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Headed to TTF in King's Bay
« on: Feb 16, 2011, 01:31 »
Greetings, everybody.

First off, thanks to everybody who posts such useful information on this forum. I used this to learn more about nuke life before I joined, and to help me get through power school.

I graduate NPS in a little more than a week, and am very excited to take MTMO 5 and comp. It's down to the wire and I couldn't be happier. Now, my question is about what I will be doing after graduation.

Yes, I know I will take my leave, but I volunteered myself to go to King's Bay, GA for 4 months. I joined the Navy to see new places, and I figured it'd be more productive than being a bi*** to some SLPOs or working in the mail room for a few months. I know very little about what I will be doing. Some staff members have told me I'll be doing painting/preservation, watchstanding, etc. Others have said I may get some minor qualifications done, such as Primary Valve operation or navigational watch. But what I have heard across the board is that I will either sitting in on or "helping" to conduct classes in the fire fighting/flooding trainers. I can't imagine why I, a lowly third class, would be helping to conduct classes on something I've never really done, but that's is what my SLPO told me.

Apart from asking to clarify the legitimacy of the info I've been given, I'm also curious about what life will be like. I'm mostly curious about the BEQs where I'll be staying. Will I have a roommate/suite mate? Are the rules different from a training command? (Opposite sexes/alcohol prohibited in room?)

That's really all I'm wondering. I appreciate any clarification/advice you have to offer, and thank you for it ahead of time.

-MM3 Farlow


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Re: Headed to TTF in King's Bay
« Reply #1 on: Feb 16, 2011, 04:59 »
You're at the point in your career where you need to be along for the ride.  You being a "lowly third class" will be doing menial, crap jobs. Just the nature of the beast. Be prepared to work, is all I can tell you. Not much information this forum can provide.

That said, you dont have an NEC yet, so you wont be doing primary valve operations, sorry. Not sure who told you that...

And having women in your BEQ is NEVER allowed ANYWHERE in the military. Sorry, but you will have to wait to get your own place for that.  Some commands do allow alcohol, but cant say about your place. That said, dont get caught up in "having fun". You are going to be there for whatever reason you are there for. Keep that in mind...


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Re: Headed to TTF in King's Bay
« Reply #2 on: Feb 16, 2011, 11:44 »
Thank you for the response.

I expect to do work, and realize that "fun" will take a low priority. I joined to do work, and I expect to do menial tasks. I'm older than most students here and have worked plenty to know this will not be a joy ride.

Yes, my SLPO and an officer (instructor) told me there was a chance I would do some qualifications, primary valve operations being one of them. I thought it odd I would do anything in a working plant, let alone on a primary system. That's why I asked for clarification.

I do know for a fact from a friend from my division in boot camp that she is allowed to have the opposite sex in her BEQ. I can't imagine she would lie to me about it. Maybe it's just a rare occurrence that a command will allow it. Please don't take it that bringing women back is a priority of mine. I'm just trying to get a "feel" for what life will be like in King's Bay.

I am excited to see what I will be doing and was just curious if anybody else had the opportunity to do the same thing I am about to embark upon.

Thanks again!


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Re: Headed to TTF in King's Bay
« Reply #3 on: Feb 17, 2011, 01:10 »
I have no first hand knowledge about the Navy.


"And having women in your BEQ is NEVER allowed ANYWHERE in the military."

Is NOT an accurate statement.


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Re: Headed to TTF in King's Bay
« Reply #4 on: Feb 17, 2011, 06:09 »
I have no first hand knowledge about the Navy.


"And having women in your BEQ is NEVER allowed ANYWHERE in the military."

Is NOT an accurate statement.


Please show me where its ok? Other then your mother visiting with explicit permission during normal business hours, PLEASE show me what regulation allows women into BEQ's for men. (or vice versa).  Seeing as how you have no experience in the matter, and I've seen people go to captains mast for it, please sir, show us your wisdom and vast experience on the matter.

Does it happen? Yes. Is it allowed? ... Show me where please.

OP -> You must have an NEC to qualify Primary valve operator (at least in the fleet, perhaps some difference at other commands???) . On the flipside, you can be an "under instruction" and crank valves :D That happens a lot. 


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Re: Headed to TTF in King's Bay
« Reply #5 on: Feb 17, 2011, 04:34 »
Like I said, I have a friend who was out at a base in Washington. It was near Bangor, on what was effectively an island. She's an air framer. But anyways, I caught up with her and was asking her what a "non-training command" is like. The first two privileges she talked about was the allowance of responsible alcohol consumption in her room, and the opposite sex being allow in her room (not civilians, authorized personnel that are a part of that base). I would imagine that it is quite rare, just because of the problems it can introduce.

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Re: Headed to TTF in King's Bay
« Reply #6 on: Feb 17, 2011, 05:42 »
Sounds like Whidbey Island. I doubt that she can have males in her room outside of specified hours, especially since a friend of mine can't let his wife stay in a BEQ room. Also, if you're going to do maintenance at King's Bay, you won't actually be doing any operations, the crew will set up plant conditions for you.


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Re: Headed to TTF in King's Bay
« Reply #7 on: Feb 18, 2011, 07:19 »
Like I said, I have a friend who was out at a base in Washington. It was near Bangor, on what was effectively an island. She's an air framer. But anyways, I caught up with her and was asking her what a "non-training command" is like. The first two privileges she talked about was the allowance of responsible alcohol consumption in her room, and the opposite sex being allow in her room (not civilians, authorized personnel that are a part of that base). I would imagine that it is quite rare, just because of the problems it can introduce.

I bolded the applicable statement for you.

Its against the nature of good conduct and order to allow the opposite sex in your room, unobserved. And all it takes is one rape accusation to topple everything. (Yeah, because THAT never happens...)

Finish your schooling, and you will find out soon enough what a "non-training command" is like on your own. Everything is hear-say until that point.

NFdad -> you find that regulation allowing opposite sex into BEQ's for me yet?

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Re: Headed to TTF in King's Bay
« Reply #8 on: Feb 18, 2011, 05:29 »
Regardlesss of the discussion on the legality of allowing chicks in your room....

Just don't do it. Get a hotel room, rent a weekend B and B, whatever...

Back to the larger subject...

Learn all you can, ask questions, work hard, and it will probably be one of the best Navy experiences you will have in the pipeline.

I am going out on a limb and say you will be working M-F 0700-whenever your LPO tells you to leave, so I am going to go out on a limb and say, square away your uniform, show up early, bust your ass, make your LPO look good, and then be cut loose with plenty of daylight. Be a model sailor on duty.

If you are on some sort of quarterdeck watch rotation, well, you kinda get stuck on some rotation.

If you are assigned to the Fireschool, be prepared to sweat your ass off and be covered in Purple K powder etc, but the guys who run the school are not nukes, so just try and be not-nuke, work hard for them, and I am sure it will be a cake 4 months. You will probably learn all kinds of stuff about DC equipment, Fire and Flooding, which will be valuable information when you get to the fleet.

And last but not least:

Don't bring chicks into your BEQ, ever.


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Re: Headed to TTF in King's Bay
« Reply #9 on: Feb 19, 2011, 11:47 »
Gotta agree with SO.  Work hard, mind your Ps & Qs and keep the girlies OUT of your BEQ.  There are plenty of hotels in the surrounding area to visit if needed.  Most likely it would be best to go to her place (not another BEQ though). 

There are two main roads in the Kings Bay area and the police are very good at looking out for DUI qualifiers -  do not become one of these.  This could mess up your whole career.

If you like fishing then you have an outstanding selection of lakes on the base.  At Lake D I always tossed back any bass less than 12 lbs and any Bream less than 1 1/2 lbs.

Down by the waterfront were several outstanding restaurants and several bars.  Be careful down there and do not be afraid to call for a cab or the local ride service.

All in all just do your best and do not be afraid to ask question.

Thank you for your service - (SS)  Retired

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Re: Headed to TTF in King's Bay
« Reply #10 on: Feb 19, 2011, 11:00 »
with the abolition of don't ask don't tell this seems a bit of an outdated notion peculiar to the military anymore,.....

how the hell do you define "opposite sex" anymore as it regards good order and discipline in the context you have described?!?!?!?!

peace,...marssim,... 8)

 [dowave] Here! Here! and then Hear!
Humor is a wonderful way to prevent hardening of the attitudes! unknown
The government is like a baby's alimentary canal, with a happy appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other. Regan


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Re: Headed to TTF in King's Bay
« Reply #11 on: Feb 20, 2011, 12:53 »

and I'll second the notion of not picking fights or rising to challenges with spouses, parents, siblings or other family members even when they are wrong, defensive, being smart alecky or just being ornery,...

I will never pick a fight with a family member of someone serving. I WILL jump on someone for telling a junior sailor its ok to do something thats completely inappropriate, REGARDLESS of who they are.  ALWAYS. That negative karma means much less to me then some kid getting potentially burned.

I also think your notion of every the "Dont ask dont tell" thing is a bit... much personally. However, most of the regulations I have seen (I did a bit of searching after NFDad's post), state explicitly "No sexual activity of any kind". It gives no reference to "orientation".


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Re: Headed to TTF in King's Bay
« Reply #12 on: Feb 20, 2011, 02:20 »
Marssim, I appreciate your thoughts.  But, its a bit rash on your end. A very small percentage of our population is gay, and an even smaller join the military. Demographics alone suggest that only an incredibly small portion of the military would be gay. Further more, being a VAST majority of the military is male, it would be ridiculous to not allow males to be in the same room. This would require a massive overhaul of the navy at least. If you cant be in the same BEQ, why should we have open berthings?

You are forgetting one thing. FEAR. Id be willing to bet a good majority of homosexual men (women) in the navy are pretty much scared to "come out" and attempt to do anything where they can get caught for fear of reprisal from their peers, much less their chain of command. Im completely speculating, but its probably a fair guess. That on top with the extremely small numbers of gay service members leads to a very small chance of sexual encounters between them.

I get your point, but... you need to look at demographics. How many sexually active heterosexual males are in the navy? COME ON! I cant tell if you are trolling me or not here lol


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Re: Headed to TTF in King's Bay
« Reply #13 on: Feb 20, 2011, 04:53 »
I get your point, but,....if demographics are the arbiter, why would don't ask don't tell or openly gay service ever be debated,....

that small a percentage should just shut up and get over it for the larger picture of good order, discipline and unspoken truths, if it's the demographics which best decide policy and regulation,....

I'm just saying, not just trolling.... [coffee]

Honestly dude, the bottom line, I dont make the rules, I dont care about the rules. What I care about is when some junior sailor is unclear about rules, and some random dude with no experience what-so-ever tells him its ok to do something that isnt. Thats my only concern here... I'll let the brass decide what rules to make, thats not my place.

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Re: Headed to TTF in King's Bay
« Reply #14 on: Feb 21, 2011, 11:12 »
Honestly dude, the bottom line, I dont make the rules, I dont care about the rules. What I care about is when some junior sailor is unclear about rules, and some random dude with no experience what-so-ever tells him its ok to do something that isnt. Thats my only concern here... I'll let the brass decide what rules to make, thats not my place.

I concur. A junior Sailor can't afford to take the chance and a PO3 Non Qual doesn't have the juice to be a Sea Lawyer.

I hope the OP can extract the useful advice given by the experienced been-there's on this thread and apply that advice to a successful 4 months abroad at King's Bay.


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Re: Headed to TTF in King's Bay
« Reply #15 on: Mar 14, 2011, 11:49 »

Please show me where its ok? Other then your mother visiting with explicit permission during normal business hours, PLEASE show me what regulation allows women into BEQ's for men. (or vice versa).  Seeing as how you have no experience in the matter, and I've seen people go to captains mast for it, please sir, show us your wisdom and vast experience on the matter.

Does it happen? Yes. Is it allowed? ... Show me where please.

Charlie, just because you do not like being wrong, does not mean you are not wrong.

My statement stands:

I have no first hand knowledge about the Navy.


"And having women in your BEQ is NEVER allowed ANYWHERE in the military."

Is NOT an accurate statement.

Just for the record I was there when a major command changed policy to allow guests of the opposite sex in the BEQs including bedrooms, common rooms and shared multi-urinal, male only bathrooms. The policy had nothing to do with mothers, sisters or office hours. The change included written procedures for the use of single sex latrines by opposite sex guests. Never is a long time and anywhere is a big place.  Statements which include both are seldom accurate.
« Last Edit: Mar 14, 2011, 12:20 by NF Dad »


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Re: Headed to TTF in King's Bay
« Reply #16 on: Mar 14, 2011, 07:20 »
Charlie, just because you do not like being wrong, does not mean you are not wrong.

My statement stands:

I have no first hand knowledge about the Navy.


"And having women in your BEQ is NEVER allowed ANYWHERE in the military."

Is NOT an accurate statement.

Just for the record I was there when a major command changed policy to allow guests of the opposite sex in the BEQs including bedrooms, common rooms and shared multi-urinal, male only bathrooms. The policy had nothing to do with mothers, sisters or office hours. The change included written procedures for the use of single sex latrines by opposite sex guests. Never is a long time and anywhere is a big place.  Statements which include both are seldom accurate.

Dude, I thought about getting mad for about 2 seconds. then I just sat back and smiled and realized "thank god you arent operating a nuclear reactor". I hope your kid has more sense then you.  I did however, bold the applicable!

edit : Im not even gonna smite you any more. 1) I know you dont care, and 2) Others deserve more positive then you deserve recognition.

Whats this "wrong" thing he speaks of? O.o We all know charlie murphy is ALWAYS right! Right?? :D
« Last Edit: Mar 14, 2011, 07:23 by Charlie Murphy »

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Re: Headed to TTF in King's Bay
« Reply #17 on: Mar 21, 2011, 11:06 »
I am currently stationed in Kings Bay and no one cares who you have in your barrackes unless you are a marine.

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Re: Headed to TTF in King's Bay
« Reply #18 on: Mar 31, 2011, 04:56 »
Concur on Kings Bay. Alcohol and women are fine.

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Re: Headed to TTF in King's Bay
« Reply #19 on: Mar 31, 2011, 06:24 »
Well, sounds like you will be a "Baby Nuke" doing a little break time between schools. I did that back in 1987, they sent a bunch of us up to work on the Decom of Sam Rayburn. Talk about an EYE OPENING EXPERIENCE. It was great to be sent to a boat, even one in the yards. It fully and completely confirmed my decision to volunteer for Submarines.

As for Females in your Barracks rooms, well when I reported to Bangor in 1988 the barracks they put me in had mixed males and females on the same deck of the barracks (obviously not in the same rooms, but right next door and just down the hall).  I can neither confirm nor deny the presence of some babes in my room during variuous time periods. Was it "legal", I dunno... they lived down the hall, so... who knows. My roomie was out on patrol, so I had the place to myself. It seemed fun. Did anyone ever complain or what? Heck no. Should they have... heck no. None of their damn business, and we were discrete about the whole thing. It was probably ok.

THAT SAID... follow the rules of the barracks, whatever they are. They WILL be posted. Remember you are TAD from a Training command. The environment WILL be different from what you are used to, but DO NOT let it go to your head. A screw up can, and probably WILL still lead to you being dropped from the program. If you are underage do not drink, the Navy is strict on that regardless of location. What you do while TAD WILL follow you. Both good and bad.  Keep that in mind. Have fun, enjoy your time.
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Re: Headed to TTF in King's Bay
« Reply #20 on: Apr 07, 2011, 12:16 »

Whatever you end up doing, don't forget that there will always be someone looking to you as an example, even when you're on the bottom of the totem pole.  Be flexible and do the right things in the right way.


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