Mr. La Vigne,
I hate to turn you into a Stat-Rat, but do you have any information reguarding the Direct Hire's, on the following issues?
1. Percentage of Returnee's.
2. Collective and Average Experience level of the Temporary Direct Hires.
3. Number of Formally Technically Trained Individuals, (Utility Sponsored, Technical School, Military, etc.).
4. Number of RRPT's in the Technician population.
5. Number of Degree holders in the population.
6. Weekly Average of Absenteeism.
7. Weekly Average of Tardiness.
8. Number of Juniors & 18.1's. vs. 3.1 Seniors, (if any).
9. Skill related program discrepancies, (Postings, Meter Issues, etc.).
10. Associated Health Physics Department issues related to influencing the outage schedule.
11. Site ALARA Goal to Date.
12. Number of Per-Con's to date.
13. Relationship between the Temporary Direct Hires and the Site Staff.
Last, but not least, any feedback from the Utilities Management on the continuing success of the program?
If you have the time, RG!
1. Returnee's, near 100% for normal outages.
2. Many of the normal techs here for average refuel outages have been here 10+ times and a good deal 15+ Diablo outages.
3. Don't know.
4. Not sure, plenty that have been in the past but many believe that it doesn't carry the weight it once did.
5. Lots of ex-navy, not sure about higher education.
6. We got hit with the outage crud pretty hard. During the last refuel outage I don't remember anyone missing a day.
7. Just doesn't seem to happen other than planned tardiness or some unforeseen problem, who wants to give up the $$? Here it matters.
8. We have a handfull of Jr. techs (maybe 5/shift) this time and a handfull of Sr. techs that work with the decon group. Normally no Jr.'s. They are paid nearly what the Sr.'s are paid.
9. ?
10. We try not to hold up work however, we did hold up the outage 24 hours for crudburst because it was the right thing to do and, I have noticed that HP has a bit more stroke here for the sake of trying to do things right. It ain't perfect, we feel plenty of schedule pressure, but it seems that we are absolutely supported if we feel we need to "take 2"
for safety. (I think that is what you were getting at).
11. Pretty sure we are under the curve by a decent margin, I will get back to ya.
12. Dude, swear to God, I could eat my lunch inside containment everyday and not worry about ingesting a single atom of Co-60. It is the cleanest plant I have ever worked.
13. The relationship between us contract pukes and house guys...we are them, they are us. They treat us as their own, listen to our input, respect and support our decisions. We are as much of a team as I can ever expect. This is the reason working at Diablo Canyon is so great, not just the money.
I am still a noobe here only working a couple of outages. Others on this site would be able to answer these questions much better than I. The biggest thing I notice is that the techs are competent and maybe even more importantly, they get along and want to support each other. The quickest way to not be invited back is to let down your fellow tech., not management, your fellow technician.
I don't brag this plant up trying to sound like an elitist like BeerCourt mentioned earlier, and I do understand that I can come across like that on this forum. Those who know me, know that I am not an elitist. I consider myself an adequate technician who tries to come to work ready to work every day and nothing less. At this plant there is a lot of that mentality and there are is a substantial group that think the way I do that have a lot more experience and talent. I could fill this page with people that many of you would know. That is why it is a great place to work.