Just some observations of the differences while in the Navy and the effect after the Navy from someone who has done both.
-Decide early on to either stay in the Navy 20 years and go as far as you can, Officer if possible or;
-Get out ASAP to start your next career ASAP, If you have a short term goal, EWS? then get it and get out.
Why go Officer?
- Show me the money! After 20 years retiring as a LCDR, CDR, CAPT you will make more money for waking up and breathing each day than your starting salary will be as an unlicensed operator, if this forum is true. Not to mention the medical benefits. Yes, you should be able to get a better job than a NLO but it appears that starting as a NLO is the gateway to bigger and better things in the commercial field.
Why get out ASAP?
- Staying in longer than your first 6 years will be of little benefit in commercial nuclear power, just read this forum.
As an enlisted nuke EWS I was always frustrated at the incompetence of the JOs standing EOOW. As the EWS you are never really "In-charge".
After getting commissioned as an LDO, I immediately went to a surface ship and qualified/stood EOOW. One of the few things I did as a JO that gave me some job satisfaction was standing a competent watch as EOOW. After my first ORSE as EOOW, the CO asked me how I could get the best drill grade on the hardest drill and get the lowest written exam score.
I did not answer, I just shrugged. The truth was that as the newest qualified EOOW I was the sacrificial anode on the written exam. I can't believe I just said that. But it is the truth just the same. I can't imagine things have changed much.
I have worked with some really great enlisted people and officers. The bashing of the leadership abilities of navy people is not justified in my opinion. I have worked in the civilian world for 2 years and most prior navy nukes are Gods compared to the average idiot walking the street.
So I am trying to decide what I want to do, use my experience to get the best non-nuke job I can, which is the easy way out, and most likely will make bigger cash or;
Start at the bottom of commercial OPS and work my way up. I love OPS, but it is still a tough decision.
"You can never really be happy unless you are good at what you do"
What ever you do, do it to the very best of your ability because it will affect your future, good or bad.