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Quiz Taking problems
« on: Jul 20, 2010, 01:02 »
I have been trying to take the DOE Quiz courses and I am receiving an error message when I click on the answer to the question. I have tried to take the quizzes from several different machines and I am still getting an error message saying out of synchronization or you are cheating. I cleared out the cash by direction of someone much more savvy than me about computers. Are you guys going to be able to get this fixed any time soon I am desperate to take these quizzes. Thanks so much for your website it is a great help.

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Re: Quiz Taking problems
« Reply #2 on: Jul 20, 2010, 03:43 »
I just tested the software, and it worked fine for me.

I still think the "out of synchronization" has something to do with your internet proxy.

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Re: Quiz Taking problems
« Reply #3 on: Jul 21, 2010, 09:18 »
Henry, before you read this, understand that it’s not a personal attack on you.  It’s intended to educate the population that may not know better.

In the real world, there are more CFR’s that employers have to satisfy than just 10CFR20.  If a newer standard comes out, then the newer standard has to be adhered to.

Riddle me this...

Tossing NANTel out for a second....

A protection factor of 50 is more conservative than 100, correct?

So saying that 100 is MANDATED, might be a bad choice of words.  It isn't really MANDATED, it's ALLOWED.  As 50 is more conservative.

I've been to stations that used 50 POST 1999 10CFR20 changes because it’s in their procedures and it’s more conservative.  Not to mention that there are also some additional requirements to meet the 100 PF, that is not required to take credit for 50.

By the way, just so you know, NIOSH and OSHA are more of an authority on the use of respirators; both have NEWER standards (2006) and use 50 PF, not 100.  So MANY MANY MANY places use 50.  Be prepared to flunk a test if you think the answer is always 100.  OSHA and NIOSH deal with more than just rad issues, and most respirator programs deal with more than just rad issues.

For OSHA… Read 29 CFR 1910.134, it states 50.
And look at this page, what credit do they take for their FFNP APR?

Table of OSHA & NIOSH PF’s:

Here is OSHA’s November 22, 2006 “29 CFR Parts 1910, 1915, and 1926, Assigned Protection Factors; Final Rule”, it states 50. Something about “Final Rule” tells me that 50 is MY final answer if I’m creating a respirator program (And I have.)

I understand that the old 1999 10CFR20 Appendix A, Assigned Protection Factors for Respirators ( States 100.  I also understand that the questions in our database are 20 years old, and that we are lucky they talk about DAC and not MPC.

I have a much, much better database of questions for the website, but I do not have the time to enter them into the computer.

Summary:  I don’t know what is on the NANTeL test, and I don’t know what every station uses for a Pf.  I do know that in 20 years, I’ve see it both ways, and that 50 is better, and it’s what OSHA & NIOSH’s FINAL ruling on the mater states, and they are more recent rulings than the 10CFR20 you quoted.

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Re: Quiz Taking problems
« Reply #4 on: Jul 21, 2010, 09:58 »
I just deleted my posts. I know what you are saying and that you are right about some of them still using 50; however I was just studying for the NUF next week and the Nantel study guide says 100 so I would hope that is what they use for their answer if they ask it at all. Anyway thanks for even having the practice tests on here.

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Re: Quiz Taking problems
« Reply #5 on: Jul 21, 2010, 10:44 »
Honestly, I don’t know that the NANTeL version of the NUF is based on the NEU or NUF study guide.  The last time I took the Power Plant RP test was in 2000, when it was still called the NEU.  When it was the NEU the questions did not seem to be based on the objectives of the study guide. 

Case in point:  There once was a question about Bremsstrahlung.  The test had several answers, with none of them matching the information in the study guide.  "Accelerate" was the answer, however, the NEU study guide never mentions 'accelerate', but does mention 'decelerate'.  I got the answer correct, not because I thought it was the right answer, but because it seemed less wrong than the other choices.

I also think that the NANTeL version of the test only covers the “Radiation Protection” or second half of the NEU study guide, where the version of the test I took covered the first half “Nuclear Physics” and second half “Radiation Protection” sections of the study guide.  – And the questions we currently have online are derived from tests that were given in the 80’s.

As I said, I did a lot of work on creating a new question database this last spring, based on what I THINK is in the new test, but I have not gotten a chance to enter them into a new database.  I had one guy volunteer to do it, but he never did because his work load picked up too.   I’m currently traveling for work, working two jobs full time, and have two young children and a wife at home that seem to need my attention when I’m not at work.  There really aren’t enough hours in a day, or days in a week.  I’m trying to balance it all, but some things get put on a to-do pile that seems to get taller, not shorter.  I’m also on the board of my homeowners association, and I’m not doing a very good job at that either.  I haven’t sent out letters that I was supposed to send out weeks ago.

I’ll try to get the new NUF questions in the database, at least SOME of them.  It’s important to me.  Until then, I suggest you focus your studies on the “RP” portion of the study guide.

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Re: Quiz Taking problems
« Reply #6 on: Jul 21, 2010, 11:18 »
The study guide that they use is the Westrain study guide from  1995. It has both sections on it. Yours on here is a good one to read also because the info is the same on both except yours may have a little more info in it that isnt on the tests. But your practice tests are good! I didn't mean otherwise because thats how I do most of my studying.


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Re: Quiz Taking problems
« Reply #7 on: Jul 23, 2010, 02:41 »
my friend like I say all sites Are different this was part of eblerline stuff for they so called no test needed to get on the job will there was a test and the test did come from the quiz's plus all the the core test came off of nuke worker. .
some of the guys with the other company's at over at the hammer got a whole different test and training, but any ways like any test you need to be ready for it.  good luck study hard

Offline Rennhack

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Re: Quiz Taking problems
« Reply #8 on: Oct 21, 2010, 08:59 »
I just deleted my posts. I know what you are saying and that you are right about some of them still using 50; however I was just studying for the NUF next week and the Nantel study guide says 100 so I would hope that is what they use for their answer if they ask it at all. Anyway thanks for even having the practice tests on here.


I want to apologize for my comments above from July.  Even though the information I posted was correct; it doesn't help people studying for the NUF.  It's good to know, but I think I need to change the practice test to reflect what you expect to see.

I just officially changed the NUF quiz to be 100 instead of 50.
« Last Edit: Oct 21, 2010, 09:04 by Rennhack »


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