as a 6 year nuclear decon tech and having only worked for Bartlett, still being concidered a Jr decon pisses me off always told you have 2 more months but that is ok i love the job...returnee to most plants that i go to and they all see me as a sr just with out the pay, one day i will make the sr pay too. But the one thing that ticks me off is those of us that have been faithful to Bartlett and not jumped ship to Atlantic or Aerotech seem to get the shaft in jobs....and the "newbies" with a year or 2 in get the jobs that i was told as a newbie i didn't have the quals or time in they wanted the experience....i have that now and the newbies get the Job can someone explain this...maybe..... just curious as to why the playing field changed. I have never gotten a bad evaluation coming out of an outage...can't be my reputatuion or i wouldn't be a 6 time returnee to plants. Thanks if some one can answer this i would appreciate it.
This September, I will have been in the business for 28 years. I have been there and done that, and got so many t-shirts(really) I can't even remember unless I review my 14 page resume. I still have to fight my way into jobs, this past spring, I couldn't get back into Oconee, despite being a returnee, and having an "A" evaluation there and all evals since leaving Oconee. I couldn't even get into VC Summer when my Coordinator(s) at DC Cook, could not make it to Summer and recommended me to office and Summer. It's always the same run around, " No reply yet from Utility, call back (insert day of week)", you call back on that day, you get response A.) "Still no word, call back again (Insert day of week)", or B.) "That job has been staffed." SAY WHAT!
I had to laugh last year, one of the Regional Managers made the statement, "I've been busy keeping our "A" techs in work and happy" after the meeting I asked what his definition of an "A" tech was and I was told a tech who has an overall score of "A" on their avaluations." I told him, "Well, I haven't heard from you, and I'm an "A" tech." He stuttered and then asked for my name, I have continued to be an "A" tech, but still have yet to here from him. Then a different Regional Manager came to Calvert Cliffs this past Spring and told us all, "If your having any problems, let us know, that's what we're here for." I let him know the situation, then called him back as he asked, then called again to make sure he had gotten the message. Still no call, still having to fight for work, Couldn't get in Oconee, because everyone who was there this Spring is returning. Haven't heard about Brownsferry, or Dresden. Those have changed from, "We'll send your resume, call back on Monday (several weeks ago)", to "Well, we are waiting for returnees to fill in then we will submit more resumes after that."

Did you send my resume or not! and what happened to keeping "A" techs happy? I GUESS IT'S A GOOD THING I DON'T TREAT THE CUSTOMER THE SAME WAY THE OFFICE TREATS THE TECHS....