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Re: Dress Code
« Reply #50 on: Sep 15, 2008, 10:33 »

One earring in the ear isn't a problem. SloGlo has a point - some of these guys are showing up looking like they were impaled in the jungles of Africa. Is that professional - really? The guy with the purple spiked hair - .... yes I know everyone wants to make a statement nowadays - why does it have to be "look at me I'm in my idiot stage of life." I'd love to send that one into the canal for decon work - that would be fun.  :P  Work is work - all the "extra statements" about oneself should be left at home - you're right they should show up and state who they are by doing the job.

As for sucking up to the boss - I agree............. the ones that do the work usually get short changed at times.  I remember one site coordinator that handed his cell phone around the bar for the techs to call off the next day!  :o   His drunk buddies stayed longer................... What a joke................There are a lot workers out there that think it is a continuation of the bar party from the night before - it's not. Bartlett's coordinators are responsbile for that attitude.

Do the ones who show up ready to work and are professional get noticed - yes they do............ they usually are the ones requested back in before the outage starts, stays late in the season or called in for extra jobs along the way......  8)
« Last Edit: Sep 15, 2008, 10:36 by justatech »


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Re: Dress Code
« Reply #51 on: Sep 16, 2008, 08:54 »
Here we go again ... I don't think we are all on the same page on this one. Time for the old soap box ...

We all have an identity which is very personal to each of us. When I am at home, I wear old ratty cargo shorts with paint stains on them, flip-flops and ancient concert t-shirts. I seldom shave and opt for a ball cap rather than deal with the doo. When I go on a poker run ... yup kids ... I'm a biker too ... who'd of thunk it ... I wear my leathers and a big honkin' gold earring. That's on MY time ... BUT ...

When I pull into the parking lot of a power plant or anyplace else where a company is PAYING ME FOR MY TIME ... it is no longer my time ... it has been purchased, fair and square, by someone else. And because of that, I have an obligation to present myself in manner in keeping with the standards and expectations of that company. I forfeit the "right" to fly my freak flag when I sell that time. And don't anybody go fooling themselves ... That's what it is ... We sell our time to a company, and that time is supposed to be spent working in the best interest of the company.

Analogy: You have a grown daughter who is getting married. You are having the reception at a very nice place and you have shelled out a big chunk of change for a group of professional caterers to support the event. They will be interfacing with the guests at the reception ... guests who know you ... people who are friends and business associates ... neighbors etc. ... Do you want your new son-in-law's family being served their dinner by a guy with enough facial accoutrement's to qualify him/her for the cover of National Geographic? Would you like the wait staff to sag their pants so far down that their boxers and half of their booty is visible to all? How's about none of them bathe before coming to work for you?

See ... YOU have paid for THEIR time in that instance. You have struck a deal with them which gives you control of what they do for the time they spend providing said service to you. You have the right to expect them to conform to a standard, set by you, for the time they are actively performing the duties for which you have contracted them. Once they are off your clock, they can strip naked and run the streets ... But while they are being paid for their time by you, they have forfeited that option.

No one in this business is being asked to change who they are. Your time outside work will always be yours. And you always have the option of waving your proverbial freak flag at work ... but remember ... the "company" also has the option of not inviting you back to do so again. You can only do that for so long before you run out of plants.

Okay ... Putting away the soap box. Let the smiting begin. :)


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Re: Dress Code
« Reply #52 on: Sep 16, 2008, 01:07 »
...Hairdude...I am not smiting you...I am just gonna let this post you said we are all individuals....but I don't or can't change my tattoos,,or any other part of my style for a dollar...If the people around me can't accept me, for me, not my dress or ink..well, I didn't loose anything..I will not kiss any rear end to get, keep or stay at a job a day longer...but everyone has an opinion, and most are different than mine...that's why my closest neighbor is over a mile away...I don't wear any colors,,(red and white,,black and white..I.E Biker clubs)...I have and always will be good at what I do, knowledgable, and respectful of even the Illegal Immigrants that rake the pine needles off my property....respect and tact,,that will get you into places money and nice clothes won't..... I am finished with this


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Re: Dress Code
« Reply #53 on: Sep 16, 2008, 04:17 »
I will not kiss any rear end

In my experience, people that love to say that they don't kiss butt are using that as an excuse to be unprofessional.

Being nice and easy to get along with are key.  Some people ack like jerks, then clain it is because they don't kiss butt.  Being reasonable isn't kissing butt.

Looking professional also isn't kissing butt.

The problem the two factions have on this topic is simple.  Some people are talking about being "professional", and intend to have a 'profession', and want to be treated as a 'professional'.  Those people get promoted, because they 'play the game' - They are good corporate citizens.  They dress professional, and get treated that way, and have NO COMPLAINTS.

-- Then there are the 'technicians' that have 'jobs'... those people are not professionals, and do not have a profession.  They have a job.  -- The professionals are trying to get the 'job-havers' to act like them... like professionals.  -- Well, the job-havers aren't interested in a profession... they like just having a job, and being 'themselves'...

If your goal is to be a professional... act like one, and dress like one.  It's just that simple.  -- If you just want a job.. you just want a pay check... and just want to be 'you'... by all means... you be you.  Just understand this: this thread was not an attack on you.  You are not the target audience.  It's target audience is the people that WANT to be professional... and WANT a PROFESSION.

Now... everyone kiss and make up.  kum by ya, my lord... kum by ya...

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Re: Dress Code
« Reply #54 on: Sep 16, 2008, 05:59 »
Shovelhead Red--We have never worked together but we have traveled the same road ( and plants) at different times. I have no tatoos but a sore butt from lots of miles on motorcycles and lots of exposure and experence from more than 30 years as an HP. Lots of offers to go house but prefer the schedule of road tech.
Anyway as stated earlier we agree that you can't always judge a book by its' cover.

Mr. Badkitty-- Nice picture of the drywell coordinator.

Red Hacker-- I have worked for companies that want the image and they provide work clothing for their employees.
The current companies don't and I usually don't sit in an airconditioned office so confortable jeans and a clean (plain) t-shirt are my usually attire. I take pride in my work ethic. I don't think I would be a better technician if I was wearing a colored shirt. Plus in the l5 years I have shirts, coolers , bags and lots of other items from companies whose people I have provided job coverage. In the same time I have gotten 3 or 4 pens and a bunch of paychecks from the companies I have worked for.
I prefer the paychecks. 


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Re: Dress Code
« Reply #55 on: Sep 17, 2008, 09:08 »
BadKitty ... Killer pic. Please tell me that wasn't really a Drywell Coordinator ;)

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Re: Dress Code
« Reply #56 on: Sep 17, 2008, 03:58 »
hahhahah brett...exactly ...WWSD - What would Scooby Do?

i think people show you who they are with their actions..not clothes..altho..when a utility or company posts and expected dress should comply..why..cuz they PAY

the only thing is..when someone shows u who they are ..believe them ;)  good or bad ( hard lesson )

other than that ...its live and let live..some of the best techs ive ever worked with had long hair and tatts..and then again..very fine techs on the GQ side as well..just be ready to do some real work when the **** hits the fan and i need help in the can.

Kath :)
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Offline Camella Black

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Re: Dress Code
« Reply #57 on: Sep 17, 2008, 04:23 »
Okay, I have GOT to stand up and say "wait, don't you remember those wonderful seventies?" So I've been around for half a century, been around the biz since 1974. My dad would not even dream of letting me date a tech back then and yes I had a few crushes - I loved a Hippie after all and there were oh so many in this biz...Tied dyed shirts, bell bottoms, long hair those may not have been the norm for this business but you sure as heck saw quite a few. I remember my dad and a few others had big bushy side burns too.

Anybody out there remember Bill Mahoney? Joe Fuller? Need I say more?

As far as facial jewelry and colored hair- they do not make the tech. Now if the people are dirty, then thats another matter. I have a beautiful, educated and intellegent daughter who is not only tattooed but who has a nose stud and often sports pink or purple hair. This is a form of expression and believe it or not most people who look this way ARE very artistic.

This isn't the best photo as it is faded out a little, but I believe her purple hair suits her.

« Last Edit: Sep 17, 2008, 04:32 by Camella Black »

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Re: Dress Code
« Reply #58 on: Sep 18, 2008, 09:01 »
I gotta say. If i get my hair cut it will mostly be because I want to do it. Although if someone calls me and says "I want to give you this job but you have to cut your hair." I'll have to decide if the money is worth it.(Where did i put those scissors again?)

Clothes and hair don't make the tech. To the best of my knowledge, everywhere I've worked would gladly bring me back, long hair and all, because i gave them good work.

But some of those doing the hiring may have different viewpoints. I've been told that although someone may have thought of me as a contender for for some professional jobs, the long hair made them second guess.
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Offline Dave Warren

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Re: Dress Code
« Reply #59 on: Sep 18, 2008, 09:18 »
I gotta say. If i get my hair cut it will mostly be because I want to do it. Although if someone calls me and says "I want to give you this job but you have to cut your hair." I'll have to decide if the money is worth it.(Where did i put those scissors again?)

Clothes and hair don't make the tech. To the best of my knowledge, everywhere I've worked would gladly bring me back, long hair and all, because i gave them good work.

But some of those doing the hiring may have different viewpoints. I've been told that although someone may have thought of me as a contender for for some professional jobs, the long hair made them second guess.

The Plant Manager just came by and asked who the new chick was in the department.
I told him her name was Jim-iqua and pointed toward your cube. You got about 5 minutes to cut that sh#@!t off or get hit on by the HMFIC.....;)

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Re: Dress Code
« Reply #60 on: Sep 18, 2008, 09:23 »
Is that the same guy who just came by, shook my hand and asked "who is that prissy pants in the corner?"?
« Last Edit: Sep 18, 2008, 09:32 by Smart People »
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Offline Dave Warren

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Re: Dress Code
« Reply #61 on: Sep 18, 2008, 09:32 »
Is that the same guy who just came by, shook my hand and asked "who is that prissy pants in the corner?"

Yeah, he said you need to take that dude that looks like a lady to the Calvin Klein outlet.
He had the balls to say "She ain't that cute."
I told him you would get him for harassment if he said anything like that again. He also said when he shook your hand that it was weak and clammy. Get your hair cut!!

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Re: Dress Code
« Reply #62 on: Sep 18, 2008, 09:34 »
He told me to tell you to stop hitting on him. The frosted hair makes him feel "Icky"
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Offline Dave Warren

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Re: Dress Code
« Reply #63 on: Sep 18, 2008, 09:42 »
He told me to tell you to stop hitting on him. The frosted hair makes him feel "Icky"

Coming from a guy who has a picture of himself dressed like the cop from the Village People......

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Re: Dress Code
« Reply #64 on: Sep 18, 2008, 09:48 »
Aaaaaahhhhhh, Memories! ;D ;D
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Re: Dress Code
« Reply #65 on: Sep 18, 2008, 11:28 »
Clothes and hair don't make the tech.

Key word there Jim, is 'tech'.


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Re: Dress Code
« Reply #66 on: Sep 18, 2008, 01:11 »
[quote author=DaveWarren link=topic=15911.msg90163#msg90163 date=1220983326

I would never think of having hair over my ears.
A beard is totally out of the question.
I have 1 tattoo, that is covered by a polo shirt and says "U.S.M.C."
Wouldn't ride a Harley or any other motorcycle.
I wear Dockers and silk Calvin Klein shirts.
My hair is frosted.

The bottom line is this:


"Frosted Hair"


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Re: Dress Code
« Reply #67 on: Sep 18, 2008, 01:18 »
Maybe Jim and Dave should get off of this site and try to plan an outage that will expend less than 400 REM for a change.

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Re: Dress Code
« Reply #68 on: Sep 18, 2008, 01:25 »
I can get you 450 Rem for this 8-week outage.
Not a millirem under that, Champ.

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Re: Dress Code
« Reply #69 on: Sep 18, 2008, 01:28 »
Plan and Hope, Brother, Plan and Hope
Blessed is the man who can laugh at himself--he will never cease to be amused
Think twice and say nothing..Chiun
I'm as big a fool as anyone..And bigger than most.. Odd Thomas


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Re: Dress Code
« Reply #70 on: Sep 19, 2008, 09:43 »
Plan and Hope, Brother, Plan and Hope

Is that the second rung from the bottom of the ladder ;D

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Re: Dress Code
« Reply #71 on: Sep 19, 2008, 10:07 »

Anybody out there remember Bill Mahoney? Joe Fuller? Need I say more?

eye member bill, usta haffa lotta fun wit him.  usta make hymn laff when eye woodent eat raw oysters wit him while we wuz at farley dune there initial outage. 
i rmember joe swiping da onliest 6112b at ginna station 'n using it for shipping lsa ina aux bldg while i wuz dose rating da pressurizer cube.... dat is won tite place!!! not easy to do alara wit a ro2a!  dat jagoff!
'n aye remember bell bottoms on hps, had a buncha pears myself.  great for monitoring hallways in b.o.p., back ina day.  caws bells wazant kewl iffen dey wuz smaller dan 20" 'n hadda be 1/2" longer dan yer legs whyle waring shoes.  'n shoes bac den were sneakers.  knot steal tows.  'n hard hats were watt new construction crues wore.  safetee glasses wuz watt yinz wore insyde yer face pump.  safety belts held up yer pants.  free climbing pipes to dose rate valves was de riguer four a hp, caws ya hadda git da dose rate bee four da scaffolders got their. 

we come a long way, baby.   ;)
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!

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Re: Dress Code
« Reply #72 on: Sep 20, 2008, 09:21 »
eye member bill, usta haffa lotta fun wit him.  usta make hymn laff when eye woodent eat raw oysters wit him while we wuz at farley dune there initial outage. 
i rmember joe swiping da onliest 6112b at ginna station 'n using it for shipping lsa ina aux bldg while i wuz dose rating da pressurizer cube.... dat is won tite place!!! not easy to do alara wit a ro2a!  dat jagoff!
'n aye remember bell bottoms on hps, had a buncha pears myself.  great for monitoring hallways in b.o.p., back ina day.  caws bells wazant kewl iffen dey wuz smaller dan 20" 'n hadda be 1/2" longer dan yer legs whyle waring shoes.  'n shoes bac den were sneakers.  knot steal tows.  'n hard hats were watt new construction crues wore.  safetee glasses wuz watt yinz wore insyde yer face pump.  safety belts held up yer pants.  free climbing pipes to dose rate valves was de riguer four a hp, caws ya hadda git da dose rate bee four da scaffolders got their. 

We sure have sloglo! Karma to you.

we come a long way, baby.   ;)


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