LOL Bill. I knew ya would not take harsh comments bad,, it is what it is,, I do believe he was joking..
Hmm return after 6 months,

it's been over 15 years since I've been to the cookie farm as Pat calls it. I do miss home, but you do what you have to do what you have to do to survive. I still know that plant inside and out.
LOL Bill i'll come back when you install some nice padded carpet on the S/G platforms and around the RCP pump seal areas, and take all the head knockers out of the annulus, and put a hov around lift down into the cavity.. Bill you know we are all getting old...Just kidding brother I'd come back anytime, it just never fits into my schedule, I'm sure someday I'll be back, to look at the old memories..
Take care my friend..