Okay, maybe I'm just being a dinosaur, but I liked the analog versions of most meters better than I am liking their digital counterparts. My battle with the new version of the teletector is an example:
http://www.nukeworker.com/forum/index.php/topic,26242.msg145019/topicseen.html#newIf the meter manufacturers are reading this, here are some things I'd like on the next generation of digital meters:
Do NOT auto-scale! (I want to know what scale I'm on. Is that 4 mR/hr? ...or
4 R/hr!!! Don't make me stand there in a dose field trying to figure it out.)
Make the numbers big enough to read...in a misted bubblesuit...with foggy safety glasses...and poor lighting...and old(er) eyes.
Make the backlight BRIGHT! We use these things in sub-optimal lighting situations a lot...
Give me a way to switch from slow response to fast response. If I'm doing a routine, I'd like slow response so I can get a precise, steady number. If I'm pulling equipment out of the cavity, I want fast response so I get that particle before it gets me.
5. If you have multiple detectors in the instrument,
do NOT auto-switch between detectors! The 6112M is useless for midrange point sources...whereas the old 6112B was great.
I'm sure there are other ways they can improve...help me out with your ideas.