Career Path > Nuclear Operator

Is 2 years for RO too soon?

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I was in the Navy (MM/ELT) for 8.5yrs. I have been working at a BWR now for about 2 years as a NLO. There is a license class starting in the spring of '09 and I am one of the ones that can be eligible to go. My question is, "Is 2 years of NLO experience enough to try for LO?" The general opinion I get from the shift managers here is if you get offered go. I have no question that if I focused I could pass the class. But I was wondering if it would be better to get a few more years of hands on in the plant before I try to make the journey upstairs to the Control Room. Or if it really doesn't matter. Can some licensed operators give me their two cents on this matter please? Mainly did the time you had in the plant before your Control Room days really impact your training, or the job you did after you got your license?

You wrote: "I have no question that if I focused I could pass the class."

I'm in the middle of an SRO class right now.  I had a 20 year background, RO, PPWS, PPWO...  Let me tell you, Frau, either I've drank one too many beers, or dementia is setting in early.  It is really tough, and for me, at least, success is by no means guaranteed.


--- Quote from: Creeker on Aug 04, 2008, 04:18 ---success is by no means guaranteed.

--- End quote ---

+K ( or would that be +deltaK/K  ;) for that posting!

You're ready now. A year of NLO experience is enough. I was in RO Training 20 months after hiring in as a NLO. I had an SRO License 7 years after hiring in as an NLO and am SM after 9 years. I'm not certain what Creekers background was outside the Navy but your 2 years as an NLO is worth much more than 20 years Navy time.
If your SM says you're ready then you're ready.


My backgorund was I&C for 3 years before coming to OPS.  I would agree with Mike on this one. (depending upon how much you've progressed in your quals as an NLO)  I'll assume if the SM has recommended you, you've probably made good use of your time there.


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