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Offline worrywart

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Used marijuana, lied about it at meps.
« on: Sep 10, 2009, 07:35 »
Hey everybody, I've been offered a Nuke job for the Navy, but I'm obviously having some reservations. I've already been processed at MEPS and told them what they "needed" to hear, I got a 99 on my AFQT, and I line-score qualified by more than ten points for a nuke job. But I've been having a major personal moral issue, one with my recruiter, and in fact the entire branch he works for.

You can glaze over this part:
Backing up, I started smoking pot my last year of high school, and I smoked it pretty heavily the first semester I spent at community college. It tapered off significantly since then, and I haven't done it but twice in the past year. I wouldn't call my pot use experimental, but not chronic either. It was very leisurely, if I can describe it as that. I never had a pot addiction or a strong craving to do it, but I had a lot of friends (enablers) who always wanted to do it, and at the time it was hard to find a reason not to. My friends smoked pot, my coworkers smoked pot, even my bosses smoked pot. I was delivering pizza that summer, and even regularly got offered pot by people I was delivering to. Let's just say I was living in a very pot-heavy town, and as a first-semester college student there was little explicit incentive to stay away from it.

Well, I screwed up my first semester of school, and went up to visit my parents for a semester and get my head on straight. When I went back, I dissolved ties with many of the people I had been disillusioned about, and cut back on weed smoking significantly. I was biking ten miles a day (because my car broke down) and I gt a 4.0 for that semester. I moved back in with my parents in December when the restuarant I worked for wen out of business with the economic downturn, and stopped smoking almost completely.

Members of my family told me my past was my own business, and when I went into the recruiter office I initially followed that mantra. I went in with a friend, and I stayed tight-lipped as the CO of the office went over the initial questions with us. My friend told the truth, and everything seemed fine. He didn't get chastised or made to believe that it would adversely effect his recruitment. I felt really guilty after that.

Well, when we sat down with the recruiter to fill out out paperwork for MEPS and our SF-86 forms, I tried to come clean about my pot usage, saying I did not want to proceed without getting that off of my chest. He shut the door and had a private talk with us. He told us point-blank to lie about everything. My friend who had already told the recruiter's commanding officer that he had smoked pot now lied about it on his paperwork, and I did too. He also told my friend to go online and change his NASIS forms in which he disclosed that he had asthma as a child. He said there was no way for the military to access medical histories without us, and that  my friends would never narc on me. We followed his instructions. On the way to Meps we got a call from the Chief who asked us if we had ever been asked to lie, had criminal charges etc.; and he asked my friend if he had ever smoked pot. This was the man who my friend had confessed his pot usage to when we first showed up a month ago, but now my friend lied to him and he accepted the lie without hesitation. This led to my suspecting that the office we went to, if not the whole military, is very corrupt and nod-nod wink-wink.

When we got to MEPS I was completely truthful about everything except my pot usage, and they offered me a Nuke contract, but I did not sign anything because my friend and I both wanted to do CTI at the tame and take the DLAB first. Now I'm fairly certain I want the Nuke opportunity.

But it's really been eating away at me. I'm not sure if I can just bury a chunk of my past that large. If I lie now, that's potentially twenty years of lying, trying to lie on a polygraph, lying to any new people I meet, possibly getting caught and kicked out/fined, and just generally hating myself and looking over my shoulder all the time. I don't want my Navy career to be like the "Tell Tale Heart."

So what do you guys think? I tried telling my recruiter today that my friend and I wanted to come in and see about making changes to our forms before we enter the DEP and really make things hard for ourselves. He didn't seem to happy about that, and he said we'd have to talk to the chief on Monday to see if he still wanted to "deal" with us. That statement made me feel kind of betrayed, but what should I expect, really? Am I opening up a world of pain by coming clean, or am I doing the right thing? Do you think I still have a shot at becoming a nuke after this? Was he just blowing smoke up my ass with that comment?

I'm fully committed to not being involved with any drugs while in the military, regardless of how mild. And honestly, with as much stress as this has caused me, I don't care if I ever see pot again.
Something else we were considering is going to the recruiting station a county over and asking them what they think, perhaps even continuing with them, as we feel there's a chance that the people we're currently working with would rather just get rid of us.

Also, so we're clear, It was ultimately my decision to lie at MEPS, and I take full respnsibility for that. It was an adult decision, and a bad one at that.
« Last Edit: Sep 10, 2009, 07:54 by worrywart »

Offline greenbean

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Re: Used marijuana, lied about it at meps.
« Reply #1 on: Sep 10, 2009, 08:18 »
You sound like a guy with good intentions. I think making a well placed phone call to a different recruiting office and asking some anonymous questions might help you out.  When you call, just tell them you are thinking about joining but you know the Navy is strict on drug usage and ask them what you would need to do to get into the Nuke program. I think they will tell you that there is a certain period of time (6 months to a year) that you have to be completely clean before they put you in. (I'm not positive on this, its just what they told me at MEPS.)

true story:
When I went to MEPS the chief in charge of having everyone disclose their drug usage explained that when he joined 25 years ago it was no big deal if you smoked. He said everyone smoked and no one cared, then halfway through his career he got promoted to a special assignment. He had been hitting acid the night before and reported short notice to his XO the following morning. He was still bleary eyed as the XO explained he was to implement a strict crack down(no pun intended) on all drug usage at the command.  The chief said he almost pissed himself and got it together real quick...

IMHO you should find a way to put the truth down. Its way better for you to be the source than for them to do a security check on you and have one of your buddies tell them instead.

I've dealt with 6 recruiters. Some are more honest than the next. I have finally found a recruiter who is honest with me, tells me the good news/bad news directly, and who actually puts my paperwork in on time. He helped me fill out all the paperwork honestly, but still in the best light. There is nothing saying you have to stay with one recruiter. You can find another if it suits you better.

Good Luck!
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Offline worrywart

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Re: Used marijuana, lied about it at meps.
« Reply #2 on: Sep 10, 2009, 09:50 »
Thanks for your input. My friend and I are going to get together tomorrow around 10 or 11 and talk about what we should do. The anonymous call sounds good, but I think we might want to switch recruiters regardless, depending on what they have to tell us on Monday. How did you go about severing ties with the recruiters that rubbed you the wrong way?

Offline HydroDave63

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Re: Used marijuana, lied about it at meps.
« Reply #3 on: Sep 11, 2009, 12:48 »
How did you go about severing ties with the recruiters that rubbed you the wrong way?

Who gives a crap if the recruiter rubbed you the wrong way. You gave false information and signed documents clearly stating "under penalty of perjury".

Best bet is to walk away now.

Offline worrywart

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Re: Used marijuana, lied about it at meps.
« Reply #4 on: Sep 11, 2009, 01:19 »
I don't think I said anything about anyone rubbing me the wrong way. I just imagined that that must have happened to greenbean considering he switched recruiter so many times.  I was asking a question about someone else's experience.

I probably won't get a job out of this, but if there's any chance for me to continue on I'd sure like to do it with another set of of people.


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Re: Used marijuana, lied about it at meps.
« Reply #5 on: Sep 11, 2009, 02:22 »
The drugs are out of your system. We all made stupid mistakes when we were younger. Move on, create a new life, and enjoy it.

Offline greenbean

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Re: Used marijuana, lied about it at meps.
« Reply #6 on: Sep 11, 2009, 01:01 »
Lying seems to be a norm in society unfortunately. We all want to get something for nothing.

The idea that "this little lie won't hurt the bigger picture," is especially destructive and unfortunately the recruiters did not serve you well.

Again I commend you on wanting to come clean. This may have cost you the chance of getting into the Navy right now. However that's better than serving for several  years and then having the truth surface that you lied on a government document. You'd possibly receive a dishonorable discharge and loose all the benefits you'd earned to that point.

A quick search found this:

The reality is that with a little time most organizations are willing to let you apply. Pot-smokers have become Presidents. You are a better man than most for having the humility to admit your fault and to be willing to take the consequences.
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Offline deltarho

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Re: Used marijuana, lied about it at meps.
« Reply #7 on: Sep 11, 2009, 04:00 »
You knew what the right thing to do was...your choice showed your character.

Your choice then became a character building event.

Now, again, you know the right thing to do...again, your character will prevail.

What is in your character wallet?
« Last Edit: Aug 23, 2010, 06:48 by deltarho »
The above has nothing to do with any real  or imagined person(s).  Moreover, any referenced biped(s) simulating real or imagined persons--with a pulse or not--is coincidental, as far as you know.

Offline greenbean

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Re: Used marijuana, lied about it at meps.
« Reply #8 on: Sep 11, 2009, 10:11 »
*laugh* something tells me you are movie buff.. It adds color. :) So does worrywart end up in a lake of fire?
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Re: Used marijuana, lied about it at meps.
« Reply #9 on: Sep 14, 2009, 08:40 »
The question is your integrity.
That's what concerns the Navy, are you still using is another issue, can either of these be used against you in order to gain information that you'd be privy to?
A man's weaknesses are often his downfall when the matter of committing treason is brought to him.  (Another Navy issue)
Don't let lying now about your past lead to more lies in the future.  Come clean at whatever expense and move on.
You sound level headed... make the calls, ask the questions, I suspect that you'll be disappointed by the answers you'll receive, but, you'd have come clean and brought your level of integrity up a notch.

Good luck

Offline worrywart

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Re: Used marijuana, lied about it at meps.
« Reply #10 on: Sep 14, 2009, 08:43 »
My friend and I came clean today at the recruiters. We gave written statements about what we had lied about and why we did it (we didn't implicate the recruiter, didn't want to open that can of worms--we just chalked it up to generally bad advice and poor judgement). The chief said he would fax them to meps and get back to us, but he seemed to be dropping hints that he would shred them if we wanted.

Whatever, if I can still get through, awesome; if not, that's fine too. But I don't want to be reciting things about integrity if I don't mean them.

Offline HydroDave63

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Re: Used marijuana, lied about it at meps.
« Reply #11 on: Sep 14, 2009, 09:18 »
My friend and I came clean today at the recruiters. We gave written statements about what we had lied about and why we did it (we didn't implicate the recruiter, didn't want to open that can of worms--we just chalked it up to generally bad advice and poor judgement). The chief said he would fax them to meps and get back to us, but he seemed to be dropping hints that he would shred them if we wanted.

Whatever, if I can still get through, awesome; if not, that's fine too. But I don't want to be reciting things about integrity if I don't mean them.

+K to ya! Welcome aboard!


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Re: Used marijuana, lied about it at meps.
« Reply #12 on: Sep 15, 2009, 10:16 »
The Peace Corps is looking for people. Good luck

Offline Jechtm

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Re: Used marijuana, lied about it at meps.
« Reply #13 on: Nov 25, 2009, 10:15 »
If I remember correctly my when my recruiters mentioned Zero Tolerance they said any who has used within the last 6 months( prior to going to MEPs for the first time) wont even be considered to be enlisted by the recruiter.

If I'm wrong, please PM me. (and make note of it here of course)
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Re: Used marijuana, lied about it at meps.
« Reply #14 on: Dec 01, 2009, 06:21 »
Good for you!

Integrity is great and a thing to be guarded and cherished. Some recruiters should take notice :) Not that any have ever lied before to techs :D. I sure miss Sue Opdyke and Chuck Pierce in the ole Numanco Days. I can honestly say Sue always told me the truth as she knew it, if she didn't know it she would say so. That quality never goes out of style in my book.

I wish you the best.

Remind the recruiter that even Bill Clinton came clean and stated that he smoked marijuana....but never inhaled, now that was integrity! I always wondered what his definition of inhaling was??? Oh well we will never know. On second thought don't remind the recruiter, he is just doing his/her job. Good luck to you and thanks for wanting to protect us.

When you get a chance listen to Alice's Restaurant by Arlo Guthrie, it will give you a laugh if you were too young to have heard it. He too had problems with "the man".

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Re: Used marijuana, lied about it at meps.
« Reply #15 on: Dec 01, 2009, 11:51 »
............Sue Opdyke......
There may be a few in this business or, life in general, with as much class, but none with more,..... ;)

Off topic, but on target.
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Re: Used marijuana, lied about it at meps.
« Reply #16 on: Jul 31, 2010, 10:30 »
Wow. I read this post a little while ago and I didn't think anything of it.

Im going to DEP in in a couple days, but I've been attending DEP meetings and PT(Physical Training) once a week. Anyways:

After the PT yesterday, a few of the DEPpers and I decided to go to a local park and play basketball and eat, and while we were there, we started to talk, and a couple of the guys actually started to talk about having had broken bones, health conditions, and most of all, previous marijuana use and having lied about it at MEPS. After they went around talking about who had used it before, we came to the conclusion that I was the only one who hadn't previously used it! This was among a small handful of the DEPpers, among them the C.O.! I couldn't believe it! They even sounded like they still used it, but tried not to fuel the conversation anymore, so I just made an excuse why I'd never used it. It's really surprising to me that there's people getting into the Navy and lying to MEPS about their history. One of them was also a (future) Nuke, I am really dumbfounded at that. I just thought I'd add my recent experience, though.

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Re: Used marijuana, lied about it at meps.
« Reply #17 on: Aug 01, 2010, 08:06 »
Wow. I read this post a little while ago and I didn't think anything of it.

Im going to DEP in in a couple days, but I've been attending DEP meetings and PT(Physical Training) once a week. Anyways:

After the PT yesterday, a few of the DEPpers and I decided to go to a local park and play basketball and eat, and while we were there, we started to talk, and a couple of the guys actually started to talk about having had broken bones, health conditions, and most of all, previous marijuana use and having lied about it at MEPS. After they went around talking about who had used it before, we came to the conclusion that I was the only one who hadn't previously used it! This was among a small handful of the DEPpers, among them the C.O.! I couldn't believe it! They even sounded like they still used it, but tried not to fuel the conversation anymore, so I just made an excuse why I'd never used it. It's really surprising to me that there's people getting into the Navy and lying to MEPS about their history. One of them was also a (future) Nuke, I am really dumbfounded at that. I just thought I'd add my recent experience, though.

This is your first test, my young friend.  I believe that you have an obligation to report such events, since you know about them.  Failing to do the right thing makes you complicent to those folks who are liars.  All those guys likely would have gotten waivers to join anyway.  If the head recruiter was there for these conversations, then he needs to be in a new line of work.

Doing the right thing is never easy.  Being a nuke is about doing the right thing, in all circumstances, regardless of the situation or what the perceived outcome will be.  Will you pass or fail your first test?

« Last Edit: Aug 01, 2010, 08:07 by Gamecock »
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Re: Used marijuana, lied about it at meps.
« Reply #18 on: Aug 01, 2010, 03:07 »
This is your first test, my young friend.  I believe that you have an obligation to report such events, since you know about them.  Failing to do the right thing makes you complicent to those folks who are liars.  All those guys likely would have gotten waivers to join anyway.  If the head recruiter was there for these conversations, then he needs to be in a new line of work.

Doing the right thing is never easy.  Being a nuke is about doing the right thing, in all circumstances, regardless of the situation or what the perceived outcome will be.  Will you pass or fail your first test?


I think you may be over-simplifying the situation...and urging a HUGE over-reaction on BlackMatter's part.  All he has is a little bit of hear-say.  Maybe the 'Right' thing to do would have been to hop up on his soapbox while he had the chance and give the evil-doers a quick speech about 'coming-clean-for-the-good-of-Mom-and-Apple-Pie', but at this point...?
« Last Edit: Aug 01, 2010, 03:16 by UncaBuffalo »
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Offline MMM

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Re: Used marijuana, lied about it at meps.
« Reply #19 on: Aug 05, 2010, 10:59 »
Whether you report the incident or not is up to you. If you find out they are still using, then you should report it, especially if any of them could be working near a nuclear reactor. As far as an excuse why you've never smoked pot, the one I've always used is, "Because I'm not a moron." You might want to learn to fight before you use it though, it seems to bring out some anger in others.

Offline Jechtm

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Re: Used marijuana, lied about it at meps.
« Reply #20 on: Aug 19, 2010, 09:02 »
Just a heads up. The bus gets pretty busy over here at NNPTC. Mostly for stupid stuff. Unfortunately the more important matters never get reported. Just had 5 sailors masted last week because of underage drinking, the story is pretty long but basically the 21+  guy who was also sober failed to attain the keys of the underage extremely drunk shipmate. Blah blah.... later on they find themselves in a fence and one shipmate hurt. two or three opportunities for the four other guys to get out of the situation but their integrity failed and got them into trouble. SO now they drop in rate lose money and put on mildiv with the possibility of getting out of the program for good. ( i do not disagree with the outcome) the underage drunk driver is out of the navy completely! (also agree)
If I am not making sense I apologize, trying to keep it short.
So yeh, keep yourself clean of drugs, duh, dont underage drink. It happens, if your caught in a situation where there was underage drinking, you also get masted and lose pay even if your of age for failure to report it... choose your friends wisely.
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Re: Used marijuana, lied about it at meps.
« Reply #21 on: Aug 20, 2010, 08:33 »
" Unfortunately the more important matters never get reported. "

You just did, in a public forum, plus include a nice photo of you and your lady. Proceed in your training, but give some more thought to what ( and where ) you post. Good luck, son. 8)

Offline Jechtm

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Re: Used marijuana, lied about it at meps.
« Reply #22 on: Aug 20, 2010, 01:01 »
" Unfortunately the more important matters never get reported. "

You just did, in a public forum, plus include a nice photo of you and your lady. Proceed in your training, but give some more thought to what ( and where ) you post. Good luck, son. 8)

I'm sorry I don't follow...
I gave an example of where not reporting something important failed and blew up in their faces.
PM me if you like. I don't understand your post.
"Truth is the Daughter of Inspiration;... It is like a finger pointing a way to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory."

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Re: Used marijuana, lied about it at meps.
« Reply #23 on: Aug 23, 2010, 06:31 »
I will tell a story from when I was in many years ago. We had a corpsman on board. If I remember correctly Dave was an E-6 over 16. It seems back when he was an E-4, he attended a party given by someone from his boat. There were people at the party that were smoking pot, he did not partake. Later on it was discovered that he was present but did not report the drug usage to his command. That incident was brought up every time he was up for chief. He finally did get promoted, but way after he should have been.

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Re: Used marijuana, lied about it at meps.
« Reply #24 on: Aug 23, 2010, 09:10 »
I will tell a story from when I was in many years ago. We had a corpsman on board. If I remember correctly Dave was an E-6 over 16. It seems back when he was an E-4, he attended a party given by someone from his boat. There were people at the party that were smoking pot, he did not partake. Later on it was discovered that he was present but did not report the drug usage to his command. That incident was brought up every time he was up for chief. He finally did get promoted, but way after he should have been.

The way I've heard Chief boards work, if this incedent wasn't in his record, it should never have been mentioned at the board.

Having just received the NPTU XO welcome during indoc here, I can tell you, if you see your (potential) shipmates breaking the UCMJ, you are supposed to report them (new definition of integrity). If you don't, you can (and probably will) go to mast right along with them.


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