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Author Topic: Badged within 365 days  (Read 7617 times)

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Badged within 365 days
« on: Sep 10, 2004, 02:00 »
I have 23 yrs. experience in NDT. Most in the oil & gas industry. I would like to get into the nuke business. All companies that advertise for NDT Techs state that you need to be badged within the last 365 days. How does someone in my field go about being badged? Are there any NDT companies that hire techs and badge them? Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Badged within 365 days
« Reply #1 on: Sep 10, 2004, 02:14 »
Yes, they will hire you and get you badged. 

The 365 day requirement means that you have a badge (security clearance) already that can be reinstated easily.  Otherwise, they have to do the full background check on you to get you a clearance.

It's more of a "should" than a "shall".  It is something that makes their life easier, but usually isn't a deal breaker.


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