6 year nuclear decon tech  and having only worked  for Bartlett,  still being concidered a Jr decon  pisses me off always told  you have 2 more months  but that is ok  i love the job...returnee to most plants that i go to   and they all see me as a sr  just with out the pay, one day i will make the sr pay too.    But the one thing that  ticks me off   is  those of us that have been faithful to Bartlett and not jumped ship to  Atlantic  or  Aerotech  seem to get the shaft in jobs....and the "newbies"  with  a year or 2 in  get the jobs that i was told as a newbie  i didn't have the quals or  time in  they wanted  the experience....i have that  now and  the newbies get the Job  can someone  explain this...maybe.....   just curious as to why the  playing field changed.  I have never gotten a bad  evaluation  coming out of an outage...can't be my reputatuion  or i wouldn't be a 6  time returnee to plants.   Thanks  if some one can answer this i would appreciate it.

Offline Eric_Bartlett

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Re: Talk about Bartlett
« Reply #563 on: Aug 22, 2008, 10:52 »
Depending on which Sovereign Wealth fund decides to bid, we could see...

Too funny! Kudos, that was good.
The opinions & views expressed by me are mine and mine alone and may not reflect those of the company.

Offline Eric_Bartlett

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Re: Talk about Bartlett
« Reply #564 on: Aug 22, 2008, 11:00 »
as a 6 year nuclear decon tech and having only worked for Bartlett, still being considered a Jr decon  pisses me off always told  you have 2 more months  but that is ok  i love the job...returnee to most plants that i go to   and they all see me as a sr  just with out the pay, one day i will make the sr pay too.    But the one thing that  ticks me off   is  those of us that have been faithful to Bartlett and not jumped ship to  Atlantic  or  Aerotech  seem to get the shaft in jobs....and the "newbies"  with  a year or 2 in  get the jobs that i was told as a newbie  i didn't have the quals or  time in  they wanted  the experience....i have that  now and  the newbies get the Job  can someone  explain this...maybe.....   just curious as to why the  playing field changed.  I have never gotten a bad  evaluation  coming out of an outage...can't be my reputatuion  or i wouldn't be a 6  time returnee to plants.   Thanks  if some one can answer this i would appreciate it.

I'm sorry you've had a rough time with us.  I could hypothesize all day on your situation, but with out knowing who you are I'd only be spinning my wheels.  Give me a call or drop me an email so i can look into your situation.  When you call yourself a six year nuclear decon tech is that because you have 6 yrs of "in-plant" time or because you've been doing this since 2002?  What jobs were you trying to get? These are the things I'd need to know in order to look into and hopefully rectify your situation.

The opinions & views expressed by me are mine and mine alone and may not reflect those of the company.

Offline Dave Warren

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Re: Talk about Bartlett
« Reply #565 on: Aug 22, 2008, 11:02 »
as a 6 year nuclear decon tech  and having only worked  for Bartlett,  still being concidered a Jr decon  pisses me off always told  you have 2 more months  but that is ok  i love the job...returnee to most plants that i go to   and they all see me as a sr  just with out the pay, one day i will make the sr pay too.    But the one thing that  ticks me off   is  those of us that have been faithful to Bartlett and not jumped ship to  Atlantic  or  Aerotech  seem to get the shaft in jobs....and the "newbies"  with  a year or 2 in  get the jobs that i was told as a newbie  i didn't have the quals or  time in  they wanted  the experience....i have that  now and  the newbies get the Job  can someone  explain this...maybe.....   just curious as to why the  playing field changed.  I have never gotten a bad  evaluation  coming out of an outage...can't be my reputatuion  or i wouldn't be a 6  time returnee to plants.   Thanks  if some one can answer this i would appreciate it.

Well, I called Tom Hanks to get the Da Vinci Code to help me decipher this mess you typed. He referred to me an Egyptian hieroglyphics expert and here goes:

Whoever is your "Boss" will tell you to do a good job for a couple more months and we'll promote you. They will continue to tell you that as long as you continue to believe it. As long as the company can pay you a lower rate of pay, plus get a higher quality of work from you. That sounds like a good business practice to me. Of course, you don't get anything but pissed off. Take a stand, speak up, and say "Hey, what about me?".

Sometimes when you get the utility to grant your return to a plant, you are considered an "in the middle" employee. This means that you get to work on-time, you don't call in, you do your job and they are happy with you. You don't excel above your peers, but you aren't gonna hurt the staffing numbers by being a no-load.

Your issues lie with the Bartlett home office or the Bartlett Supervision at the site you work at. If you are the model employee that you portray, then you are losing out on some primo cash and you should start talking.

Offline nuclearpear

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Re: Talk about Bartlett
« Reply #566 on: Aug 22, 2008, 11:14 »
Eric we have discussed this   and you have helped me   you gave me  2 months time  that no one else counted  a Harris outage and a Calvert Cliffs one.  My first outage was  in the fall of  03  at Peachbottom and haven't missed one there since then....have been faithful to the Excelon system  except for Oyster Creek,(and I will work at McDonalds before i go back there)  but have tried  for  3 outages  to get into clinton was always told  they only take Srs.   I know for a fact  4 or 5 people that were there this past spring with  2 yrs less than me  maybe even 3 yrs less.  and  this may help you  we share the same last name but we aren't related.  I have done  5 Peach outages  going back a 6th time next week, 4 Limerick  and 2 TMI....but can't get into clinton....i can't figure it out why maybe it isn't for me to know...but when i was always told lack of experience  then i see people with  less time  alot less time  don'tesn't sit well.

Offline Rennhack

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Re: Talk about Bartlett
« Reply #567 on: Aug 22, 2008, 11:26 »
Eric we have discussed this   and you have helped me   you gave me  2 months time  that no one else counted  a Harris outage and a Calvert Cliffs one.  My first outage was  in the fall of  03  at Peachbottom and haven't missed one there since then....have been faithful to the Excelon system  except for Oyster Creek,(and I will work at McDonalds before i go back there)  but have tried  for  3 outages  to get into clinton was always told  they only take Srs.   I know for a fact  4 or 5 people that were there this past spring with  2 yrs less than me  maybe even 3 yrs less.  and  this may help you  we share the same last name but we aren't related.  I have done  5 Peach outages  going back a 6th time next week, 4 Limerick  and 2 TMI....but can't get into clinton....i can't figure it out why maybe it isn't for me to know...but when i was always told lack of experience  then i see people with  less time  alot less time  don'tesn't sit well.

If you have been in the biz since 2003, that dosent mean you have 5 (or 6) years of experience.  It means that you have been doing this for 5 (or 6) years.  You have worked outages only, so you probably have less than 2 years of 'experience'.  The other person that got the job you wanted might have only been in the buisness since 2005, but they may have had the same job since then, giving them THREE actual years of 'experience'.  You don't get 'experience' credt for sitting on the couch at home.  If we did... I'd have 37 years of experience instead of 12 or 19 or whatever I have on the books.

Another option... the 'other' person might be related to some one more important... or people might not like you as much as you think.

(let the hate mail and smiting begin)

Offline nuclearpear

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Re: Talk about Bartlett
« Reply #568 on: Aug 22, 2008, 12:06 »
I got confused, I saw the avatar, and that it was YOU DW.... I knew hydro dave could do it.  I think it's false advertising - him having YOUR picture as his avatar.
The other person that got the job you wanted might have only been in the buisness since 2005, but they may have had the same job since then, giving them THREE actual years of 'experience'

that is it  they have only done outages also  i do realize the  time frame  is only actual work time  not the time i sit at home with my grandbabies

Offline Brett LaVigne

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Re: Talk about Bartlett
« Reply #569 on: Aug 22, 2008, 12:08 »
If you have been in the biz since 2003, that dosent mean you have 5 (or 6) years of experience.  It means that you have been doing this for 5 (or 6) years.  You have worked outages only, so you probably have less than 2 years of 'experience'.  The other person that got the job you wanted might have only been in the buisness since 2005, but they may have had the same job since then, giving them THREE actual years of 'experience'.  You don't get 'experience' credt for sitting on the couch at home.  If we did... I'd have 37 years of experience instead of 12 or 19 or whatever I have on the books.

Another option... the 'other' person might be related to some one more important... or people might not like you as much as you think.

(let the hate mail and smiting begin)

You hit it on the head. I was one of the lucky ones to start in a shipyard in 90, leave 2 years later as a 18.1 and make my first 3.1 job by 1994'ish. Time on the job is different than just time in the biz. And...I have said it a million times, like it or not, networking is king. Not only in the nuclear business is it important to get to know people, but it is true in any business. In my other life (1999 - 2005) I worked my way from a back shift production supervisor up to a plant manager then to a regional sales and marketing executive with a large advertising company. Not because I had the Masters degree that they wanted but because I was persistant and networked my A@@ off. Oh ya...then they canned me in a corporate restructure :) It is just the way of the world. Now I R A HP again...thank goodness cause that ride sucked!
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Re: Talk about Bartlett
« Reply #570 on: Aug 23, 2008, 08:04 »
All those peco outages sorry about that and they are real short too.
As for getting into clinton you better walk on water to get into there and you have to work those comed plants too,and last time I knew they didnt take deconners.
That is the highest paid plant for you to work besides Diablo.
So you better have been in this since they pulled the rods on the sun or have some comprimising photos of someone high up at the plant.
Good luck my friend in the future.
Eric we have discussed this   and you have helped me   you gave me  2 months time  that no one else counted  a Harris outage and a Calvert Cliffs one.  My first outage was  in the fall of  03  at Peachbottom and haven't missed one there since then....have been faithful to the Excelon system  except for Oyster Creek,(and I will work at McDonalds before i go back there)  but have tried  for  3 outages  to get into clinton was always told  they only take Srs.   I know for a fact  4 or 5 people that were there this past spring with  2 yrs less than me  maybe even 3 yrs less.  and  this may help you  we share the same last name but we aren't related.  I have done  5 Peach outages  going back a 6th time next week, 4 Limerick  and 2 TMI....but can't get into clinton....i can't figure it out why maybe it isn't for me to know...but when i was always told lack of experience  then i see people with  less time  alot less time  don'tesn't sit well.
« Last Edit: Aug 23, 2008, 08:06 by RadBastard »


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Re: Talk about Bartlett
« Reply #571 on: Aug 24, 2008, 10:07 »
as a 6 year nuclear decon tech  and having only worked  for Bartlett,  still being concidered a Jr decon  pisses me off always told  you have 2 more months  but that is ok  i love the job...returnee to most plants that i go to   and they all see me as a sr  just with out the pay, one day i will make the sr pay too.    But the one thing that  ticks me off   is  those of us that have been faithful to Bartlett and not jumped ship to  Atlantic  or  Aerotech  seem to get the shaft in jobs....and the "newbies"  with  a year or 2 in  get the jobs that i was told as a newbie  i didn't have the quals or  time in  they wanted  the experience....i have that  now and  the newbies get the Job  can someone  explain this...maybe.....   just curious as to why the  playing field changed.  I have never gotten a bad  evaluation  coming out of an outage...can't be my reputatuion  or i wouldn't be a 6  time returnee to plants.   Thanks  if some one can answer this i would appreciate it.

This September, I will have been in the business for 28 years. I have been there and done that, and got so many t-shirts(really) I can't even remember unless I review my 14 page resume. I still have to fight my way into jobs, this past spring, I couldn't get back into Oconee, despite being a returnee, and having an "A" evaluation there and all evals since leaving Oconee. I couldn't even get into VC Summer when my Coordinator(s) at DC Cook, could not make it to Summer and recommended me to office and Summer. It's always the same run around, " No reply yet from Utility, call back (insert day of week)", you call back on that day, you get response A.) "Still no word, call back again (Insert day of week)", or B.) "That job has been staffed." SAY WHAT!

I had to laugh last year, one of the Regional Managers made the statement, "I've been busy keeping our "A" techs in work and happy" after the meeting I asked what his definition of an "A" tech was and I was told a tech who has an overall score of "A" on their avaluations." I told him, "Well, I haven't heard from you, and I'm an "A" tech." He stuttered and then asked for my name, I have continued to be an "A" tech, but still have yet to here from him. Then a different Regional Manager came to Calvert Cliffs this past Spring and told us all, "If your having any problems, let us know, that's what we're here for." I let him know the situation, then called him back as he asked, then called again to make sure he had gotten the message.  Still no call, still having to fight for work, Couldn't get in Oconee, because everyone who was there this Spring is returning. Haven't heard about Brownsferry, or Dresden. Those have changed from, "We'll send your resume, call back on Monday (several weeks ago)", to "Well, we are waiting for returnees to fill in then we will submit more resumes after that." ?????

Did you send my resume or not! and what happened to keeping "A" techs happy? I GUESS IT'S A GOOD THING I DON'T TREAT THE CUSTOMER THE SAME WAY THE OFFICE TREATS THE TECHS....

Offline biloxoi blues

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Re: Talk about Bartlett
« Reply #572 on: Aug 24, 2008, 10:46 »
Take it from me, if your working at Calvert Cliffs your not an "A" tech.  I've worked there many of times, and I know my real ranking.  By the way, does anyone have the scoop on what happen to the regional cordinator of Brunswick, Harris, and that region?
« Last Edit: Aug 24, 2008, 06:08 by biloxoi blues »

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Re: Talk about Bartlett
« Reply #573 on: Aug 24, 2008, 01:19 »
What I heard through the grapevine is Progress Energy had accounting irregularities, and like at all large companies, heads will roll.  I also heard that he wasn't the only one let go.  But that is just what I heard, nothing official.
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Re: Talk about Bartlett
« Reply #574 on: Aug 24, 2008, 02:27 »

Bartlett has the HP contract for the upcoming outage at Point Beach if I'm not mistaken. Who's the Site Coordinator going to be?



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