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Suggestions for learning MCNP code?
« on: Aug 13, 2012, 03:02 »
I just started with a company that needs to use MCNP code to design shielding. I contacted Los Alamos and obtained the MCNP software and it's Greek to me. I want to take a course to learn it but you must have some experience working with it to take full advantange of the course. I will read all 3 manuals that came with it to start. What advise can you offer a newb trying to learn this program?

Offline SmallTownNuke

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Re: Suggestions for learning MCNP code?
« Reply #1 on: Aug 13, 2012, 07:40 »
A professor I had at Kansas State wrote a primer that I found helpful back in school.  It is listed under the primers and treatises section.

Best of luck!


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