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Author Topic: Type B packaging  (Read 17661 times)

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Type B packaging
« on: Jan 14, 2008, 07:04 »
Has anyone heard about the Type B packaging standard changing in the upcoming year? Someone mentioned it to me, but I cant seem to find anything on the internet.

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Re: Type B packaging
« Reply #1 on: Jan 14, 2008, 07:41 »
A lot of Older TYPE B PACKAGINGS will no longer be usable after Oct.2008. See ref. below.

                       Subpart C_General Licenses
Sec.  71.19  Previously approved package.

    (a) A Type B package previously approved by NRC, but not designated
as B(U), B(M), B(U)F, or B(M)F in the identification number of the NRC
CoC, or Type AF packages approved by the NRC prior to September 6, 1983,
may be used under the general license of Sec.  71.17 with the following
additional conditions:
    (1) Fabrication of the packaging was satisfactorily completed by
August 31, 1986, as demonstrated by application of its model number in
accordance with Sec.  71.85(c);
    (2) A serial number that uniquely identifies each packaging which
conforms to the approved design is assigned to, and legibly and durably
marked on, the outside of each packaging; and
    (3) Paragraph (a) of this section expires October 1, 2008.[/b]
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Re: Type B packaging
« Reply #2 on: Jan 14, 2008, 01:04 »


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Re: Type B packaging
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2008, 10:27 »
What do you ship that makes you concerned?


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