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Author Topic: Study material suggestions?  (Read 5600 times)

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Study material suggestions?
« on: Feb 19, 2011, 02:18 »
Can anyone suggest some study material for a mechanics positions at nuke plants?
I know they give the MASS/POSS test and I have those study guides and sample tests but is there anything else I should be looking at?  Any training courses I could take, maybe online?  Thank you.


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Re: Study material suggestions?
« Reply #1 on: Feb 20, 2011, 12:55 »
Can anyone suggest some study material for a mechanics positions at nuke plants?
I know they give the MASS/POSS test and I have those study guides and sample tests but is there anything else I should be looking at?  Any training courses I could take, maybe online?  Thank you.

Man... its almost like this question has been asked 80000 times ....  Please use the search button to save everyone (including yourself) some time.

And short answer, when you find them, (They are all over this site, even on the first page) take the practice tests.


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