They do offer a forum, but it is not as full of information as NukeWorker.
The outage schedules have incorrect federal per diem rates for some locations:
Ginna is listed as $145, the actual federal rate is $109.
Palo Verde is listed as $144, actual is $181
Beaver Valley is listed at $168, actual federal is $109.
You might also notice that they highlighted in red the fact that Diablo Canyon is paying the federal per diem rate, but did not afford the same special treatment to several sites that are paying at or above the federal rate. Do we detect a little bias? Of course, the GSA published rates are only good until the end of the fiscal year, but it is also very likely that they will actually go down as of October 1. So, there will be a bit of a tax trap at for a few folks this year unless they adjust their rates to match the GSA published rates. All in all, I appreciate them putting out the information, but it is nothing that we couldn't find out (with a bit more accuracy) by spending a minute or two on the phone or online elsewhere. You might reconsider your use of the term "accurate" in any case.
The site is quite professional in appearance, but the content leaves quite a bit to be desired. I'm still waiting to know what their plans are other than hoping that every tech will hold out this year and sign with one of their sponsored companies.
Bartlett is a big supporter of but I am not aware of a single instance where they have tried to use that sponsorship to control the content of this site in any way. There is a plethora of negative posts here on this site about Bartlett, and I have not seen any attempt to remove, edit, or control those posts as long as they comply with the forum rules. What do you suppose NPUA would do if you bashed them on their site? Hmmmmm?