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Re: got caught
« Reply #25 on: Oct 20, 2009, 09:11 »
Very well said Sovbob.


Offline Gamecock

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Re: got caught
« Reply #26 on: Oct 20, 2009, 09:16 »
What is the Navys deal on this?  Army was 45 days restriction 45 days  extra duty, 2/3 pay for 2 months and reduction in rank for E5 and below.  Above was automatic discharge. If they let you stay in shape up and do your time and do not be ignorant anymore.  Go to the rehab.  You can still get a honorable discharge if this is the case.  If you own up to it for DOE jobs and Nuke Plant you MAY get a pass if you show your rehab and admit your stupidity.  Both will ask if you have been punished by Captains Mast or Article 15,  You will have to own up to it.

Navy policy is ZERO TOLERANCE.  It is preached from day one of boot camp.  If you do the crime, you are looking at the Big Chicken Dinner.....Bad Conduct Discharge.

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Offline desertdog

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Re: got caught
« Reply #27 on: Oct 21, 2009, 01:40 »
As for the OTH being changed to an Honorable, I have always heard that it will take a few attempts before they rule in favor. I guess they want to see if you are off the weed and are motivated enough to keep trying.

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Re: got caught
« Reply #28 on: Oct 21, 2009, 10:53 »
As for the OTH being changed to an Honorable, I have always heard that it will take a few attempts before they rule in favor. I guess they want to see if you are off the weed and are motivated enough to keep trying.

Somebody correct me if I am wrong but an OTH can only be upgraded to a General and not an Honorable discharge.  There is also the fact that if you do show your discharge, upgraded or not, to someone who knows what they are looking at the re-enlistment code will twig them to the fact that you didn't willingly walk out, you were shown to the door and asked not to come back.
WARNING: Translation of author's random thoughts may have resulted in the unintended introduction of grammatical errors, typos, technical inaccuracies, lies, propaganda, rhetoric, or blasphemy.


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Re: got caught
« Reply #29 on: Oct 26, 2009, 12:21 »
You knew that pot was a no-no,
 You knew they did randoms,
 You smoked pot anyway.

 I would not hire you, your decision making skills are weak.

Offline Creeker

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Re: got caught
« Reply #30 on: Oct 27, 2009, 08:43 »
look i know i messed up. i just need serious job advice, not judgement.

Hey Jong...  Best case, you're still young, have all your limbs, and maybe got out with an OTH.  Life isn't over, just a major change in direction.  Lots of responsible living will eventually bury your mistake, but it's going to take some time.  IF you have a BCD, then it looks like you're going to have a very hard time getting back into the commercial industry.  IF you have a OTH, you can probably, over time, overcome it.

Soooo, you're out, probably intelligent, and you know you can get through NPS and NPTU, which are tough schools.  Pick yourself up and go to college.  My prototype roommate got out after 6, and put himself through 5 years at Mizzou while working nights at UPS.  He has a EE.  Go to college, and make yourself valuable!  You might be on the periphery of nuclear power when you try to get back in, and have to take jobs that are less than your qualified for.. But look at the long term.  My nephew picked up an underage DUI earlier this year.  He satisfied all the court requirements, and is working our outage here.  You might have to ease in, work outages as labor, then possibly work into something else, build a dependable reputation!!

People make mistakes... If you pick yourself up, work your ass off, get your degree, and what experience you can, I'd think that down the road you can work back into it. 

All of us on these boards have made mistakes, and your's will have sharper consequences.  OK, deal, and go on!

Best of luck,



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Re: Upgrading discharge
« Reply #31 on: Nov 02, 2009, 07:40 »
... but the head officer over the program overruled them...


Hey, where were you applying, I know some folks looking.  HONEYCOMB!  Find out where this guy was going!


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Re: got caught
« Reply #32 on: Nov 29, 2009, 09:48 »
You did drugs while serving in the military and you actually (I mean, actually...) thought you wouldn't get caught...?

I must say...I'm a wee bit proud of the Navy for kicking your butt out because I definitely would not someone who thinks it's okay to get stoned while serving their country working with my husband.
It might just be a "wife thing", but I'd rather him not have to worry about whether or not the idiot in the next bunk is too wasted to do his job...
Ya know...
silly things like that...
« Last Edit: Nov 29, 2009, 09:57 by LaviniaSkies »

Offline Jechtm

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Re: got caught
« Reply #33 on: Nov 29, 2009, 10:03 »

Really, I can't believe you'd give up everything you worked for to go get high.
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Re: got caught
« Reply #34 on: Dec 02, 2009, 02:18 »
Im not justifiying what he did here, but Ive know alot of folks that have done drugs in the past, cleaned up and were hired.  If you clean up and are honest about the whole thing you shouldnt have to many problems.  It may take longer to get a security clearance, but honesty is always the way to go.  I truely hope you cleanup and fly straight if not for yourself but for those around you.

Offline Jechtm

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Re: got caught
« Reply #35 on: Dec 02, 2009, 02:34 »
I'm just glad I never got caught up in all that crap when I was younger. I just don't see the big deal of getting high. And if you can tell me why its so great, then we all know whose tried it. =/
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Re: got caught
« Reply #36 on: Dec 02, 2009, 11:32 »
Human curiosity is within us all. Smoking may be something people would do, just not for me. Sorry if my thoughts bother anyone.

My stepfather had alcohol and smoking problems and died when I was 12, my mom wasn't an outstanding character either... She almost died in a car accident because of her drug abuse when I was 14... those things in my life changed my point of view on drugs and alcohol. So don't mind me if I seem so judgmental when I didn't mean to be.
"Truth is the Daughter of Inspiration;... It is like a finger pointing a way to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory."

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Re: got caught
« Reply #37 on: Dec 03, 2009, 12:05 »
I am with you.

We all have our opinions. My father has a new liver that yet again, has stage 3 scarring due to his youthful indiscretions. That caused me never to be like that. My brother on the other hand, can't put down the bottle or the joint and wonders why he was laid off from a well paying, high power lineman job. Smoking a joint is dumb, IMO, because there is too much to risk because of it. However, getting into a philosophical debate about the merits/evils of weed are beyond this topic and this section of the forum, so I recommend we don't get into it.

Back on topic, the joint the OP smoked has to be the most expensive one ever. :P
« Last Edit: Dec 03, 2009, 12:06 by JustinHEMI »


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Re: got caught
« Reply #38 on: May 27, 2010, 12:47 »
You guys have it all wrong looking at the type of discharge.  A BCD requires a court martial.  The MILPERSMAN 1910-146 (I think) characterizes the OTH as the least favorable discharge, of which the choices for a CO are honorable, general, and OTH (CO's cant mete out any other type without a court martial).

Of course, the type of discharge handed out depends on the CO, but I would venture to bet that a general would be the norm for this type of discharge.


Offline walstib

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Re: got caught
« Reply #39 on: May 27, 2010, 01:24 »
I see a whole lot of people ready to throw stones.  I don't believe all of y'all were goddy two shoes when younger.  It was stupid but he'll have to pay for his mistake and go on.  Quite a few utilities will let you back into the nuke's after a period (usually 3 or 5 years) after the first offence.  after a second one it's final, you're out.  That being said, use the time as others have mentioned and get a degree.  I've met a whole lot of people with degree's that could never pass the navy nukes, but a navy nuke can pass a 4 year college course if he applies himself.

 Look down the road and plan for it.  With the 8 billion Obama has pledged to get nuclear back on line, and the backlash against oil from what is happening out in the gulf, I'd be surprised if after college (and keeping a clean record) you would have any trouble finding some utility that would hire you.  Don't remember the exact number but the average age of the nuke worker is around 53.  This industry is going to grow and it is going to be hurting for qualified people to run the plants in the very near future.
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Offline spekkio

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Re: got caught
« Reply #40 on: May 27, 2010, 05:48 »
This thread is old, but it bears repeating for anyone interested in the program:

When you join the Navy, you take an oath not to use drugs. You sign paperwork to that effect. It doesn't matter if you were the world's biggest pothead beforehand; joining the Navy includes the commitment not to use drugs. If you violate this oath, no one is going to have mercy on you. You are XXXXXX. Proper XXXXXX. You want career advice? You likely have a bright future ahead of you working at a fast food restaurant or public groundskeeping.

It's not about demonizing people who use a relatively harmless substance, but rather laying the hammer down on people who violate a sworn statement.

Edited to remove profanity
« Last Edit: May 27, 2010, 07:52 by Gamecock »

Offline HydroDave63

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Re: got caught
« Reply #41 on: May 27, 2010, 10:14 »
  This industry is going to grow and it is going to be hurting for qualified people to run the plants in the very near future.

And hopefully free of druggies and 420-symp enablers.

Offline AaronBuchanan

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Re: got caught
« Reply #42 on: May 28, 2010, 07:32 »
Would I encourage this guy to get cleaned up, get a Bachelor's and come back in about 5 years and try to get in, no. Sorry bro, but even my Dean said on the way to the classroom for civilian nuke, "If you fail a drug test, your career is over." I'm not gonna name names, but there were people in my class, and the one ahead of me, that had not so clean pasts. Everyone had already been cleaned up and were moving on when it came to nuke. I'm sorry man, but I would advise you going into Chemical engineering, something like that. Try to keep from getting a discharge, good luck.

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Re: got caught
« Reply #43 on: May 28, 2010, 07:37 »
Would I encourage this guy to get cleaned up, get a Bachelor's and come back in about 5 years and try to get in, no. Sorry bro, but even my Dean said on the way to the classroom for civilian nuke, "If you fail a drug test, your career is over." I'm not gonna name names, but there were people in my class, and the one ahead of me, that had not so clean pasts. Everyone had already been cleaned up and were moving on when it came to nuke. I'm sorry man, but I would advise you going into Chemical engineering, something like that. Try to keep from getting a discharge, good luck.

Sounds like he has already tried a little personal Chemical Engineering and it didn't work out for him.  :D

In my personal opinion, smoking pot should not be a crime. That being said, one of the inviolable Rules of Nuclear (Naval or Commercial) is "Thou shalt not partake." The OP chose to play outside the rules and lost. End of game. Reminds me of one of life's basic tenets:

"If you're going to be dumb, you gotta be tough."
« Last Edit: May 28, 2010, 07:42 by RDTroja »
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Re: got caught
« Reply #44 on: Jun 29, 2010, 03:59 »
Look, most people around here don't give pats on the head and we are all out of warm fuzzies to hand out.  

That being said, the first thing you have to figure out is why on earth you decided to light up in the first place, especially considering you know full well what the consequences would be and that you would eventually get tested.  When you figure out the answer to that question, then you can start figuring out what to do afterwards.  I don't know about the requirements at commercial plants as far as security clearances or if a drug discharge affects that or not, but I can guarantee that there are not a lot of nuclear related jobs that are going to look casually upon that sort of thing.  

Bottom line is, you knew the risk and you took it, and broke a major rule of engagement.  You engaged in an activity that is illegal(despite what the current administration thinks of it) and you are going live with that choice.  You came here for advice, you got some advice, and you got a lot of deserved flak for what you did.  Now you can either get over it and move on, get your feelings hurt and leave, or something in between.  

First off, using marijuana is not illegal. Only the possession of marijuana is illegal. This does not mean there are not consequences for using marijuana, just no legal ones. But anyways as everyone has said you knew the consequences and still decided to use. While marijuana is not addictive itself, rehab might still be a good idea to show any future employers that you have at least taken the steps to quit. Whether you actually do or not they won't know unless they can randomly drug test you as well.

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Re: got caught
« Reply #45 on: Jun 29, 2010, 04:27 »

First off, using marijuana is not illegal. Only the possession of marijuana is illegal. This does not mean there are not consequences for using marijuana, just no legal ones. But anyways as everyone has said you knew the consequences and still decided to use. While marijuana is not addictive itself, rehab might still be a good idea to show any future employers that you have at least taken the steps to quit. Whether you actually do or not they won't know unless they can randomly drug test you as well.

And you finished your Juris Doctor where??

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Re: got caught
« Reply #46 on: Jun 29, 2010, 06:02 »
How is having a J.D. necessary for this comment?  

Free bad legal advice about civilian nuclear employees using marijuana (since that was the origin of the thread), and poster's lack of knowledge of FFD.
« Last Edit: Jun 29, 2010, 06:07 by HydroDave63 »

Offline bradley535

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Re: got caught
« Reply #47 on: Jun 29, 2010, 01:01 »
Use of marijuana is a Federal crime. Though drug crimes are most often prosecuted at the state level the use of illegal drugs is still a Federal offense (even if it's legal in the state). That means that if you are Federally prosecuted in California, where is is no longer a state mandated criminal offense, it still sticks to you when looking to get something like, say, a security clearance.


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Re: got caught
« Reply #48 on: Jun 29, 2010, 02:34 »
While marijuana is not addictive itself, rehab might still be a good idea to show any future employers that you have at least taken the steps to quit. Whether you actually do or not they won't know unless they can randomly drug test you as well.
Is this the reward we get for trying to help you into Nuclear Power?   You're going to give advice to your "peers" on how to circumvent the system and get into Nuclear as a drug user?

Given the number of managers, security officials, NRC reps, and other "lurkers" that read these threads, combined with the fact that your home IP address is attached to your thread (and anything you post on the Internet for that matter), I'll leave you with this and your "drug debate":  Darwin always wins.  (In 2008 I had to submit to 15 random drug tests.  Just another day in Nuclear Power).  Choose your path in life carefully...if you are able.


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Re: got caught
« Reply #49 on: Jun 29, 2010, 07:40 »

First off, using marijuana is not illegal. Only the possession of marijuana is illegal. This does not mean there are not consequences for using marijuana, just no legal ones. But anyways as everyone has said you knew the consequences and still decided to use. While marijuana is not addictive itself, rehab might still be a good idea to show any future employers that you have at least taken the steps to quit. Whether you actually do or not they won't know unless they can randomly drug test you as well.

Hmmmmmmmm, are you sure you RTFQ and ATFQ?

You see, the OP asked the following question (below).

ok so i got caught with pot on a piss test.... now what do i do? do i still have potential in the civilian nuke field? thanks guys.

First observation, he didn't care about the rules.  He was just "Piss"ed off that he got caught.  Second he thought that we had some magic potion.

We FFD at my Commercial Nuclear Plant.  And, We fire the "piss" out of failures that get caught before they get help.

Got Duck Tape?  This thread is in need of locking before this fool (aka jabONE) reply's again.


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