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Author Topic: NUREG 1122  (Read 4754 times)

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Offline Creeker

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NUREG 1122
« on: Apr 12, 2011, 10:38 »
I find myself in the unfortunate position of dressing up our exam bank, and placing questions in the proper classification according to NUREG-1122. 

I've mostly got it figured out, but am having problems with question that fall into the Transient Accident Analysis (TAA) realm, specifically that have to do with USAR assumptions.  For instance, a feed rupture occurs, what are the assumptions assumed in the analysis? (Offsite power available, one train ESF down, etc)  I can't find anything that really fits, looking through the generic, system, generic abnormal ops, westinghouse abnormal ops..  Can anyone give me guidance of what's done elsewhere?



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