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Author Topic: navy chief thinking about getting out...  (Read 11125 times)

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navy chief thinking about getting out...
« on: Jul 13, 2008, 07:49 »
hi everyone,
this is my first post, as i just joined the site today.  i've been on the forums before, although i'm not a regular, and so i finally decided to join and post since i am at a crossroads so to speak. 

joined the navy in 98 as a nuke electrician and made chief in 8 years.  right now, my EAOS is Oct 2010, and i am currently a plant LCPO on my 2nd ship.  if i were to get out in Oct 2010, it will be close to 13 years in the Navy.  I've had friends make chief and get out, and they all seem to be doing well, but i wanted to see what people on the forums would think if i got out at my current EAOS. 

the decision is a difficult one, although not as difficult if i was getting out at my 10 year point.  i was hoping if i could get some good feedback on the job market with my experience.  I have my bachelor's from Thomas Edison, and currently working on my MBA through Webster university, although I may switch programs.  With the way the Navy is doing surge deployment nowadays, it simply is not the lifestyle that i hoped for, not mainly for myself, but for my family.  the old schedule was much more tolerable, although i think that a change of pace in the civilian sector is what i need.  Another hard part of this decision is of course, the military retirement that i would be giving up if i get out. 

Any ideas!  I'm standing by to receive the punches...while i browse the forums for more answers... 
« Last Edit: Jul 13, 2008, 08:06 by scoobytony »

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Re: navy chief thinking about getting out...
« Reply #1 on: Jul 13, 2008, 08:30 »
Ruh Roh Shaggy!! I think you are going to get an introduction to the forum by BZ!!

 :) Should have done your homework...  :)


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Re: navy chief thinking about getting out...
« Reply #2 on: Jul 13, 2008, 09:29 »
Well, like you said, it could go either way. It would be much easier if it was 10 vice 13. That said, you are probably relatively young, and if you truly in your heart are not happy in the Navy, then the only question is why would you stay in? I never understood the philosophy of a point of no return in the military. Either you are happy, or you are not. Its that simple to me. So, the job prospects are great. You will have no problems finding a great job like an instant SRO position. You will make more money and you won't be surge deployed. I think you need to do some soul searching and talk with the wife, and you will come to the right decision. It is scary, but there are many of us that have made the decision and you have found the right place for support. The grass is greener...

« Last Edit: Jul 13, 2008, 09:34 by JustinHEMI »


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Re: navy chief thinking about getting out...
« Reply #3 on: Jul 13, 2008, 10:31 »
Well you can always cross over to the reserves and pull that "great" retirement when your 60.  The one thing I dont like about the Navy's retirement system for an enlisted guy/gal, is that the monthly pay is not enough.  The assumption is made that you would already have a house paid off (in order not to HAVE to work a 2nd job) and that just isnt realistic for most people who join.

Anyways, enough of my ranting.......EMC, just do what feels right, there are plenty of careers out there in commercial nukes, all you gotta do is apply a bit of time and effort.  Seems like you would have no problem with that considering you are getting your MBA.

Oh yeah, don't expect a butt ton of money to be handed to you getting out of the Navy.  Our experience is piddly compared to commercial nukes, and even with a masters degree (yep I have one too) we tend to start a lil lower than we might expect.  But, you can negotiate for a wage thats a bit higher than those coming out with no degree.



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Re: navy chief thinking about getting out...
« Reply #4 on: Jul 14, 2008, 12:27 »
thanks for the awesome comments.  if the grass really is greener on the other side, then my decision would be much easier.  "soul searching" could not be more accurate - i have been on the fence for the past several months, and i'm sure i still will be many months down the road as my EAOS approaches.  the wife and i have been discussing our options, and she is onboard with me getting out as long as our take home pay is equal to or greater than what it is now.  this is all based on our debt which will not be completely paid off come separation time.  i'll be 30 when i get out, which i feel is still relatively young. 
thanks again for the help.  i'll be on here quite more often.


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Re: navy chief thinking about getting out...
« Reply #5 on: Jul 14, 2008, 06:20 »
A yearly salaray greater than or equal to what you make now shouldnt be too tough to find, especially when you factor in OT.


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Re: navy chief thinking about getting out...
« Reply #6 on: Jul 14, 2008, 09:13 »
Like Justin said.  If you're not happy you should consider getting out.  You'll be fine financially, just make sure you're prepared for a little turbulance and you'll be hapy with the transition.  Recruiting from the military is gaining speed as churning the industry isn't paying off so well in the long term.

People on here will tell you that an MBA is meaningless.  I would agree that, from thier perspective, it is.  It is meaningless to an operator, so a shift manager may not care (mike).  If you are ambitious and want more it will likely benefit you.  I know several people who have moved up in the industry and swear that the MBA was at least helpful.

Oh yeah, people on here will also tell you to research before you ask a question.  As if that is somehow a prerequisite for a conversation.  It doesn't bother me, I don't mind typing (I use all ten fingers).


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Re: navy chief thinking about getting out...
« Reply #7 on: Jul 15, 2008, 05:47 »
Ruh Roh Shaggy!! I think you are going to get an introduction to the forum by BZ!!

 :) Should have done your homework...  :)

Let me:

Being a guy who is serious about my future I'd have spent less time listing my resume and more time using the search function.


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Re: navy chief thinking about getting out...
« Reply #8 on: Jul 15, 2008, 10:52 »
Let me:

Being a guy who is serious about my future I'd have spent less time listing my resume and more time using the search function.

Sorry, doesn't have the same effect.  :P



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Re: navy chief thinking about getting out...
« Reply #9 on: Jul 15, 2008, 10:59 »
thanks for the awesome comments.  if the grass really is greener on the other side, then my decision would be much easier.  "soul searching" could not be more accurate - i have been on the fence for the past several months, and I'm sure i still will be many months down the road as my EAOS approaches.  the wife and i have been discussing our options, and she is onboard with me getting out as long as our take home pay is equal to or greater than what it is now.  this is all based on our debt which will not be completely paid off come separation time.  i'll be 30 when i get out, which i feel is still relatively young. 
thanks again for the help.  i'll be on here quite more often.

Trust ME when I say the grass is greener... both monetarily and happiness. Everyone here can attest to how bitter and angry I was a year ago. I am also making just over 2X what I was making a year ago and I haven't done crap yet except show up and get orientated. I can't wipe the crap eating grin off my face. Sure, there is BS no matter where you go in nuke power, but it is so much easier to deal with when the people you work with are actually competant and give a crap about you. Plus, that fat pay check helps keep the gears greased. And thanks to a certain former LCDR here, I no longer hold any anger or bitterness for the Navy. I only remember the good times and I am back to telling sea stories and digging it up with the best of them. I love it! So yes, the grass is greener IMHO. :)

I am not sure what you take home pay is now, but I am sure you will be pretty close to matching that at least. It might be slightly less for a while depending on which path you take, but it will quickly meet and exceed what you are taking home now as you get qualified. FACT.



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Re: navy chief thinking about getting out...
« Reply #10 on: Jul 17, 2008, 10:19 »
The EMC on my boat is at his 15 year point with 2 years to go. Talk about someone who hates his job. The past year he has been set on getting out in 17 years just because he hates it so much. (I think he will break down for the extra for retirement regardless of what he says now.) I can't make decisions for you but if being away from everyone you love and taking that anger into work everyday is what you want to do then... please don't!   ;D I hate to see people stay in just for retirement. There is money to be had on either side of the fence and life will work out either way so I think it comes down to what makes you happy. But I'm just a dirty blue shirt so what do I know?

Seriously, its all based on your happiness. Lurk the forums some more and see what lines up. It'll probably convince you to jump one direction...


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Re: navy chief thinking about getting out...
« Reply #11 on: Jul 17, 2008, 06:47 »
Chief, I sent a PM.  Good Luck.



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Re: navy chief thinking about getting out...
« Reply #12 on: Jul 18, 2008, 06:57 »
  I would have to agree that it is a difficult situation. I have been in for 17 1/2 years and was promoted to ETCS last year. I love doing what I do so that is why I have stayed in but my family situation is changing here next year probably when my ex and daughter move away from the area. I would love to go on and be an EDMC but my daughter means more to me and retirement is looking really good. I would say that if it is no longer fun then it is time to get out because you are doing a diservice to yourself, family and the Navy. If you dont like your job anymore, you will no longer be an effective leader or operator because your mind will be somewhere else but if you still enjoy it then you should continue onwards. Either way, it is a tough decision that takes time and alot of talking with the wife. Good luck with whatever your decision will be because it will be the right one for you and your family.


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Re: navy chief thinking about getting out...
« Reply #13 on: Aug 15, 2008, 10:02 »
Scoobytony,  I got out at 12.5 yrs as a MMC and I went thru the same thing you are going thru.  Like these guys said, you really have to ask yourself why you would stay and why you would get out.  Once you've asked those questions, then you can make a decision.   It's true that you'll probably make more money after you get out, but the Navy needs good people too.  Anyway, there are a couple of other ex-chiefs in my license class now, and without exception we all seem to be happier, easier going than we were in the Nav.  I think the only benefit I see for the guys that have retired is the fact that Tricare is a great deal when it comes to health insurance.  But for me, 7 more years in the nav wasn't worth the hassle just to get a decent deal on health insurance.  PM me if you want more specifics or if you want to talk to some other chiefs about their decision to separate or retire.


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Re: navy chief thinking about getting out...
« Reply #14 on: Aug 19, 2008, 05:01 »
Just weighing in...

I was an ETCS (SW) with 18yrs 3 months when I got out. 

Not really sure how the Retirement Pay works for those after 1998, but I was looking at getting 50 % of only the base pay at 20 years.  I used to rag on the other Chiefs, Senior Chiefs, and Master Blasters who were already over 20 and asked them why they chose to work for half pay.  At first, they didn't understand.  But when I explained that they were already due 50% of their base, they were currently working for the other 50% and any other special pay.  That pay could have more been made up in the private sector by...selling hotdogs at Lowes, for example.

So, the decision is a personal one that can only be made by weighing your own pros and cons, while considering information from others that you may not have considered prior.
« Last Edit: Sep 06, 2008, 11:23 by deltarho »
The above has nothing to do with any real  or imagined person(s).  Moreover, any referenced biped(s) simulating real or imagined persons--with a pulse or not--is coincidental, as far as you know.


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Re: navy chief thinking about getting out...
« Reply #15 on: Aug 21, 2008, 05:02 »
I did 12 and seperated in 2003.  For me it was came first and we wanted to start one.   My first year out I made just over 70k gross after overtime and bonuses (this was from March to December).  Since then I have been >90k gross every year.  I am a chem tech so no big fancy job here bringing that in.


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Re: navy chief thinking about getting out...
« Reply #16 on: Aug 24, 2008, 06:38 »
I could no longer put up with all the little 'B.S' with the Navy.  So I was willing to get out with the assumption that if I could make the same amount of money outside of the Navy by only working 40 hours a week, my quality of life would be much better. 
After being out for over 7 years, I have made twice as much money annually and I still don't work as hard as I did in the Navy...


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