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Im 24 and have only done factory work since I was 18.
Ive been calling companies, the only companies I know of are Bartlett, Shaw Group, Babcock, and DZ Atlantic. Of those four, only Bartlett will let you speak directly to a recruiter about outage work, the rest only go through profiles online.Are there any other companies that I'm missing that I could perhaps call? I'm trying to get as many options as possible
wow, great time to get ready to get in then!
Unfortunately there are so many interns/Jr's right now that it is going to takesome of them 5-6 years minimum to make Sr. Every plant keeps bringing in interns, but, the interns from the previous outage are now finding nothing available...basically we are looking at hundreds of jr's with less than 1 year experience with limited spots available.. good luck...DOE is pretty much full right now.So, these schools need to take a 5 year break to let the backlog of jr's make Sr, then start again for 2 years then take 2 off... otherwise you are just going to make the matters worse.... but, what do I know...
This is relevant only if he is limiting himself to HP/RP.
Hi all,My friend has been talking to me about outage work for awhile, and its always sounded like a good opportunity. Im 24 and have only done factory work since I was 18. Neither of us has real experience in this field, but we are trying to get our foot in the door and do the traveling roadtech thing. Is this possible with no real experience? And how do we go about getting the jobs? Ive found the websites for some of the companies but they can be a little difficult to navigate.Any help is appreciated