You are exactly right. Cover 100 cm2 (15.5 in2) with your "S"-motion wipe. I am happy to see you are in a classroom with a professor learning these things. Learn the theory well from these theory experts, but don't let their answers get in the way of common sense.
More brilliant Professors without an understanding of real world made the following statements:
"I'll give you a "C", the business model won't work in the "Real world" to the founder of Fedex."
"CRT's and keyboards are a passing fad, punch-cards are here to stay" by my professor in computer class in 1984.
"No one would ever want to read anything like that in a newspaper. You should choose another major." to Dave Barry, winner of Pulitzer prize.
In my humble opinion, Professors can get too full of themselves to admit they don't know an answer, and in an arena of classroom theory, practical applications aren't that good. Much of the industry training is better, because trainers are encouraged to give only right answers (even if they have to wait until the next day to find the right answers.)
+Karma for your questioning attitude. It will continue to serve you well.