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Author Topic: When will I recieve my Outage Schedule?  (Read 13936 times)

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When will I recieve my Outage Schedule?
« on: Oct 12, 2009, 11:08 »
Hello i paid for a outage scheduale yestarday how long do you think it will be untill i recieve it thanks.
« Last Edit: Oct 12, 2009, 11:45 by Rennhack »

Offline Rennhack

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Outage Schedule Order
« Reply #1 on: Oct 12, 2009, 11:44 »
Hello i paid for a outage scheduale yestarday how long do you think it will be untill i recieve it thanks.


Thank you for contacting us for help using the forum.  Your answer is on the page you ordered the outage schedule from:

I have copied it below for your convenience.

Please read this entire page before requesting help.  After reading all of the information on this page, feel free to  contact us.

Your outage schedule is E-mailed to you within 36 hours.  Often the Outage schedule is routed to your spam/bulk folder by your email provider (especially yahoo).  Please look in there for an email from "Michael Rennhack", and tell your system to accept emails from us in the future.

You ordered it at 11:39AM, so expect it before 11:39PM today.

I'm in the process of creating the Spring schedule, which should be out some time today.  Until that is complete, I'll send you the current fall schedule to tide you over.


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