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Author Topic: Facebook or NukeWorker?  (Read 33599 times)

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Re: Facebook or NukeWorker?
« Reply #25 on: Feb 24, 2011, 09:25 »
" Hate to ruffle the feathers... but Facebook allows me to keep in touch with over 100 of my previous co-workers at different outages & some of my DOE friends too. We keep each other apprised of where we're traveling, who we've run into & what jobs have gone well, who's completing what training classes, what companies are staffing, who's paying what, and who's heard what from our different recruiters/industry friends.

Its much easier & faster to just Facebook each other and get straight answers & help from each other. On here, its a crap shoot as to how many snarky replies you might get when you post a question. A few helpful replies, but mostly not. Surprisingly, Facebook seems to be a lot more polite networking option. Shocker.

Also, the outage lists on FB are free... but you're job listings are definitely worth the visit. "

we can both have advantages and some disadvantages, I voted other, i frequent this site daily just to see the conversation topics spread some karma here and there and get a laugh or 2.

FB is tougher in my house because well teenagers i have 3 computers and all always seem to be in use because of my kids and wife...........

Offline snowman

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Re: Facebook or NukeWorker?
« Reply #26 on: Feb 24, 2011, 09:44 »
I'll come on here once or twice a week for a few minutes just to catch the latest gossip. Never been on Facebook, don't have the time, inclination or desire to keep up with the lives of people I've met over the years. Facebook is a fad that will fade over time, people are opting out after realizing what a huge time killer it is. Not to mention the fact that stuff you've posted is up there forever. Not for me.


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Re: Facebook or NukeWorker?
« Reply #27 on: Feb 24, 2011, 10:10 »
I like FB because it has reconnected me with many forgotten people over the years. Perhaps some of them should have been left forgotten, but the reconnections that were worth while have far out weighed any that I should have just let be.

However, FENOC blocks FB and NOT NW, so I swing by here several times a day. :D

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Re: Facebook or NukeWorker?
« Reply #28 on: Feb 24, 2011, 10:10 »
    Nukeworker and Facebook are apples and oranges. Facebook is a closed forum unless you choose otherwise, Nukeworker (except PolySci & GM areas) is an open forum. Nukeworker is actively moderated (moderately ;) ) and Facebook is self moderated but you can restrict outside access to you and your information. Facebook is more topical because you can't dig up an old thread to answer, but Nukeworker presents more of an archive, if you take the time to search there is a reservoir of information that is hopefully relevant to your field/situation. Facebook is full of what someone had for breakfast or announcements of going to the mall/movie. You may have to traverse a cadre of curmudgeons on Nukeworker but you can eventually get a straight answer (and twisted ones  [devious] ).
   Time spent on these sites is more an issue of personal preference that which is better.

"That's just my opinion I could be wrong" D.M.


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Re: Facebook or NukeWorker?
« Reply #29 on: Feb 24, 2011, 10:13 »
While I can appreciate the overt "usefulness" of a mass network of "Friends", I find too many people in my generation RELY on facebook to maintain friendships and networking. Call me crazy, but I prefer a good old fashioned hand shake and meeting for a beer then updating my "status" ever ten minutes.  I tried the facebook thing for a while, and was swamped with people pestering me that, quite frankly, wanted nothing to do with (morons from high school,  people from training command that I never want to see again, etc)

Best thing I can think of about is the photo sharing capability. 

case in point, I was going to try out for a band, and the guy wanted my last name. I said "ok" and gave it to him. He said he spent 2 hours searching on facebook for me to see what I looked like (I dont have a facebook account). Would have been REAL simple to ask for a picture. Its leading towards some kind of "cyber stalking" which I find creepy. My story is VERY mild, but I know that it gets super creepy for some people.

As far as this is concerned, who cares? Change happens, technology advances, some people choose to be left behind. Nothing wrong with that. Just as there is nothing wrong with a whole generation who chooses to use something like FB instead of a hand shake and beers to maintain/make contacts.

What bothers me, is the smugness with which past generations talk about how it was in their day.

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Re: Facebook or NukeWorker?
« Reply #30 on: Feb 24, 2011, 11:09 »
That was easy. Never been on Facebook. Don't plan to.


My family asked me NOT to get on FB...´cuz they figured - if he already wastes THIS much time on the computer...?!?!?!  ;)
We are plain quiet folk and have no use for adventures. Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner! I can’t think what anybody sees in them.      - B. Baggins


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Re: Facebook or NukeWorker?
« Reply #31 on: Feb 26, 2011, 08:51 »
Hate to ruffle the feathers... but Facebook allows me to keep in touch with over 100 of my previous co-workers at different outages & some of my DOE friends too. We keep each other apprised of where we're traveling, who we've run into & what jobs have gone well, who's completing what training classes, what companies are staffing, who's paying what, and who's heard what from our different recruiters/industry friends.

Its much easier & faster to just Facebook each other and get straight answers & help from each other. On here, its a crap shoot as to how many snarky replies you might get when you post a question. A few helpful replies, but mostly not. Surprisingly, Facebook seems to be a lot more polite networking option. Shocker.

Also, the outage lists on FB are free... but you're job listings are definitely worth the visit.

I hope I'm not the first to make this point but the reason for that is the fact that most if not the great majority of posters HERE are anonymous and that is not true on facebook.  It is also due to the fact that we are not HERE to fluff your skirt (it's just an expression so don't take it personal).

Again, I hope I'm not the first to make this observation to you.

« Last Edit: Feb 26, 2011, 10:06 by MacGyver »


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Re: Facebook or NukeWorker?
« Reply #32 on: Mar 01, 2011, 03:48 »
I think you did that a while back....
This still is one of the funniest things I have ever seen....I guess you just gotta know DW.

Offline gogamecocks

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Re: Facebook or NukeWorker?
« Reply #33 on: Sep 04, 2012, 05:26 »
I marked "other". I actually spend more time on "backyard chickens" and gardening sites then facebook or nukeworker. Figure I'll need something tangible for my retirement, the government and Wall Street are dead set to see I'm in the poorhouse with no money for food, utilities, or fuel. I'm hoping to upgrade from that refridgerator box under the overpass for retirement to a converted Cargo Container out in the boonies.

Now, stick 4 of those containers together with a hidden courtyard in the middle and you'll really be ready for when the ;D


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