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Systems Operator/Power Dispatching Positions Selection System (SO/PD): Used to evaluate applicants for jobs in energy control centers such as system operator, system controller, and power dispatcher.

System Operator/Power Dispatching Selection System (SO/PD)

A nationwide research study sponsored by the Edison Electric Institute led to the development of tests to select and evaluate candidates for System Operator/Power Dispatcher positions in energy control centers of electric utilities.

The study was completed in two phases. The first phase, conducted by Advanced Research Resources Organization (ARRO) of Bethesda, Maryland, involved the participation of 37 investor-owned electric utility companies and hundreds of company officials, supervisors, and system operators/power dispatchers working in dozens of energy control centers. Two tests from the Phase 1 research are included in the selection system. The Applied Arithmetic Test measures the ability to solve practical arithmetic problems and the Electrical Concepts Knowledge Test measures knowledge of electrical concepts.

The second phase of the research was conducted by EEI. It led to the identification of three additional job-related selection tests: Mathematical Usage, Numerical Reasoning, and Verbal Reasoning. The Mathematical Usage Test measures the ability to solve and manipulate mathematical relationships. The Numerical Reasoning Test measures the ability to analyze logical relationships and discover underlying principles in the information or facts provided. The Verbal Reasoning Test measures the ability to organize, evaluate, and utilize verbal information. The selection test battery requires approximately two hours to administer.

The SO/PD battery consists of the following aptitude tests:

Applied Arithmetic Placement Test (Phase 1). This test assesses whether the job applicant can solve everyday problems. The test contains 25 multiple-choice questions, and is designed primarily for individuals who have had little or no instruction in algebra. The questions involve the ability to solve word problems relating to percentages, proportions, rates, and averages, as well as the ability to interpret data involving graphs and charts. The test has a 20-minute time limit.

Electrical Concepts Knowledge Test (Phase 1). This is a knowledge test developed by subject matter experts under the guidance of the test developer. This test consists of 46 multiple-choice items covering both elementary and advanced electrical concepts. Some of the items also involve making calculations or applying mathematical formulas. The test takes approximately one hour to complete, but is not timed.

Mathematical Usage Test (Phase 2). This test measures skill in solving and manipulating mathematical relationships. There are three sections: formula conversion problems, basic algebra problems, and word problems. The test contains 46 multiple-choice items and has a 17-minute time limit.

Numerical Reasoning Test (Phase 2). This test measures the ability to analyze logical relationships from information or facts provided and discover principles underlying such relationships. Essentially this is the process of inductive reasoning — making valid generalizations from specific instances. The important feature of this ability is the discovery of principles, which is distinct and separate from the ability to apply principles. The test has 20 multiple- choice questions and a 5-minute time limit.

Verbal Reasoning Test (Phase 2). This test measures the ability to analyze facts and to make valid judgments on the basis of the logical implementation of such facts. An important feature of this test is that it measures the ability to decide whether or not the available facts provide sufficient information to support a definite conclusion. This ability to organize, evaluate, and utilize information is an important aspect of administrative and technical decision-making as well as everyday judgments. This test contains 30 questions which require true/false and no conclusion responses. There is a 5-minute time limit.

Scoring and InterpretationL The SO/PD battery is scored by combining the scores from each of the tests. Scores on various test components yield a test result of "Recommended", "Acceptable", or "Not Recommended".

Federal regulations mandate that employment tests must be job-related. EEI’s employment test batteries are designed and validated for specific energy industry job families, including power plant operators, maintenance and craft positions, power dispatching positions, customer service representatives, and more.

EEI does not administer any of its employment tests directly to applicants. If you are interested in a position with an electric utility, please contact the utility directly for job and pre-employment testing information.

If you have previously taken an EEI employment test and are looking for your results, please understand that EEI does not provide results directly to applicants. If you have applied for a position with a utility company that requires an EEI test that you have already taken elsewhere, please be sure to notify the company to which you are applying.

You can find EEI Practice Tests for CAST, POSS/MASS, SASS, TECH, SO/PD here.
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Duke applicants may retest every 90 days.
Southern Company applicants may retest every 45 days.
Entergy applicants may retest every 30 days, but not more than twice in 12 months.
« Last Edit: Nov 02, 2013, 11:45 by Rennhack »

Offline HydroDave63

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Re: EEI System Operator / Power Dispatcher (SO/PD) Test
« Reply #1 on: Dec 27, 2008, 11:58 »
I guess I'm  just wondering if anyone knew if the SO/PD test is designed to be more rigorous and selective than the Plant Operator test, since most of the information on this site is geared more toward the POSS test.

Yes, it is. That EEI test is sometimes referred to as the Relay Tech test, since many utilities use that as a filter for entry-level C&I techs. The doozy at the end, if they choose to have you take the entire test, is the series of timed inferential logic questions.


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Re: EEI System Operator / Power Dispatcher (SO/PD) Test
« Reply #2 on: Dec 29, 2008, 05:49 »
Guys, thanks for the info. I'll probably just work on developing a comfort zone with the test, push a bit further, and expect it to be as hard as possible - while hoping this particular utility omits some of the more demanding parts of the test. But, in any case, I'm up for the challenge.

I applied based upon the recommendation of a friend's father who has worked 20+ years as a plant operator at the utility, and apparently the ASO position opens up rarely. I've had a few years of experience interning and working in the industry so far (both electric and natural gas), so hopefully it all works out. Definitely a career worthy of pursuing.   


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Re: EEI System Operator / Power Dispatcher (SO/PD) Test
« Reply #3 on: Jan 08, 2009, 03:56 »
Just got a call from the utility and I passed! They actually had only 3 of the 5 EEI tests and a whopper of a test from PSP Metrics, thought my brain was going to explode at the end! Anyway, I'm elated and interview next week. I appreciate all the info this site has provided.


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SO/PD test and which job opportunity is better?
« Reply #4 on: Jan 12, 2010, 12:51 »
I have to take the SO/PD exam tomorrow and the POSS & BMST(hopefully) tests the next day.

First, can anyone give me some advice on the SO/PD test? I took the practice test and got everything done and correct in the time allowed except for the verbal reasoning test. I only got 70% of it done! My answers were correct but it worries me most.

Second, the two jobs I am testing for is a Aux Operator Entry Level position (POSS & BMST) and a Distribution Systems Dispatcher 1 position (SO/PD), both at EXELON-COMED. Can anyone tell me if one of these positions is more promising in the company or in any other way than the other?

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Re: SO/PD test and which job opportunity is better?
« Reply #5 on: Jan 12, 2010, 02:19 »
Second, the two jobs I am testing for is a Aux Operator Entry Level position (POSS & BMST) and a Distribution Systems Dispatcher 1 position (SO/PD), both at EXELON-COMED. Can anyone tell me if one of these positions is more promising in the company or in any other way than the other?

I have seen people go from Aux Operator to manager, I know of an AO that left to go be a load dispacher, I know a supervisor at ISO/NE that worked up from load dispacher and makes a very good living.

Promising is what you see - success is what you do....
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Remember that you will die, and that this day is a gift. Remember how you wish to live, may the blessing of the Lord be with you


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System Operator / Power Dispatching Test SOPD
« Reply #6 on: Jan 19, 2012, 04:01 »
I have been contacted and asked to take the SO/PD text for a job application. I have received practice test information and have gone through all 5 parts of the exam. I was wondering if anyone had other practice test banks, or materials I could find or purchase to aid my successful passing of this exam? Any and all help would be appreciated.


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Re: System Operator / Power Dispatching Test SOPD
« Reply #7 on: Jan 21, 2012, 10:41 »
1) conversions 2) basic math/algebra 1 3) sequences 4) section on if this or not this which statement is true 5) basic electrical including some dc voltage dividers are the 5 sections from what I can remember and the hardest where sections 3 (only as the sequences got harder toward the end) and section 4......both of which you really cannot study for. I was done with plenty of time left in all sections except number really cant study for this exam....if your some sort of electrical rate Nuke you should blow it away. First Energy (which I have worked at) or Excel job?

Offline hawkbr

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« Reply #8 on: Feb 02, 2012, 02:38 »
I am currently an operator at a DOE facility and am looking to further my education and career in the nuke world. A lot of the current job openings I find require these tests to be passed before anyone will look at me. Does anyone know how or where you can go to test on these? I'm finding plenty of practice tests and study info but is there anywhere for the real deal? Having no luck... thanks

Offline Starkist

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Re: EEI, SOPD, POSS test
« Reply #9 on: Feb 06, 2012, 11:45 »
Since no one answered this for you in 4 days, Ill help you. This question has been answered many times. So much so, and to such a degree that I implore you to search to find answers applicable to yourself. 

Most common route is to get invited to take the test by a utility, but apparently community colleges offer it too. 

Offline Troutman

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Re: EEI System Operator / Power Dispatcher (SO/PD) Test
« Reply #10 on: Nov 28, 2012, 10:45 »
What can I expect to be on this test. I downloaded the EEI practice test. Is the material on this practice test comparable to what you would get on the real test? If not what are some of the differences? Is the electronic section pretty much like the practice test? Thanks for any help.

Offline Ryan_M

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Hi, I applied for a SO/PD position with a local utility. I made it past the phone interview and have testing in a couple of weeks which I have some questions about.

I found the sample test on the EEI website and am wondering how it compares to the real thing in terms of length and difficulty. I haven't done the practice test yet as I'm waiting for some free time where I can do it uninterrupted and time myself. Can anyone give me a ballpark time that test should take to complete where I can be confident I'm up to speed?

If I pass that test then I'm onto computer aptitude testing later the same day. Can anyone give me an idea of what would be on that? I consider myself pretty good with computers but I'd appreciate any input on what I should make sure I know. Finally, if I pass that, then I have an interview with an industrial psychologist (again on the same day). Apparently this guy only does this for this type of position and travels all over the States doing it. What can I expect here?

Thanks for any help!


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Hi, I applied for a SO/PD position with a local utility. I made it past the phone interview and have testing in a couple of weeks which I have some questions about.

I found the sample test on the EEI website and am wondering how it compares to the real thing in terms of length and difficulty. I haven't done the practice test yet as I'm waiting for some free time where I can do it uninterrupted and time myself. Can anyone give me a ballpark time that test should take to complete where I can be confident I'm up to speed?

If I pass that test then I'm onto computer aptitude testing later the same day. Can anyone give me an idea of what would be on that? I consider myself pretty good with computers but I'd appreciate any input on what I should make sure I know. Finally, if I pass that, then I have an interview with an industrial psychologist (again on the same day). Apparently this guy only does this for this type of position and travels all over the States doing it. What can I expect here?

Thanks for any help!


How? When? Where? What?

30 minutes online from registration to first post to log-off,,,, how dandy,,,, not even close to the record,,,, but just as annoying.


SO/PD is the tougher of the eei tests.  If you don't have a frame of reference then look up POSS/MASS and read thru those dandy posts for a reference point.  I mention that because there is really little on our little corner of the web-universe that discusses it in detail.

I've taken it.  Others here have too.  I won't mention any names because that has become taboo and inflammatory by site management.  So you will have to figure out who you should contact all by your little self.

Of course I won't tell you in pm either so don't bother.  Again, it's our sites new management policy that we not contact anyone for the fear they might become offended.  And, heaven forbid you don't like my advice or how it is administered.  Oh dear that might cause bannings and the such.

« Last Edit: Feb 07, 2013, 07:08 by MacGyver »

Offline HydroDave63

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Hi, I applied for a SO/PD position with a local utility. I made it past the phone interview and have testing in a couple of weeks which I have some questions about.

I found the sample test on the EEI website and am wondering how it compares to the real thing in terms of length and difficulty. I haven't done the practice test yet as I'm waiting for some free time where I can do it uninterrupted and time myself. Can anyone give me a ballpark time that test should take to complete where I can be confident I'm up to speed?

If I pass that test then I'm onto computer aptitude testing later the same day. Can anyone give me an idea of what would be on that? I consider myself pretty good with computers but I'd appreciate any input on what I should make sure I know. Finally, if I pass that, then I have an interview with an industrial psychologist (again on the same day). Apparently this guy only does this for this type of position and travels all over the States doing it. What can I expect here?

Thanks for any help!

A short online search will give you a hit on the website of a utility that gives the test, and states the time. As far as what you need to know...bring your A game. Either your knowledge is adequate, or it isn't!  8)

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How? When? Where? What?

30 minutes online from registration to first post to log-off,,,, how dandy,,,, not even close to the record,,,, but just as annoying.

Not sure what you mean by this.... I registered so I could post a question that I couldn't find the answers to in a search. This is annoying? Isn't this what forums are for?

Thanks for the links, I've read those already. The only bit in all those posts that comes close to what I'm asking is that the "SO/PD test is designed to be more rigorous and selective than the Plant Operator test". I've done a lot of googling on the subject over the last couple days and most are asking for sample tests (which I've already found), and others ask how it compares to other tests. I haven't done any of the other tests the comparison doesn't mean anything to me. The EEI site says the sample test should be completed in 2 hours, I just grazed the questions to see how many are there and 2 hours gives ~30 seconds per question. Am I to assume then this is an acceptable speed?

Offline HydroDave63

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Not sure what you mean by this.... I registered so I could post a question that I couldn't find the answers to in a search. This is annoying? Isn't this what forums are for?

Thanks for the links, I've read those already. The only bit in all those posts that comes close to what I'm asking is that the "SO/PD test is designed to be more rigorous and selective than the Plant Operator test". I've done a lot of googling on the subject over the last couple days and most are asking for sample tests (which I've already found), and others ask how it compares to other tests. I haven't done any of the other tests the comparison doesn't mean anything to me. The EEI site says the sample test should be completed in 2 hours, I just grazed the questions to see how many are there and 2 hours gives ~30 seconds per question. Am I to assume then this is an acceptable speed?

The replying poster has taken both exams, as have I. Yes, speed is of the essence. Many say the SO/PD is harder.


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Not sure what you mean by this.... I registered so I could post a question that I couldn't find the answers to in a search. This is annoying? Isn't this what forums are for?

When will you take the test.  Where (what company) will you take the test.  What is your background.

We know WHO you are (screen name only).  We don't have any other info to make any comparisons of your chances of success.

It's an aptitude test.  Just come well rested and ready to "brang" your A game (just like the poster above me said ... I can't use his screen name due to new site management expectations).

And, for the record you should have registered and then you could use the NukeWorker search engine.  Instead it looks like you registered and just fired away at starting a new topic.  Which is normal these days.  It's still annoying though.


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Taking the test in 2 weeks and it's with Duke Energy. I'm an electrician with a specialty in high voltage. We built and maintained substations, I installed/configured/tested overcurrent relays, power quality analysis, arcflash analysis, made single line diagrams and construction drawing in autoCAD, Thermography scans, etc... Though I wasn't really asking "what my chances are" but feel free to share what you think.

Is there some 'code of secrecy' about this test that I'm asking someone to violate by asking questions? I've seen a lot of people asking questions and most people dance around it and don't give any direct answers. I used google for my searching and certainly most of the relevant results were posts from this site, when I registered i ran some searches and most if not all of the results were threads I already read through google's results which is why I posted. Sorry I don't mean to sound like a smart ass.
« Last Edit: Feb 07, 2013, 08:58 by Ryan_M »


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Taking the test in 2 weeks and it's with Duke Energy. I'm an electrician with a specialty in high voltage. We built and maintained substations, I installed/configured/tested overcurrent relays, power quality analysis, arcflash analysis, made single line diagrams and construction drawing in autoCAD, Thermography scans, etc... Though I wasn't really asking "what my chances are" but feel free to share what you think.

Is there some 'code of secrecy' about this test that I'm asking someone to violate by asking questions? I've seen a lot of people asking questions and most people dance around it and don't give any direct answers. I used google for my searching and certainly most of the relevant results were posts from this site, when I registered i ran some searches and most if not all of the results were threads I already read through google's results which is why I posted.

Duke.  Okay, you should be fine.  Their standard for pass is relatively low.  So, chances are better than most utilities.

No code of secrecy (sic).  No worries about your post.  We don't get a lot of so/pd talk.  Most of use have taken it but don't work in that field.  We know people but that ain't the same.

Be fast.  That's my advice.


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Thanks. I understand most here not working in a SO/PD position but here was really the only place I've seen this stuff discussed much, so I took a shot. BTW it looks like I fail already! The time guideline on the IEE website allots approx. 1 minute per question, not 30 seconds. 1 minute per question seems like a really slow pace but maybe I'll have a different opinion once I start the sample test and see the questions.

I guess that bodes well for me if Duke has "low standards" like you say, just hope their standards aren't equally as low when it comes to salary! :) I doubt I'll make as much as I did as an electrician but I hope it gets me close. Though I guess I should just concentrate on getting the job first.

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1 minute per question seems like a really slow pace but maybe I'll have a different opinion once I start the sample test and see the questions.

I can't find a practice test, but from the SO/PD brochure: "Mathematical Usage Test (Phase 2). This test measures skill in solving and manipulating mathematical relationships. There are three sections: formula conversion problems, basic algebra problems, and word problems. The test contains 46 multiple-choice items and has a 17-minute time limit."

So, about 20 seconds per question on this section.

This sounds similar to the math portion of the POSS & MASS, which I have taken.  Most people find it difficult to finish in the allotted time, so some intensive practice (ASVAB, etc) may help you...and will put you in 'test-mode' so you can just roll through the whole test.

Good luck!  :)
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Hi all,
I've taken the test THREE times, yes, that's right, and sadly haven't passed.  The algebra is not hard, but I get test anxiety especially since it's timed, so I tend to look like a deer caught in headlights.  :-[

The practice tests are very, very similar (except for Electrical Concepts).  It's all about speed and accuracy.  Candidates are graded on a curve, so you may have 38 questions to answer, but that doesn't mean all 38 need to be answered and/or correct, which is relatively impossible unless you're a math whiz!  Do the best you can!  Also, if you can't solve the problem then move on.  And that's where I panic.  Timed tests in math freak me out!  In other words, I shut down.

The Electrical Concepts part has a lot to do with Ohm's Law and circuit calculations.  And many of the questions are geared toward transmission operations.  So if you apply for a (distribution) operator job, many of those questions do not pertain to distribution.

Take the practice tests over and over, while being timed, so you feel comfortable during the actual test. Make flash cards, buy the Basic Electrical Theory book and/or take the course online, or at a community college.  Brush up on your Algebra too.  (Ugh)

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Hi guys! I'm new here) Few days ago I passed SO/PD 2 test at Duquesne Light Company in Pittsburgh, PA. And at 28 February I have the interview)) I have good experience - more than 7 years in power engineering (it includes more than 1.5 years in hydroelectric plant), but all this in Russia. So I have a little problem - my English is not quite good. And I don't know what will be on the interview. Now I'm hardly studying English and technical English. So, please, give me some advice, what I need to read/study/learn. Thanks in advance))

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Most likely will be all behavioral based.

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yes, I heard about STAR interview, but position is only Apprentice Switching Dispatcher. will they use behavioral based interview on this position?


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