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Author Topic: Ignorable Boards  (Read 26672 times)

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Ignorable Boards
« on: Oct 24, 2008, 08:55 »
...the Navy seems to have taken over the general discussion.  Could we possibly split the forum between commercial nuke/DOE and Armed Services?

I personally am not interested in the Navy discussions which seem to be the majority of the discussions over the recent past.

Not trying to start an argument...just a suggestion.
« Last Edit: Oct 26, 2008, 08:46 by Rennhack »

Offline UncaBuffalo

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Maybe make it so when you were logged in, you could push certain general topics off your home page?  That way, the home page wouldn't be overwhelmed with discussions that a person isn't particularly interested in (No PolySci, in my case...or No Navy for ValkRider...), but the topics could still be accessed by going to the 'forum' tab?
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Offline HydroDave63

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Or a separate NAVY tab, right next to the red circle Jobs tab


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...the Navy seems to have taken over the general discussion.  Could we possibly split the forum between commercial nuke/DOE and Armed Services?

I personally am not interested in the Navy discussions which seem to be the majority of the discussions over the recent past.

Not trying to start an argument...just a suggestion.
Maybe make it so when you were logged in, you could push certain general topics off your home page?  That way, the home page wouldn't be overwhelmed with discussions that a person isn't particularly interested in (No PolySci, in my case...or No Navy for ValkRider...), but the topics could still be accessed by going to the 'forum' tab?

Both these comments seem extremely valid.  Along the same lines, I'm probably not going to renew my GM membership, even though for the most part it has been enjoyable, because I am so very tired of logging on and seeing page after page after page of Election thoughts and "my candidate is better than your candidate" B.S.  I know that the election will be over soon, but I'm sure the Poly  Sci Warriors will have something else to chat about that has almost nothing to do with Nuclear Power.  I'm to the point of logging on as a visitor so I don't have to see the same old arguments in the GM section.

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sew may bee gm shood be organized sum thing like a nuclear news membership.  ya pays yer cash, 'n ya kin pick a percentage of da available interests to be assoseated wit.   like, polisci, sports, humor, navy stories, entertainment, exposure, etc.  it woodent be hard to be able to select awl, or gist sum of dem.  dat weigh, iffen ya don't care bout sports, ya dew knot have it pop up in yer own, persunallized menu.
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Offline HydroDave63

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sew may bee gm shood be organized sum thing like a nuclear news membership.  ya pays yer cash, 'n ya kin pick a percentage of da available interests to be assoseated wit.   like, polisci, sports, humor, navy stories, entertainment, exposure, etc.  it woodent be hard to be able to select awl, or gist sum of dem.  dat weigh, iffen ya don't care bout sports, ya dew knot have it pop up in yer own, persunallized menu.

I don't think a personalized menu would be feasible. A "Navy" tab could be done pretty quickly.....

Offline SloGlo

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hay, nuclear nascar!!!! ya wanna weigh in hear?
quando omni flunkus moritati

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can I just killfile DW and Troja??

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can I just killfile DW and Troja??


Unfortunately, I can only reward this idea with one (1) Karma today...guess I'll just have to wait 24 hours for more.

Offline Rennhack

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The problem isn't that people post too much in subjects that you are not interested in.  The problem is that no one posts anything in the subjects you ARE interested in.

Perhaps YOU should post stuff that is educational, and of interest to YOU. Start some new discussions, encourage others to join in. Write a review about ever company, and every nuke facility you have ever worked in.  Vote for each of them.  Talk about the area around them, where the good restraints are, and where the good lodging is.

We can get rid of the 30 messages a day that are in the navy and Poli-Sci area (2 areas I never visit)...  but what you have left is 5 messages posted in the last week in all the rest of the site combined.  It just looks like there is a lot of message in the navy section because there are 5 messages in there every day, and NOTHING in the rest of the site.  – We don’t fix that by making the only 5 messages posted go away.  We fix it by posting more message of interest to you.

The website was once known as an HP only site... because HP’s  were the only people that posted.  Later, the site was thought of as commercial power only site.... now you guys think it's only navy nukes... and DOE.  – It takes a lot of people to make the world interesting.  If you are not posting anything that interests you… don’t point the finger at the people that ARE posting things that interest them.

Once you get 20-30 messages a day, every day, posted that have nothing to do with the navy or Poli-Sci, I’ll be happy to remove those sections… of course… then it won’t need to be removed, will it?

Do you know why the navy nukes come here?  People keep answering their questions.  They keep getting help here.  -- If we quit helping them, they will go away.

Of course... they are a large part of our future nuclear pipeline.

I will take you request, and give it some serious thought.  But you should put some thought into why there isn’t anything good to read.  It’s because the only people that post don’t share your interests.

Offline Rennhack

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Here are the 10 most popular sections of the website:

GM: PolySci  15474
Navy:Getting In  5159
Navy:Staying In  3610
GM: Entertainment  3155

Polls  2769
GM: Sports Talk  2469
GM: BathRoom  2175
Navy:Getting Out  1976

Lessons Learned  1753
GM: Exposure  1504

If we get rid of the Navy and GM areas, what will be left?
« Last Edit: Oct 24, 2008, 11:39 by Rennhack »

Offline Rennhack

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Now that I got that off my chest.  The current software does not have the ability to do what you ask.  I think it's a good idea (The idea is this: Have the ability in your profile to ignore boards... or people).

I'll work on it, but it won't be over night.  The next version of the software does have this ability.  However it's still in beta.  When it gets out of beta, we will upgrade to it.  Typically, I do my upgrades in February, so look for it around then.

Other features in the next version of our forum software:

•   Ignore boards and ignore user functions - so users only see what they want to see
•   User configurable posts and topics per page; an improved calendar interface.
•   WYSIWYG editor to provide an intuitive user interface to those users not familiar with BBC.
•   Personal messaging improvements including ability to automatically sort incoming messages and a variety of display options.
•   OpenID support - to enable users to login and register with their OpenID account
•   A moderation center to bring together all moderation functionality into one place for all people with moderation abilities
« Last Edit: Oct 26, 2008, 10:31 by Rennhack »


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I'd favor HD's idea due to the ease of implementation. 

You'd favor House Dad's suggestion to kill DW and Troja...........   :o   Why can't we sit around and sing "I'd like to teach the world to sing"   ;)

Seriously, I  enjoy both sections although I am spending more time in PolySci......  Another thing to keep in mind - some of the guys are on boats and want an area (HOME) they can connect to and ask questions prior to getting out............ I check all their listings just in case there is a question I can help with......I'm not sure I'd want the areas separated .... just my thoughts.

Does the "Personal messaging improvements including ability to automatically sort incoming messages and a variety of display options' include Instant Messaging?
In case we want to drag.... I mean invite someone into an area with us to stir the pot .........   not that we would do that  ...........  :P
« Last Edit: Oct 26, 2008, 11:00 by justatech »

Offline HydroDave63

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You'd favor House Dad's suggestion

I believe HC was agreeing with my suggetion for a separate navy tab

Offline Rennhack

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Re: Ignorable Boards
« Reply #14 on: Oct 27, 2008, 12:41 »
There will not be a seperate navy tab, or gold member tab.  I will, however, give you the ability to ignore people and boards that you choose to ignore.

Offline Rennhack

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Re: Ignorable Boards
« Reply #15 on: Oct 27, 2008, 12:50 »
Does the "Personal messaging improvements including ability to automatically sort incoming messages and a variety of display options' include Instant Messaging?

No, It includes rules (like in outlook) for filing or deleting incomming messages, and new display options, like all at once, or 'conversation' style, like gmail.

Offline Carolina Jethro

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Now that I got that off my chest.  The current software does not have the ability to do what you ask.  I think it's a good idea (The idea is this: Have the ability in your profile to ignore boards... or people).

I'll work on it, but it won't be over night.  The next version of the software does have this ability.  However it's still in beta.  When it gets out of beta, we will upgrade to it.  Typically, I do my upgrades in February, so look for it around then.

Other features in the next version of our forum software:

•   Ignore boards and ignore user functions - so users only see what they want to see
•   User configurable posts and topics per page; an improved calendar interface.
•   WYSIWYG editor to provide an intuitive user interface to those users not familiar with BBC.
•   Personal messaging improvements including ability to automatically sort incoming messages and a variety of display options.
•   OpenID support - to enable users to login and register with their OpenID account
•   A moderation center to bring together all moderation functionality into one place for all people with moderation abilities

That's great Mike, I think I suggested this some time ago and glad to see you have been working on it. Even though I don't do nukes anymore I enjoy keeping up with what's going on. Great job! 

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Re: Ignorable Boards
« Reply #17 on: Nov 07, 2008, 01:12 »
I have excluded 2 boards from the front page feed for all users, The Poli-Sci and the Sports section.

After the next software upgrade when people can choose what to see, I may reinstate them.

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Re: Ignorable Boards
« Reply #18 on: Nov 07, 2008, 03:57 »
I have excluded 2 boards from the front page feed for all users, The Poli-Sci and the Sports section.

After the next software upgrade when people can choose what to see, I may reinstate them.

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Offline Rennhack

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Re: Ignorable Boards
« Reply #19 on: Nov 07, 2008, 06:09 »
You can always go directly to that board and see what is new:,5.0.html


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Re: Ignorable Boards
« Reply #20 on: Nov 07, 2008, 06:12 »
I have excluded 2 boards from the front page feed for all users, The Poli-Sci and the Sports section.

After the next software upgrade when people can choose what to see, I may reinstate them.
When I logged on today I thought there was a problem with my logon because I didn't see any Poly-Sci on the front page! Whine, whine, whine.....

Offline Carolina Jethro

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Re: Ignorable Boards
« Reply #21 on: Nov 07, 2008, 06:28 »
Cold turkey!

Offline SloGlo

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Re: Ignorable Boards
« Reply #22 on: Nov 07, 2008, 08:12 »
sew watts da benefit of having a gm iffen ya gotta go search around to find watt's interesting two ya?  put it back the weigh it wuz.  oar should we figure it's better to play ina bathroom than polysci?
« Last Edit: Nov 07, 2008, 08:26 by SloGlo »
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!

Offline Rennhack

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Re: Ignorable Boards
« Reply #23 on: Nov 07, 2008, 08:49 »
You have all the abilities to see which posts are new, you just have to visit the forum to see it.

The Poly-Sci will not be returning to the home page.

Offline SloGlo

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Re: Ignorable Boards
« Reply #24 on: Nov 07, 2008, 09:00 »
wail, fine then!  hears an ideer.  put da gm at da top of da forum list.  probably git moor peepul interested in shelling out da money to see watts in dere.  'n it'd be easier, faster, 'n moor efficient for doze workers hooer trying to post during coffey brakes at werk.
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!


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