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Can someone explain what this means?
« on: Dec 10, 2010, 11:13 »
Sorry, I would ask the HR department but its the weekend, and Im confused what it means lol.

"You will also receive a Relocation allowance of 1/2 month's salary, 3 days of house hunting for applicant and spouse, reasonable movement of household goods plus final trip expenses from current home to new location. All the above benefits are paid in a `lump sum' with the exception of the household goods move."

what I can surmise is
1) They will pay me 1/2 month pay (obviously lol)
2) I will get 3 paid days off to search for a house(???  Not sure what the "3 days of house hunting" could mean)
3) Estimated expenses paid by distance and time traveled
4) Finally a "dity move" type thing where I can get moving expenses (A moving company?) reimbursed?

Is this "half month pay" taken out of my checks or is it kind of a "Bonus"?

Thanks in advance! :)  If no one can answer by monday, not a big deal. Just curious :)

Offline Rennhack

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Re: Can someone explain what this means?
« Reply #1 on: Dec 11, 2010, 12:18 »
The three day thing may be 3 days lodging to go house hunting, before you get hired. - Or could be the way you said.


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Re: Can someone explain what this means?
« Reply #2 on: Dec 11, 2010, 12:42 »
 The 1/2 month pay is a general allowance to cover moving expenses not covered by everything else you listed. It is sort of a "bonus" but it isn't going to be much since its 1/2 months salary. Like I said, they give it to you to help you with any costs not covered by the other things.

 They are going to move your goods for you, which you won't have to pay for out of pocket. They are also going to cover mileage and probably 1-2 nights in a hotel when you actually move. They will probably cover gas too, but who knows, some don't and count that under the miscellaneous allowance. You won't get the allowance until after you start, probably, so some things will be on your dime up front such as a deposit on an apartment and what not.

There will be someone from their relocation company (3rd party) that will contact you to set this all up. You really need not worry about anything. Just be there the day they pack your crap, and be their they day they drop it off.

Mike is right. They will pay you lodging and expenses to travel to the area BEFORE you move to find a house. They are going to cover 3 days 2 nights it looks like, including meals and travel expenses.

Any money they pay you will be taxed at 30 something percent.

Save all receipts!!!!

Hope that helps.
« Last Edit: Dec 11, 2010, 12:52 by JustinHEMI »


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Re: Can someone explain what this means?
« Reply #3 on: Dec 11, 2010, 02:23 »
Thank you gentlemen. Just gotta pass that dot test now -.- lol

Offline Neutron_Herder

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Re: Can someone explain what this means?
« Reply #4 on: Dec 11, 2010, 11:17 »
Check with HR on Monday about the relocation stuff.

I'm not really sure what differences there are going to be between the bargaining unit and non-bargaining unit, that's going to vary plant to plant.

-  The house hunting trip sounds like it's a seperate trip down there to figure out the living arrangements before you show up with all of your stuff.

If you don't read any thing else, read this part!! Check with them about your drug testing and any other tests you might have to take prior to employment.  If they give you a house hunting trip, sacrifice part of the day to go to the plant and take care of this stuff.  It will help you out greatly once you start.  We had guys in my class show up and not get paid for two weeks while they sat at home waiting for the results of the drug tests.

-  The moving expenses part sounds like they use a relocation company.  Ask about that!!  I was going to use my Navy move to get down here when I retired, but decided to go with the relocation package that the company gave me instead.  It's really easy once the ball gets rolling.  If they offer you that, I'd take it.  Much easier than trying to lug you stuff around the country on your own.

-  The half month pay is just an allowance that they give you to help out with the move.  It doesn't get deducted from your pay or anything, but it is taxable!  Like Justin said, save all of your receipts and let the accountants figure out which ones are important.

-  The biggest thing is to get in contact with HR and get things rolling.  It kind of sucks trying to get this done through the holidays, but don't get frustrated.  I went through the exact same thing last year at this time.  It was only about 2 weeks from the first time I spoke with the relocation people to when I was sitting in my new apartment.  They're good at what they do...
"If everybody's thinking alike, somebody isn't thinking" - Gen. George S. Patton


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Re: Can someone explain what this means?
« Reply #5 on: Dec 12, 2010, 09:59 »
Check with HR on Monday about the relocation stuff.

I'm not really sure what differences there are going to be between the bargaining unit and non-bargaining unit, that's going to vary plant to plant.

-  The house hunting trip sounds like it's a seperate trip down there to figure out the living arrangements before you show up with all of your stuff.

If you don't read any thing else, read this part!! Check with them about your drug testing and any other tests you might have to take prior to employment.  If they give you a house hunting trip, sacrifice part of the day to go to the plant and take care of this stuff.  It will help you out greatly once you start.  We had guys in my class show up and not get paid for two weeks while they sat at home waiting for the results of the drug tests.

-  The moving expenses part sounds like they use a relocation company.  Ask about that!!  I was going to use my Navy move to get down here when I retired, but decided to go with the relocation package that the company gave me instead.  It's really easy once the ball gets rolling.  If they offer you that, I'd take it.  Much easier than trying to lug you stuff around the country on your own.

-  The half month pay is just an allowance that they give you to help out with the move.  It doesn't get deducted from your pay or anything, but it is taxable!  Like Justin said, save all of your receipts and let the accountants figure out which ones are important.

-  The biggest thing is to get in contact with HR and get things rolling.  It kind of sucks trying to get this done through the holidays, but don't get frustrated.  I went through the exact same thing last year at this time.  It was only about 2 weeks from the first time I spoke with the relocation people to when I was sitting in my new apartment.  They're good at what they do...

Hey thanks! I get to do my processing and drug testing at a plant thats local to me, so it works out for me :) I will definitely be giving them a call tomorrow, especially becuase they sent me 800 pages of stuff and its all confusing :(


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Re: Can someone explain what this means?
« Reply #6 on: Dec 13, 2010, 04:52 »
You are lucky you are getting something.   When I took a job at LLNL, the administrator told me, "We do not pay HOURLY workers the cost of relocation."   They later did to new people.


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Re: Can someone explain what this means?
« Reply #7 on: Dec 13, 2010, 07:15 »
Sorry, I would ask the HR department but its the weekend, and Im confused what it means lol.

"You will also receive a Relocation allowance of 1/2 month's salary, 3 days of house hunting for applicant and spouse, reasonable movement of household goods plus final trip expenses from current home to new location. All the above benefits are paid in a `lump sum' with the exception of the household goods move."

what I can surmise is
1) They will pay me 1/2 month pay (obviously lol)
2) I will get 3 paid days off to search for a house(???  Not sure what the "3 days of house hunting" could mean)
3) Estimated expenses paid by distance and time traveled
4) Finally a "dity move" type thing where I can get moving expenses (A moving company?) reimbursed?

Is this "half month pay" taken out of my checks or is it kind of a "Bonus"?

Thanks in advance! :)  If no one can answer by monday, not a big deal. Just curious :)

It it is Entergy where you are hiring in at, then what is posted is right, a Third party company called Cartus will schedule your move and provide you all the relocation funds, they will also explain in detail what is said below so you completely understand.

Offline Laundry Man

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Re: Can someone explain what this means?
« Reply #8 on: Dec 13, 2010, 11:57 »
How long is your commitment?  Mine was 18 months with Exelon.

Offline Neutron_Herder

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Re: Can someone explain what this means?
« Reply #9 on: Dec 13, 2010, 06:18 »
Hey thanks! I get to do my processing and drug testing at a plant thats local to me, so it works out for me :) I will definitely be giving them a call tomorrow, especially becuase they sent me 800 pages of stuff and its all confusing :(

Check with the plant anyway about the drug testing...  Some of the people I referenced earlier had done drug tests that HR set up at other locations and still ended up waiting for the tests from the plant to come back before they could go on payroll.

Basically, they did one test to allow the relocation company to move them, and then had to do another one at the plant they were hired into before they could get paid their normal salary.  That's why it wouldn't hurt to check in with them if you're going to make a house hunting trip.  The time you spend then could make sure that you are getting paid the day you show up for work rather than a couple of weeks later!
"If everybody's thinking alike, somebody isn't thinking" - Gen. George S. Patton


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Re: Can someone explain what this means?
« Reply #10 on: Dec 14, 2010, 01:18 »
Check with the plant anyway about the drug testing...  Some of the people I referenced earlier had done drug tests that HR set up at other locations and still ended up waiting for the tests from the plant to come back before they could go on payroll.

Basically, they did one test to allow the relocation company to move them, and then had to do another one at the plant they were hired into before they could get paid their normal salary.  That's why it wouldn't hurt to check in with them if you're going to make a house hunting trip.  The time you spend then could make sure that you are getting paid the day you show up for work rather than a couple of weeks later!

did my drug test and inprocessing yesterday haha :) Should be good to go, no?


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Re: Can someone explain what this means?
« Reply #11 on: Dec 14, 2010, 05:09 »
When I hired in I was offered 3 Days Househunting for me and my wife. This was all Pre Employment an after I agreed to take the job.
As part of the 3 days I had to spend a morning getting drug tested and taking a pre employment physical. I actually negotiated 5 days because they were going to have to fly my wife and I to Chattanooga from Detroit. The cost at the time was 650 per person. I asked if I could drive, spend 5 days and bring my kids. Of course I had to have one room for the entire family. After I laid out the cost benefits they said SURE, it saved them roughly 800 to 900 dollars doing it my way.

ALSO use the internet to find houses you like so you have a plan of attack. For all practical purposes we bought our home over the internet!


Offline Benwah033

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Re: Can someone explain what this means?
« Reply #12 on: Dec 14, 2010, 08:07 »
How long is your commitment?  Mine was 18 months with Exelon.

Entergy's requirement is 1 year, and the amount you owe them back if you leave prior to that is pro-rated based on how many months you actually stayed.

Offline Laundry Man

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Re: Can someone explain what this means?
« Reply #13 on: Dec 15, 2010, 07:39 »
1 year sounds pretty good!


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Re: Can someone explain what this means?
« Reply #14 on: Dec 16, 2010, 02:03 »
1 year sounds pretty good!
I apologize, I didnt see your post.  And yes, what benwah stated is correct.  I dont plan on getting fired, so its hopefully moot ;)


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