FWIW, Big Rock has its strong points and its weaknesses - but then I beg you to name a plant (or any work place) that doesn't!
Bartlett and Duratek hold the contracts. RP is split into two groups - RP Ops and BMR. For the most part, if you do your job like you're supposed to and keep a positive, friendly attitude, you'll find that the entire site is like one big happy family. There's only about 300-some-odd folks on site, so most everyone knows you by name, or at least well enough to nod and smile in passing. However, if you slack off, play the rumor-monger, pass the buck, whatever... well, word tends to get around.
Laborer contractors are BNFL/MOTA and PMC. BNFL/MOTA are currently working on activated concrete, etc., and - through a subcontract with Beirline - screenhouse demo, stack demo, and turbine/admin bldgs demo. PMC is mainly working on turbine bldg pipe/soil removal, and I think they're also involved with the screenhouse demo.
The temperature gets pretty chilly, although last winter wasn't TOO bad. Heating/Cooling was removed last spring, so they run portable heaters where they can. Still, it's a good idea to invest in a nice carhartt, and a nice pair of warm boots. Even with the cold and the snow (average snowfall per year being 6-10 feet) it can be very beautiful with the lake frozen over. Lots of skiing and snowmobiling all winter long. Summer is reserved for fudgies

. Both Petoskey and Charlevoix have the quaint, small-tourist-town appeal, especially with Petoskey's gaslight district. Petoskey has a Wal-Mart, other places to shop besides tourist-oriented shops are mainly grocery stores, like Glen's and Carter's. Traverse City is 60-90 minutes away, depending on where you start from. Very easy drive, mostly 55mph all the way with vew stop lights. TC has a mall, Meijer, Best Buy, Red Lobster, Outback... all the nice stuff.
Basically, if you're looking for a fairly easy job, Big Rock is the place. The pay isn't great, but it's an almost guaranteed 40 hours, with alternating 4-day weekends, which is really nice. Management has it's own issues, as they always do, and every now and then they actually come up with a solution.
One thing to keep in mind is that both Duratek and Bartlett are asking for a 6-month comittment, and at least for BMR, there is no offer for a lay-off.