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« on: Jul 14, 2009, 04:36 »
I have been hearing about the NPUA while in the trenches, holes, and other excavations in the outside world.  Is this group doing any real organizing work for the power plant HP techs?  Have they made any statements regarding DOE personnel?  Thanks for your responses.

Offline MeterSwangin

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« Reply #1 on: Jul 14, 2009, 10:34 »
Wisps of smoke, no fire.  Bartlett has staffed all the SGRs and is looking good to fill all the fall outages, despite call for "holdout."

Couldn't pick a worse time to attempt to herd RP cats.  Everybody just wants work.....

Offline Dave Warren

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« Reply #2 on: Jul 15, 2009, 09:36 »
I have been hearing about the NPUA while in the trenches, holes, and other excavations in the outside world.  Is this group doing any real organizing work for the power plant HP techs?  Have they made any statements regarding DOE personnel?  Thanks for your responses.

This is the latest news from Kevin and the crew:

This is the home page:

I think you will find that they are making a very conscious effort to do the right thing. This type of thing takes time and they are going about it the right way. I can say one thing. They are taking the time and putting forth the effort to lay the groundwork for equality between the RP ranks. No one else is stepping up and taking charge and they have the balls to do it. Kudos to them.


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« Reply #3 on: Jul 21, 2009, 11:00 »
http://www.npua .org/index.html

It's a 'dot-org.'  The above link will take you there. (No it won't.  For some reason the site doesn't wanna show .org)
« Last Edit: Jul 21, 2009, 11:17 by withroaj »

Offline desertdog

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« Reply #4 on: Jul 21, 2009, 10:19 »
Quite possibly specifically targeted, a guess.....?  I'm sure there is no animosity between the Bartlett backed Nukeworker (which sells its outage schedules) vs. the NPUA which publishes just as accurate and/or more accurate outage schedules for free.

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« Reply #5 on: Jul 22, 2009, 09:31 »
Quite possibly specifically targeted, a guess.....?  I'm sure there is no animosity between the Bartlett backed Nukeworker (which sells its outage schedules) vs. the NPUA which publishes just as accurate and/or more accurate outage schedules for free.
Really. Do they supply a open forum? Do they offer email?  Mike does this site with a high band use rate which means its needs to be paid for and if you where or are a gold member you can get the outage schedules for free. By the way one of  the reason people know about the NPUA is this site. Also the fact this is a Bartlett sponsored site does not mean it is controlled by them.
I'm a Union Steward and have tried to contact the NPUA. All I get for replies is a news letter on holding out.  The plan is sounded but the support is weak.
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« Reply #6 on: Jul 22, 2009, 12:07 »
They do offer a forum, but it is not as full of information as NukeWorker.

The outage schedules have incorrect federal per diem rates for some locations:

Ginna is listed as $145, the actual federal rate is $109.

Palo Verde is listed as $144, actual is $181

Beaver Valley is listed at $168, actual federal is $109.

You might also notice that they highlighted in red the fact that Diablo Canyon is paying the federal per diem rate, but did not afford the same special treatment to several sites that are paying at or above the federal rate.  Do we detect a little bias?  Of course, the GSA published rates are only good until the end of the fiscal year, but it is also very likely that they will actually go down as of October 1.  So, there will be a bit of a tax trap at for a few folks this year unless they adjust their rates to match the GSA published rates.  All in all, I appreciate them putting out the information, but it is nothing that we couldn't find out (with a bit more accuracy) by spending a minute or two on the phone or online elsewhere. You might reconsider your use of the term "accurate" in any case.

The site is quite professional in appearance, but the content leaves quite a bit to be desired.  I'm still waiting to know what their plans are other than hoping that every tech will hold out this year and sign with one of their sponsored companies.

Bartlett is a big supporter of but I am not aware of a single instance where they have tried to use that sponsorship to control the content of this site in any way.  There is a plethora of negative posts here on this site about Bartlett, and I have not seen any attempt to remove, edit, or control those posts as long as they comply with the forum rules.  What do you suppose NPUA would do if you bashed them on their site?  Hmmmmm?
« Last Edit: Jul 22, 2009, 12:08 by BeerCourt »
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Offline Dave Warren

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« Reply #7 on: Jul 22, 2009, 12:28 »
Actually BeerCourt, I haven't heard a peep out of Rennhack in awhile.

We haven't smited each other for s***s and giggles in awhile either.

Are you up there hunting Wolverines, Rennhack?

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« Reply #8 on: Jul 22, 2009, 02:08 »
Actually BeerCourt, I haven't heard a peep out of Rennhack in awhile.
We haven't smited each other for s***s and giggles in awhile either.
Are you up there hunting Wolverines, Rennhack?

Dave, Flag on the play. There is nothing in that post about NPUA.  You are off topic.  I would think that now that you are married, you would be better at following the rules. ;)

Offline DJ@Retired

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« Reply #9 on: Jul 22, 2009, 10:37 »
Oh I almost forgot. Kudos to you Dave Warren. Glad you feel the way you do about the NPUA. It's been a struggle for them but like you I believe it can and will work. Just takes some time and lots of effort from lots of people.

Jeff, I was not bashing anyone. But stating facts for desert dog. About this site. As far as NPUA is concerned I have offered to help and no responses as of yet....I do know this if we start with the deconners it would be easier to get done. I do not want to explain why for good reason. But if you think about it a light should go on in above your head.
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Offline Dave Warren

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« Reply #10 on: Jul 23, 2009, 07:24 »
Oh I almost forgot. Kudos to you Dave Warren. Glad you feel the way you do about the NPUA. It's been a struggle for them but like you I believe it can and will work. Just takes some time and lots of effort from lots of people.

I look at it this way, Jeff.
As a Rad Engineer or ALARA Planner, you will make $35-$42 bucks an hour at "most" places.
The rates that NPUA is "proposing" are $45 an hour for the same job.
Someone who I am not paying, is trying to get me from a $3 to $10 an hour raise and I didn't even ask them to. All I have to do is send them a resume and sign a confidentiality agreement.
The ultimate no-brainer.
I don't plan on doing a whole lot of outage work as I am in my mid-40's but still younger than most of these geezers....:). But in 22 years and 4 months in this industry, I have not seen anyone as aggressive as they have been regarding a union or fighting for higher wages. They may be just pi**in in the wind but at least they are putting their names and reputations on the line for someone else besides themselves. And in today's world, that tells me something about their character.

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« Reply #11 on: Jul 23, 2009, 10:12 »
Rumor is third time's the charm,.....

Look. This is my second time in 44 years. I would say that is pretty darn responsible.

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« Reply #12 on: Jul 23, 2009, 10:19 »
This is the voice of union "leadership"....a fine example of why every attempt to organize has failed.

I don't think DJ is speaking as a leader of this or any union in this case.  It's a little unfair to characterize him that way.

Yeah, the little bulb lit up over my head right away.  It's pretty obvious, and rather intelligent to consider organizing the deconners first.  You probably picked up on the reason right away too.  Now that the idea is out there, I wonder why nobody has mentioned it before.
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Offline Brett LaVigne

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« Reply #13 on: Jul 23, 2009, 12:35 »
I feel compelled to post. If the masses knew the level of personal investment of time and money on this movement by Kevin, I think it might make the skeptics take another look instead of simply dismissing the movement as another half assed attempt to get us caught up. I don't see anyone else stepping up to the plate like these guys are. If you think it might be for personal gain, remember, the leadership is elected going forward. He has put his head out there along with a few others to try and make a difference for us all. A failure could mean the risk professional suicide, a success could mean a better wage for all of us but the union board could still be voted out at some point in the future. I would encourage everyone to give the NPUA the benefit of the doubt for a long enough period to allow you to investigate deeper. I have a hard time believing that NPUA staff has been unavailable for anyones questions or concerns.

I don't know if the union is right and I have traditionally been anti-union. But I will say that I like what the NPUA has to say so far and I certainly don't have any better ideas to get us where we need to be. I support the idea.

For all those who want to nit pick the small stuff like the layout of the website, or the completeness of the forum area etc. Do you really think that in the early stages of a movement like this, everything is going to look and run like an operationally excellent company with many years of refinement? Give them a break and look through the small stuff to keep your eye on the goal. Or, be happy with your $25/hour, capped travel, substandard per-diem, etc. etc. etc.

If you are ill informed on the NPUA, find out more before spreading negative uninformed babble. I believe that our group is an intelligent group, also very opinionated and independent. These traits have also been the foundation of our failure to come together and make contract RP work a more stable way to make a living.
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Offline Brett LaVigne

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« Reply #14 on: Jul 23, 2009, 07:18 »
Wisps of smoke, no fire.  Bartlett has staffed all the SGRs and is looking good to fill all the fall outages, despite call for "holdout."

Couldn't pick a worse time to attempt to herd RP cats.  Everybody just wants work.....

Looking good to fill all the fall outages? You have got to know something the rest of us don't, do tell.

The rough math of outages vs # of techs seems off all by it self, now add the new DOE work. Unless there are going to be a tremendous amount of Jr. positions available (working Jr's, which is unheard of in commercial plants for the most part) or someone magically turns Jr's and 18.1 techs into ANSI 3.1 techs, there is going to be a shortage. Doesn't really matter about holding out (not that it would hurt), there will be a shortage either way. Will they survive? Don't know. I know the outages will get done one way or another, but I am willing to bet that there will be several outages that are going to simply suck to work at as a RP tech due to short staffing. Unless you are working these outages on a back up contract making $35 and fed. per-diem with uncapped travel...that should ease the pain. In fact, it would put a great big grin on my face while doing 10 hours/shift in the can.
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Offline MeterSwangin

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« Reply #15 on: Jul 23, 2009, 10:27 »
The fall outages will be successfully completed.  SGRs are already staffed up.  RPMs have been talking for months about strategies to mitigate shortage and work rule impact...sharing, juniors, zone covg., remote cong., community college program participants, shorter in-processing, etc.  Easy money.

Welders are a problem.  Can't weld with a $40 video camera or a community college trainee.  RP is NOT a problem. Those seeking to opportunistically leverage this fall's shortage are naive and self-impressed.  They may soon find themselves permanently replaced by a networked alarming dosimeter.   

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« Reply #16 on: Jul 23, 2009, 11:14 »
Dear Meterswangin,
I already know I am not as important as a welder.  They make more , but you are wrong.  Sr. Techs are not toilet paper.  My hat is off to the efforts of NPUA and the personnel efforts for all.  There are so few techs that do anything for others.  I can tell where you stand.  Take care off yourself because I for one do not have your back.
« Last Edit: Jul 23, 2009, 11:15 by techtoolong »

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« Reply #17 on: Jul 24, 2009, 10:02 »
It just does not seem that it will work.  Staffing companies will go through their lists and get people to commit,  That is their job, no one should be mad about it. People who won't commit or decommit will be on the outside looking in.  Thats my opinion and I could be wrong!!!  If there is a way NPUA has found to leverage a few bucks and they do it I will applaud them.  But with shared resources( IF utilitys were really short they could borrow from others) and people looking after number 1 , I doubt it.

Offline MeterSwangin

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« Reply #18 on: Jul 24, 2009, 10:38 »
Fume not.  Reality bites.

RP is a small sideshow in the nuclear circus.  And getting much, much smaller.  Remember big radwaste groups, onsite laundry operations, dosimetry labs, multiple control points, frisking "dogpounds?"  All gone.  Jobs gone.

So be not dismayed as the value of the Road Tech continues to decline.  Tis the natural order of things.  Began long ago, and will continue as utilities improve their business models.

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« Reply #19 on: Jul 25, 2009, 10:58 »
I 'm wondering???
 How many outages can they staff as backup?

 How many of the resumes that they have are people who are working long term stuff, and won't work outages this fall, or are already staffed at outages with Bartlett and Atlantic, but put their resumes with the NPUA company as a backup.?

Wouldn't backing out on Bartlett or Atlantic to work a backup with the NPUA be cutting into what they are trying to stop?

Seems to me, if they are using the same tactics in presenting resumes of people that have no intention of, or are already staffed at, fall outages, they are no better than the practices that are out there now.

Just wondering, not attacking anyone here.
It is what it is!

11 for 12

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« Reply #20 on: Jul 26, 2009, 05:03 »
So what are you wondering????
Did you summit your resume with them yet?
Sounds like you are attacking them and have some problem with them trying to help the technicans.
What they are trying to do is help all of us earn a better living.
I was just wondering if you would ever work for them if they got  contracts.
If the techs are already working it won't really make a difference.
How about when bartlett and atlantic both summit your resumes to the same plant.If your working for one  i guess you cant go with the other.
The  NPUA are not trying to put anybody out of bizz. They just are trying to get the wages up to at least house tech levels and fed. per diem rate for all your trouble of traveling and exp's.
So you can earn what you deserve.
maybe even get you some better health coverage unless that obama mortages the country to give us all it for free.

Just wondering what would you suggestion be to do it the right way?
I 'm wondering???
 How many outages can they staff as backup?

 How many of the resumes that they have are people who are working long term stuff, and won't work outages this fall, or are already staffed at outages with Bartlett and Atlantic, but put their resumes with the NPUA company as a backup.?

Wouldn't backing out on Bartlett or Atlantic to work a backup with the NPUA be cutting into what they are trying to stop?

Seems to me, if they are using the same tactics in presenting resumes of people that have no intention of, or are already staffed at, fall outages, they are no better than the practices that are out there now.

Just wondering, not attacking anyone here.
« Last Edit: Jul 26, 2009, 05:07 by 11 for 12 »

Offline MeterSwangin

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« Reply #21 on: Jul 26, 2009, 06:28 »
Trying to boost wages up to what the house techs are making PLUS fed per diem rates?!!  Holy pipedream, Batman.

No education beyond high school required.  3 years experience running a mop and frisker and you are in.  Then you expect travel in, travel out, $37/hr and $200+/day tax free diem?

No offense, amigo, but look around.  Sharp, industrious, capable. college-educated professionals of all stripes are tending bar and slinging coffee these days for lack of work.  If you think mullet-shorn Bubba Breakroom has any kind of leverage in this market you need to report for a fresh MMPI.

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« Reply #22 on: Jul 26, 2009, 10:50 »
I would say  at least 15 Conus states have 200 diem and most states you can get 180 for some cities.  Saying this I have to say NPUA would seem to have a uphill battle on a Ice Road. Yes Techs get chumped about 50 dollars a day or more diem LOL.  However most people find hovels and make the 50 back so they break even.  LOL 
« Last Edit: Jul 26, 2009, 11:10 by thenukeman »

11 for 12

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« Reply #23 on: Jul 27, 2009, 12:37 »
Hello McFly anybody home????
 Why shouldn't we get as much as a house tech whe it come to supporting an outage thats what we do because at most plants the house techs don't cover almost any of the work it' the contractors.
There is a fla. palnt where some house techs haven't been in the can for more than 10 yrs
And as far as per diem your way out of touch with the rates.
oh by the way have you seen the rates that diablo pays their contract techs.
So it isnt inpossible
Trying to boost wages up to what the house techs are making PLUS fed per diem rates?!!  Holy pipedream, Batman.

No education beyond high school required.  3 years experience running a mop and frisker and you are in.  Then you expect travel in, travel out, $37/hr and $200+/day tax free diem?

No offense, amigo, but look around.  Sharp, industrious, capable. college-educated professionals of all stripes are tending bar and slinging coffee these days for lack of work.  If you think mullet-shorn Bubba Breakroom has any kind of leverage in this market you need to report for a fresh MMPI.

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« Reply #24 on: Jul 27, 2009, 12:56 »
Pine not for what you feel worth, my friend.  Meaningless in the marketplace.

Degreed RPs from Laguna Verde will work their asses off...and do, for half what you "feel" worth.

One sleepy house tech can remotely cover 3 high rad jobs by video/teledosimetry with doughnuts in hand for a fraction of what a crew of 3-in-3-out diemDuds "feel" worth.

The Work Hour Rule will dilute your OT and further disrupt the market.  Utilities are accelerating programs to wean themselves off outage.  And they are not finding it difficult to do.


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