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Author Topic: crossrated to nuc from fc. what can i expect?  (Read 7173 times)

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crossrated to nuc from fc. what can i expect?
« on: Feb 12, 2010, 02:33 »
So i crossrated to ET nuc after a very long and confusing conversion process. I was wonder what i can expect from nuc A school. im currently stationed in hawaii and i transfer soon. im going to take 30 days of leave and then report to school on the 15th of march. im married with a 5 month old.


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Re: crossrated to nuc from fc. what can i expect?
« Reply #1 on: Feb 12, 2010, 11:34 »
If you have any medals some of the other students may worship you like you are some kind of god.

Outside of that, apply yourself in class during A-school to stay on vols and spend time with your family.  Buckle down in Power School and be prepared to be doing some work after the day ends.  Seeing as you have a family, chances are good you'll just want to stay down in Charleston anyway.  If you can kick enough ass through the pipeline they could even take you as a staff pickup.  You could almost milk a free 4 year shore duty out of it.

To sum it up, know when you need to make sacrifices and if you're bright enough it will be a really rewarding experience.

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Re: crossrated to nuc from fc. what can i expect?
« Reply #2 on: Feb 12, 2010, 12:57 »
From a process perspective, how exactly does this happen?  Yet another way to become a nuke.  How long have you been in the navy?

Best of luck to you.


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Re: crossrated to nuc from fc. what can i expect?
« Reply #3 on: Feb 12, 2010, 04:56 »
there is this form call a 1306/7. its basically a special request chit to the navy saying this is what i want to do. i asked to be crossrated to NUC et, em, or mm. Then there is a long like of things you have to get for your package. its almost like an officer package but to crossrate. then you have to get a CO letter of recommendation. i have been in the navy for 4 years. my whole reason for wanting to go nuke was my dad was a nuke and so was my uncle.

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Re: crossrated to nuc from fc. what can i expect?
« Reply #4 on: Feb 12, 2010, 05:34 »
Interesting.  I'm sure your inspiration was more than just that your uncle and father did it.  That might make it comfortable and traditional though.  Its good to hear that this process worked out for you since you put in all the effort.  On this site though people will want you to write with proper grammar, seeing as how we are all nukes and that is what is expected of us.  You may notice you have negative karma on your left.  Someone smited you and you lost karma.  That was probably punishment for the writing style. 

Did you re-enlist in order to get nuke (i.e. in order to get orders to A-school)?  What is your paygrade now? Being E4 or E5 in A-school might be interesting.  Ah, and fleet stories to tell too.

Thanks for your service so far and good luck in the pipeline!


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Re: crossrated to nuc from fc. what can i expect?
« Reply #5 on: Feb 12, 2010, 06:04 »
right now I'm an E-5. i haven't reenlisted yet. I have to sign a page 13 saying that i will reenlist after school. i get to reenlist as a nuke though. Ill probably be in zone b for the srb.

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Re: crossrated to nuc from fc. what can i expect?
« Reply #6 on: Feb 12, 2010, 07:09 »
right now I'm an E-5. i haven't reenlisted yet. I have to sign a page 13 saying that i will reenlist after school. i get to reenlist as a nuke though. Ill probably be in zone b for the srb.

Interesting.  I didn't think they would let someone train for a few months without a guarantee that they get to keep you.

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Re: crossrated to nuc from fc. what can i expect?
« Reply #7 on: Feb 12, 2010, 11:34 »
Usually the Page 13 administrative remarks says something to the effect of "I agree in exchange for my nuclear training that I will re-enlist within {x amount of time} of graduation.  If I become disenrolled from the nuclear program for any reason prior to graduation, my obligation to re-enlist is cancelled."
"Everyone's entitled to be stupid now and then, but you're abusing the privilege."


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Re: crossrated to nuc from fc. what can i expect?
« Reply #8 on: Apr 27, 2010, 10:19 »
Ha ha it's funny seeing this. This guy is my class leader. I graduated basic on 12MAR10. Go class 1025MT hooyah!
« Last Edit: Apr 27, 2010, 10:21 by bakedbeans »


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