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Author Topic: Would like some information on Naval Postgraduate school and other options.  (Read 5586 times)

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Hello All,

   I am a Navy Nuke Officer's wife currently doing some research on my husband's career path and looking into his options since he is away on deployment (CVN DIVO sea tour). I have a few questions about what kind of Graduate Education is available to him as well as the quality of that education, not just within the military community, but outside as well. Also, can someone address the "rumors" about the eventual dissolution of the EDO program? WHY? My understanding of it is that currently they select one or two applicants per year, which I'm assuming is very competitive?

   I know that there are three options for obtaining a graduate degree, which are NPS, Distance Learning Programs, and GEV's. My husband has gained acceptance to NPS EE program however, he would really like to attend MIT and enroll in a prestigious 2 yr dual degree program there. I would also like to add that Boston locale provides more opportunities for me in education/career choices. Is this even feasible and if so how can we make this happen? Will there be a chance he might be picked for IA?

How is the NPS EE program and for those of you out of the navy and working in the private sector, is your degree highly regarded or is your appeal to employers based more on your experience? So far on this forum I've read it's worth "very little" outside the military/defense industry, but these comments could also be grossly exaggerated? Plus my husband is not sure if he wants to work in the Nuclear field after the Navy.

My husband and I have been having a lot of talks lately about our future as a family. He's been in the Navy for almost 10 years and likes what he does. He finds purpose in his job and it's rewarding. On the other side its stressful, for both of us. I've put my career on hold, although I can find jobs, a career isn't very probable for me due to displacement. Another 10 years and retirement sounds tempting, but so is our youth and trying to obtain the best education and opportunities possible. It's also frustrating to watch spending cuts take away programs such as SWO MBA and, from what I hear, GEV's (please inform me if this is true). Now we're not so sure about staying in. Which will be a loss on both sides because the Navy will lose an extremely bright and level headed individual who they've spent years training and although Navy life is difficult, we'll cease to be in an organization that we are proud to belong to. I know the decision will ultimately come down to us and what we really want and no one can really give us answers but I would just like to be informed on what our options are. I just wish the Navy's interest and our interests aligned but we don't live in a perfect world do we?  Thanks so much for your time and sorry for the long-winded post.


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I don't think the EDO program is going away anytime soon. I was selected for the EDO option a year ago last May. I can't even join the EDO community until a DH tour so it should be around for 8 years or so, i hope  ;).  The 1-2 selects a year, I believe, refers to lateral transfers. I was 1 of 10, that I know of, selected for EDO option in 2009.

As for MIT, my EDO mentor and members on this site have told me that MIT is hard to get orders to if you are not already in the EDO community, like in my case.  There are members here that are far more qualified to speak on this topic than me so hopefully they will be able to help you more.

Good Luck

Offline Gamecock

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I don't think the EDO program is going away anytime soon. I was selected for the EDO option a year ago last May. I can't even join the EDO community until a DH tour so it should be around for 8 years or so, i hope  ;).  The 1-2 selects a year, I believe, refers to lateral transfers. I was 1 of 10, that I know of, selected for EDO option in 2009.

As for MIT, my EDO mentor and members on this site have told me that MIT is hard to get orders to if you are not already in the EDO community, like in my case.  There are members here that are far more qualified to speak on this topic than me so hopefully they will be able to help you more.

Good Luck

As an EDO option, you won't be going to MIT either.  You will go to NPGS for your JO shore duty (little facts that you don't get told).

As far as the OP, I think she is talking about EDO(N).  We are expanding the EDO(N) pool, selecting anywhere from 4 to 6 guys per year group.  When I got selected, it wasn't overly competitive.....people hate the prospect of working their whole lives in a shipyard, and still going to sea periodically to boot.  MIT for EDO(N) can be done...I did it.  But, you must be aware of your nuclear clock (this is the amount of time you are allowed to spend between "nuclear" jobs).  When I went to MIT, there were 2 EDO(N)'s guy was only able to get two year orders because his nuclear clock would only allow two years.  I did a nuclear job right before going to MIT, so I was able to get and enjoy the entire three years.  Note:  you can still get two masters in two years.  You will get  a Naval Engineer's degree and then a degree of your choice (unless you are the one guy sent specifically for Nuclear Engineering).  Most guys get there second masters in Mechanical, because it is the easiest route (meaning that you don't have to take any extra classes on top of the gazillion classes the navy requires you to take).  I know guys who did electrical, systems engineering.  I got my second in nuclear.  Whatever you choose, it can be done in three years.  I don't know any two year guys who did anything other then Nav Arc and mechanical.

I could write more, but I've got kids to get to bed.

« Last Edit: Sep 09, 2010, 07:49 by Gamecock »
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