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Offline HuskerRandy

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Credit Issues
« on: Aug 22, 2012, 04:42 »
So the last year hasn't been good for me and now I'm concerned that it will affect my access.  I went through a divorce and moved back home but have been out of work which has led to credit problems.  The biggest of which is that my car was repossessed.  Also have 2 credit cards totally around 10k that I have been unable to pay and a phone account with around 1k balance.  I feel like I'm in a situation where I can't pay my bills without a job but the credit issues could keep me from getting a job.  My step father has offered to help me get my credit cleaned up but my question is how all this is going to affect getting my Nuclear Access?  If I get everything paid off is it still going to be an issue and for how long?  Anyone with inside info would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

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Re: Credit Issues
« Reply #1 on: Aug 22, 2012, 05:37 »
Hardly any of us on this forum or in this business have perfect credit. Be honest on your questionnaire and if the question comes up during the security check, Be honest then. If you get everything paid off, it is not an issue as far as I know.

The question for them is: are you a risk? does your financial issue make you vulnerable?

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Offline eaton1981

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Re: Credit Issues
« Reply #2 on: Aug 22, 2012, 07:04 »
I recently had a tax lien (a couple years ago actually) but I was able to get UA clearance this month. I paid the lien off and made sure it was on my credit report as paid off.

As long as you're upfront with the security people, you shouldn't have that much trouble.

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Re: Credit Issues
« Reply #3 on: Aug 22, 2012, 10:05 »
I work In house and I know of a lot of folks with bad credit that work here forecloseres bankruptsys collections and nothing negative for them on their clearance


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Re: Credit Issues
« Reply #4 on: Aug 23, 2012, 01:42 »
You said your stepfather is willing to help out if necessary... might not be a bad idea to write a letter of explanation to go along with your UA paperwork, signed by your stepfather explaining the situation and that help is available if you need it.


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Re: Credit Issues
« Reply #5 on: Aug 27, 2012, 09:57 »
Basically all you can do is be upfront and honest abour your situation. You need to give a brief summary why you got in the situation or what you do to correct it. Trust me when I say there are plenty of people with credit issues working at nuclear plants. This includes plant managers, site managers, supervisors etc etc. I've only seen a few people get denied for credit issues and this was mostly due to having high amounts of tax liens (100k plus) that weren't paid and show no sort of repayment efforts.

In this economy there are plenty of people with bad credit. Just be honest.

Good luck if you have anymore questions let us know


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