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Returning after 6 months.
« on: May 07, 2009, 04:13 »
Well, I just got called for work at DC Cook, I was prviously working there until January.

I did all my training back in october, and was wondering what will be required to get badged back in. Will I need to do all my NANTEL training again? What about work history and FFD, do I just need to update my work in the past 6 months or dig up all my history? Am I requiered to update my physical or fit test? Also, I got an insulation pin stuck in my foot 2 months ago working elsewere  :'( , do I need any medical paperwork (had to get tetnis shot)? For the record I'm going in as a Laborer Asbestos Abater(go A team!)

Thanks, I know its alot of Q's ;D , I just want to be sure I'll get in again.

Offline Rennhack

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Re: Returning after 6 months.
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2009, 04:38 »
Well, I just got called for work at DC Cook, I was prviously working there until January.

I did all my training back in october, and was wondering what will be required to get badged back in. Will I need to do all my NANTEL training again? What about work history and FFD, do I just need to update my work in the past 6 months or dig up all my history? Am I requiered to update my physical or fit test? Also, I got an insulation pin stuck in my foot 2 months ago working elsewere  :'( , do I need any medical paperwork (had to get tetnis shot)? For the record I'm going in as a Laborer Asbestos Abater(go A team!)

Thanks, I know its alot of Q's ;D , I just want to be sure I'll get in again.

Your NANTeL is good for 365 days.
You will have to complete a security package that tells them what you have done in the last 6 months, and you will have to get a new FFD test.
Your physical and fit test are good for 365 days.

Offline TENN-1

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Re: Returning after 6 months.
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2009, 06:29 »
You may have to take a portion of the Nantel again. An update, which includes the new FFD material, was instituted in January of 09. It will simply depend on which version you took last. Either way, you'll do fine. Welcome back and travel safely!
Things come to those who wait, but usually it's stuff left over from those who hustle!

Motown homey

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Re: Returning after 6 months.
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2009, 07:58 »
The update of NANTeL for FFD/BOP was Sept 15th, 2008. If you took your training in October, you should be all set.  Good Luck.

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Re: Returning after 6 months.
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2009, 12:10 »
You may have to take a portion of the Nantel again. An update, which includes the new FFD material, was instituted in January of 09. It will simply depend on which version you took last. Either way, you'll do fine. Welcome back and travel safely!

Thanks for the clarification.


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Re: Returning after 6 months.
« Reply #5 on: Dec 16, 2009, 12:34 »
Hey   the staff at DC Cook is TOP NOTCH   and I know that they can help get anyone back up to Cook standards in a pinch........  besides... you gopt a loser from Tennessee and an trainer who wears hawaiian shirts, life is great

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Re: Returning after 6 months.
« Reply #6 on: Dec 16, 2009, 11:15 »
you gopt a loser from Tennessee and an trainer who wears hawaiian shirts

I know you think you are being funny, but that's not cool.

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Re: Returning after 6 months.
« Reply #7 on: Dec 17, 2009, 02:15 »
Quote from: La Feet on Yesterday at 00:34
"you gopt a loser from Tennessee and an trainer who wears hawaiian shirts"

"gopt" ? Ouch! LaFeet. Kinda lean on the forethought for a man in your position.

Things come to those who wait, but usually it's stuff left over from those who hustle!

Offline fiveeleven

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Re: Returning after 6 months.
« Reply #8 on: Dec 18, 2009, 11:03 »
   Did it hurt when you were "gopt" ? What did the gopting actually consist of ?
Was it something that only "an" French podiatrist (or should that be "a" french podiatrist ?) has knowledge of ? You know what we like to tell the French as far as standards go - we have upped our standards, now up yours. If I am off base and de LA is for de Californian feets and not de french feets den much apology to dem frenchmen! Have a great Cook day. Your ol' buddy over in the cheese. SMc.

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Re: Returning after 6 months.
« Reply #9 on: Dec 18, 2009, 05:07 »
The "gopting" wasn't too bad. I'll be healed up by Christmas.

On a good note. We rolled the Unit 1 turbine for initial testing today. It's down now for the first balance shot. Now, that's a Christmas present!

What does a French Podiatrist have in common with a squirt of mustard? They both run when things heat up.
Things come to those who wait, but usually it's stuff left over from those who hustle!


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Re: Returning after 6 months.
« Reply #10 on: Jun 03, 2010, 07:15 »
Quote from: La Feet on Yesterday at 00:34
"you gopt a loser from Tennessee and an trainer who wears hawaiian shirts"

"gopt" ? Ouch! LaFeet. Kinda lean on the forethought for a man in your position.

Geesh   I have not been back to this thread since I last typed on it.....

First off I am sorry.  I did not intend, nor do I have any harsh feelings for the personnel at DC Cook. 

The Loser comment is only in reference to his choice of college programs and NOT the individual at all.  The Hawaiian shirt comment, for those that know me, is actually a compliment.  I have (and wear) a slew of Hawaiian shirts, the more harmful to the eye the better.

 Tenn-1  (Bill)  I truly meant no harm and I relished working for you and would do so in a moments notice if I was asked.  I hope this finds you doing well and look forward tohearing from you some time in the future.

 Once again I am sorry and meant no harm - Paule

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Re: Returning after 6 months.
« Reply #11 on: Jun 03, 2010, 08:00 »
When you do return, sounds like respirator work!
"Duty is the sublimest word in our language. Do your duty in all things. You cannot do more. You should never wish to do less." General Robert E. Lee, C.S.A.

Offline TENN-1

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Re: Returning after 6 months.
« Reply #12 on: Jun 04, 2010, 06:09 »
It's all good!
Things come to those who wait, but usually it's stuff left over from those who hustle!


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Re: Returning after 6 months.
« Reply #13 on: Jun 04, 2010, 07:18 »
LOL Bill. I knew ya would not take harsh comments bad,, it is what it is,, I do believe he was joking..

Hmm return after 6 months, lol it's been over 15 years since I've been to the cookie farm as Pat calls it. I do miss home, but you do what you have to do what you have to do to survive. I still know that plant inside and out.

LOL Bill i'll come back when you install some nice padded carpet on the S/G platforms and around the RCP pump seal areas, and take all the head knockers out of the annulus, and put a hov around lift down into the cavity.. Bill you know we are all getting old...Just kidding brother I'd come back anytime, it just never fits into my schedule, I'm sure someday I'll be back, to look at the old memories..

Take care my friend..



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Re: Returning after 6 months.
« Reply #14 on: Jun 14, 2010, 02:49 »
LOL Bill i'll come back when you install some nice padded carpet on the S/G platforms and around the RCP pump seal areas...

 Hey  we had the S/G platforms set up just like you wanted the last time I was there.  The staff there is still TOP NOTCH and I enjoyed my time and the challenging work load.  It was my Briar Patch, and I miss it.

 Hope all goes well up there in Cookie Land......  I don't know when Ill be back in the loop, but I hope to see you guys in the future.



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