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Offline Ikesss

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West Valley
« on: Oct 19, 2004, 10:42 »
Can anyone give me an idea about life at West Valley, NY?

Offline DecommMan

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Re: West Valley
« Reply #1 on: Oct 20, 2004, 11:11 »
Its a typical Buffalo/Western NY area - snowy in winter - lots of skiing places in area, can be hot and sticky in summer.  Nice area overall - away from city far enuough but close enough if you want to go in to city.

People are friendly.

Decomm Man

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Re: West Valley
« Reply #2 on: Oct 20, 2004, 10:46 »
I'm from that area, I'm looking more for working conditions at the site...

Its a typical Buffalo/Western NY area - snowy in winter - lots of skiing places in area, can be hot and sticky in summer.  Nice area overall - away from city far enuough but close enough if you want to go in to city.

People are friendly.

Decomm Man
« Last Edit: Apr 11, 2005, 08:23 by Shayne »

Offline DecommMan

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Re: West Valley
« Reply #3 on: Oct 21, 2004, 08:41 »
Sorry - can't help you on that one.  I believe DOE is getting ready to go out for bid again by the though.  Lots of small biz and teaming is typically the result of these things nowadays.
Decomm Man


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Re: West Valley
« Reply #4 on: Apr 11, 2005, 08:15 »
Just started there.  Site is extremely conservative on anything radiological.  Sub-contract techs are limited in what they are allowed to do.  Training program is in disarray.  Plan on taking DOE Core exam as soon as you show up.  And you need a 40 hour Hazwoper, regardless.  House Techs are friendly for the most part, but under a lot of stress.  Voluntary Staff Reduction is going on and no one is sure of the future.  As far as a DOE site, my experience is limited, but this one seems to have budget problems.  They will provide you with what you absolutely have to have, but nothing extra.  I.E. bring your own pen.

As far as living in the area, 4/1 thru 9/30 try real estate offices in Ellicottville.  It is a big ski area and that is their off season.  You can get just about anything you want (1 bdrm - 5 bdrm) fully furnished for really decent rates.

Offline let-it-ride

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Re: West Valley
« Reply #5 on: Apr 12, 2005, 06:12 »
McNavy is right on with his assessment. The main holdups and problems are with managers. The program is run by job schedules, not Rad Controls. The plant manager stated when asked about a messy plant that " we only clean up when necessary".
Craft supervisors routinely order RCT's to violate procedures with no accountability when challanged.
The RCT Supervisors try to do their best, but their hands are tide with handcuffs by the RPM and RPM Manager. These two "Rad Con" people have round heels and ALWAYS roll over and give in to Milestones.
Most of the craft people are good people just trying to get by with a good job. The House Techs know their stuff and do not deserve the treatment they get from their Managers!!!
This is a nice area  and a good job overall. PLUS, ACTS, who has the contract, needs about 10 Techs.


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Re: West Valley
« Reply #6 on: Mar 18, 2006, 08:23 »
McNavy is right on with his assessment. The main holdups and problems are with managers. The program is run by job schedules, not Rad Controls. The plant manager stated when asked about a messy plant that " we only clean up when necessary".
Craft supervisors routinely order RCT's to violate procedures with no accountability when challanged.
The RCT Supervisors try to do their best, but their hands are tide with handcuffs by the RPM and RPM Manager. These two "Rad Con" people have round heels and ALWAYS roll over and give in to Milestones.

Looks like they need a swift and hard look see from some decent (and strict) NRC gurus.  I am glad i did not take a job there now.


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Re: West Valley
« Reply #7 on: Dec 27, 2007, 02:21 »
anybody got any recent info on West Valley? Is it starting to wind down? Who do we contact if we want to work there?


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« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2009, 10:33 »
I am looking for information on Westvalley DOE site. are they taking any long term techs and what company staffs the site thanks for and info kelly cotter

Offline Dave Warren

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Re: West Valley
« Reply #9 on: May 18, 2009, 09:34 »
I am looking for information on Westvalley DOE site. are they taking any long term techs and what company staffs the site thanks for and info kelly cotter

Kelly, I know that Cabrera is the company you need to contact for West Valley.
Mark Kolhagen ( is the Site Coordinator. is the contact for hiring.
Does that help?


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Re: West Valley
« Reply #10 on: May 18, 2009, 11:59 »
I spoke with Mark on the phone early last week and he said that they would definitely be hiring around 22 techs the first couple of weeks of June...
Pay rates are around $ 30.00 an hour and $ 80.00 a day per diem.

He sent me an e-mail with additional info I will go ahead and post.(PM me and I will give you his cell #)

West Valley Demonstration Proect in Western New York, near Buffalo is a former fuel reprocessing plant being decommissioned under a DOE contract.  Cabrera Services Inc. currently supports the site by providing RCTs,RS Supervisors,  IH&S, Dosimetry, Rad Engineer, and Training.
We are currently seeking employees with the following job scopes for long-term work lasting approximately 2- 3 years:
Radiation Safety Technicians
IH&S Technicians
There is a pre-employment 9 panel drug test which is required.  RCTs need to be able to pass the DOE core test and a Site Specific DOE test with a minimum passing grade of 80%.  DOE Core cards are not accepted in lieu of the exam and you still need to take both exams if NRRPT qualified.
The pay is approximately $30/hour.  Travel in is paid at $.55/mile with no upper limit. The per-diem rate is $80.30/day for 7 days per week (=$562.10) which is tax free for the first year.  This only applies if your permanent residence is greater than 50 miles.
The second year of per-diem will be taxed and is subject to change based upon contractual agreements between DOE and Cabrera Services.
Other benefits include: medical benefits after 30 days, 40 hours of paid sick time per year, vacation time that is earned in hours every week; new hires earn 80 hours per year.  There are 110 hours of paid holiday time.  Currently we are on a 4-10 work schedule but we also have RCTs on a rotating 12 hour shift.  A 401K is available after 90 days of employment.  Cabrera pays for one pair of safety toed shoes and prescription safety glasses every 2 years.  Reimbursement is $100 for shoes and $120 for the glasses.
Mark Kolhagen
Cabrera Services Inc.
Project Manager
« Last Edit: May 19, 2009, 12:08 by T.VOLS »


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Re: West Valley
« Reply #11 on: May 19, 2009, 09:47 »
I don't know what is happening at West Valley now (I worked there 3 years ago), but I will describe my experience and state it is only one person's opinion.  It is true Mark has some sway there which seems inappropriate for a tech to have; if you are not a friend do not expect to stay long.

Weather:  It is brutal, a land of extremes.   In winter, it snows from December to May, and gets down to -5 for weeks at a time.  It is so cold even with gloves you will feel pain no matter how warm you dress.   In summer, it is humid and you need an a/c running to sleep or you will be in a constant state of sweatting.

When I was there they had this super-emphasis on having over 2 million hours of no loss time work.   It was an illusion for if you ever got hurt they would lay you off rather than admit they broke that record.

There is no excuse for the foot dragging on cleaning the place up.   If Rocky Flats could be cleaned up, this placed should have been done years ago.   They occasionally remove a building and lay off some permanent people to try to show progress.  If the DOE really wanted to clean the site up, they would lay everyone off, including the management and start fresh with non-local people who really wished to finish the job.

I could say more, but I find the management there is punishing themselves more on there own than anything I could say.  If you go there, just keep you commitments temporary and be ready to leave at a drop of a hat if more suitable job is found elsewhere.


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Re: West Valley
« Reply #12 on: May 21, 2009, 05:43 »
I  have been told that if you are not a good, tight friend of Marks at this site that you do not have a prayer, he is all knowing supreme being and all but close friends are bring up the rear -not all are treated equal! GOOD LUCK if you go there.

Ha!  I find this funny.  This is not an educated statement.  You know what...Mark is a an arrogant JERK some of the time.  But heck, so am I.  But he is MORE than fair to EVERYONE.  He stays off our backs for the most part.  And if you come to work on time, leave on time, and do your job, you DO BECOME ONE OF HIS FAVORITES...Because that is all he asks.
Cabrera has been a good company to work for.  Benefits.  Time off.  Luncheons.  Free stuff.  They have just been a good company to work for. 
The work is pretty easy and laid back. 
Most of the time from my experience, those who don't get along here, and say stuff like that are one of the one's who decided they did not want to be here right from the start.  You can tell from the first day they are in the field.
Others who say that...well...were to scared to show up to the weekly poker game. 

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Re: West Valley
« Reply #13 on: May 21, 2009, 06:55 »
Ha!  I find this funny.  This is not an educated statement.  You know what...Mark is a an arrogant JERK some of the time.  But heck, so am I.  But he is MORE than fair to EVERYONE.  He stays off our backs for the most part.  And if you come to work on time, leave on time, and do your job, you DO BECOME ONE OF HIS FAVORITES...Because that is all he asks.
Cabrera has been a good company to work for.  Benefits.  Time off.  Luncheons.  Free stuff.  They have just been a good company to work for. 
The work is pretty easy and laid back. 
Most of the time from my experience, those who don't get along here, and say stuff like that are one of the one's who decided they did not want to be here right from the start.  You can tell from the first day they are in the field.
Others who say that...well...were to scared to show up to the weekly poker game. 

Tell Mark that some of the gang from VY say hi - finish up that cleanup, and come back for an outage...
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Remember that you will die, and that this day is a gift. Remember how you wish to live, may the blessing of the Lord be with you


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Re: West Valley
« Reply #14 on: May 21, 2009, 07:46 »
The worst part about West Valley is that is in New Yuck. You are taxed to the MAX for working in state.  :'(
When I worked in NY in the 90's, the was a tax protester on Long Island that put a billboard with the logo "Welcome to New York. If the taxes don't kill you, the B.S. will!" 8)

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Re: West Valley
« Reply #15 on: Feb 03, 2010, 10:33 »
 If Rocky Flats could be cleaned up, this placed should have been done years ago. 

That's a rhetorical question, right? Dig down about 8 feet under what was the 903 pad and tell us what ya find.... "clean" depends on how the specs get written...  >:(

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Re: West Valley
« Reply #16 on: Feb 03, 2010, 07:39 »
Nothing to worry about.  West Valley will never get cleaned up.. Last week (01/25/2010) due to their mismanagement they laid off 27 stimulus workers with no notice. This was not a today notice but a this minute notice. They are out of budget.  This weeks site meeting message was maybe more to come.  So Engineers, Safety Techs, IH&S Techs, RCT'S and Alara Engineers. Do not put your eggs in this Stimulus Basket.


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Re: West Valley
« Reply #17 on: Feb 03, 2010, 11:59 »
I got a similar notice when I worked there in 2005.   It was almost like, "Any of you who are laid off stand up.   Steve, why aren't you standing up?"
I would never go back if it were the only site still open.

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Re: West Valley
« Reply #18 on: Feb 06, 2010, 03:54 »
It looks like the managers at WVES are getting a taste of their own medicine,  I see that their jobs are posted on the job board.  I wonder if anyone bothered to tell them they might not work there anymore?


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Re: West Valley
« Reply #19 on: Feb 07, 2010, 05:55 »
If they dont know today they will in the morning thats going to be the topic of our morning meeting then we will see how they like sitting on our side of the court. lol

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Re: West Valley
« Reply #20 on: Feb 08, 2010, 06:54 »
I happened to be one of the West Valley stimulus budget casualties. I've never heard of a site blowing through their entire yearly budget in about 5 months. Dont plan on staying too long, keep everything temporary. 
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Re: West Valley
« Reply #21 on: Feb 12, 2010, 06:24 »
Now I hear they need to hire RCT'S because several quit after the lay off.


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Re: West Valley
« Reply #22 on: Feb 12, 2010, 11:59 »
I pity the fool who take a job there. . . .


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Re: West Valley
« Reply #23 on: Mar 19, 2010, 02:54 »
I pity the fool who take a job there. . . .

 Really  I was there for a short stint in early Dec (09) and really liked it.  Yeah it was cold, but at least I got some sunshine and did some actual tech work.  Id go back too, if they could match what Im getting now. 
 Sorry to hear about all the mismanagment..... I do know that there are specific projects where they will bring in folks for a short time, just like an outage.  but everything was a bit more laid back for me and my crew while we were there.

 Good luck all...  send some sunshine to the foggy land out here

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Re: West Valley
« Reply #24 on: Mar 21, 2010, 05:12 »
Sure you have the right year?

no one here remembers you being here at that time and none of our techs who left at that time were even qualified to do "real tech work", they weren't here long enough to get there quals.


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