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Offline Dave Warren

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Jay Monroe Benefit
« on: Jul 22, 2009, 07:23 »
For those of you who worked at Fernald or are currently working at Oak Ridge, one of our comrades is suffering.
Jay is currently going through hard times with lymphoma. They are having a benefit for him and his family. See info below.
Any donations can be sent to Jay Mills at:

Jay Mills & Rhonda Jordan
107 Skyline View Lane
Kingston, TN  37763

Subject: Jay Monroe Benefit

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Most of you are aware, Jay Monroe, a RCT at ETTP, has been diagnosed and is
current being aggressively treated for lymphoma.

A few of us are planning a fundraiser to benefit Jay and his family.  The
fundraiser is a social gathering and we will collect donations. 

The fundraiser has been tentatively scheduled for 14:00 hrs on August the 8th
at Ken Wetherington's home in Oliver Springs.  There will be a hog roast,
hamburgers, hotdogs, frosty adult beverages, soft drinks, etc...and two live
bands.  If you have a 4X4 or a four wheeler bring it along, we'll ride some

We will be taking up any and all donations, having a 50/50 drawing and
raffling off some new tools and 100% of all moneys will go to the Monroe
family.  Donations are appreciated but not required.  $1, $5, $20, every
little bit helps! 

Please plan on bringing your family/friends. 

We would like to get a head count for everyone who plans to attend, so if
you plan on attending if you could send me an e-mail I would appreciate it.
If you have a favorite side dish or desert that you would like to make a
share with the crowd, all are appreciated.  We are trying to make sure that
we have enough food.


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Re: Jay Monroe Benefit
« Reply #1 on: Jul 23, 2009, 02:49 »
thats tough


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