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Author Topic: If you post it "they will see it"  (Read 13966 times)

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Offline HydroDave63

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If you post it "they will see it"
« on: Nov 01, 2004, 09:46 »
Just some observations over the months...

1. Please do NOT start a topic with 'Looking For" The topic already did that for you, it is redundant. Some poor moderator has to spend time going in and removing that bit of visual clutter.

2. Please spell the person's name correctly.

3. Please do NOT list specific personal information about that person, or yourself, for the world to view. Simply put, if a psycho ex or evildoer could find or harm the topic person based on your post, it will get moved or deleted.

4. Keeping #3 in mind, it is a great idea to ask those with info regarding your topic person to IM you or email you directly. Again, before distributing personal info, consider #3.

5. If you have any questions regarding the use of this Forum, msg one of the moderators.

6. Enjoy!
« Last Edit: Oct 12, 2007, 12:56 by Rennhack »

Offline Rennhack

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Re: Hints on using Looking For:
« Reply #1 on: Feb 02, 2005, 11:19 »
I would like to add that if you know the person being looked for, all you should do is click on the "Send Topic" button at the top or bottom of the page, next to the "Print" button.  Then simply email a link to the person being looked for.  THAT person can decide if they want to be found.  If so, THAT person can contact the person looking for them via IM or email. (By clicking on the IM or Email buttons)

Thank you for your help in this matter.
« Last Edit: Feb 02, 2005, 11:23 by Rennhack »

Offline Camella Black

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If you post it "they will see it"
« Reply #2 on: Mar 12, 2007, 02:33 »
Now that I have your attention. I am sure most of you realize that there are forum rules for posting information on nukeworker. There is even a post on how to use the Looking For thread, but still people continue to post the location of people.

So I would like you to try this, go to google and type in Camella Black and see what comes up. When you type in my name the first two links should lead you straight to nukeworker.

Now I don't attempt to hide my name but some people don't want to be known by their name here and I am sure that some of us have ex-spouses or maybe even enemies or those dreaded bill collectors so we don't want our location or work location broadcast all over the place.

So please do your friends a favor and just tell the person who is looking for John or Jane Doe that you'll get the person a message and leave it at that.

This will save us moderators from having to edit or delete your post, thanks a bunch. 

Offline Already Gone

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Re: If you post it "they will see it"
« Reply #3 on: Mar 12, 2007, 05:56 »
I just tried it.  I went to google and typed the name of a female person whose location was recently divulged here.  This time it took until the fifth link - still on the first page.  If a total stranger who didn't even know that she was a nukeworker had googled her name, it would have only taken one click for him to find where she is working if you hadn't edited the last post in he rthread.
I have always been afraid that someone would be found on NukeWorker by someone who would eventually do them harm.  Maybe that is too cloak-and-dagger, but I have never thought it safe, polite, or fair to give out someone's personal information to a third party without permission or to post it in a public place.
I am sure that everyone here was taught something similar by their parents.  A little discretion could save one of our friends from humiliation, violence, aggravation, ... you name it.
« Last Edit: Mar 12, 2007, 05:59 by BeerCourt »
"To be content with little is hard; to be content with much, impossible." - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

Offline Camella Black

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Re: If you post it "they will see it"
« Reply #4 on: Mar 12, 2007, 06:08 »
I just tried it.  I went to google and typed the name of a female person whose location was recently divulged here.  This time it took until the fifth link - still on the first page.  If a total stranger who didn't even know that she was a nukeworker had googled her name, it would have only taken one click for him to find where she is working if you hadn't edited the last post in he rthread.
I have always been afraid that someone would be found on NukeWorker by someone who would eventually do them harm.  Maybe that is too cloak-and-dagger, but I have never thought it safe, polite, or fair to give out someone's personal information to a third party without permission or to post it in a public place.
I am sure that everyone here was taught something similar by their parents.  A little discretion could save one of our friends from humiliation, violence, aggravation, ... you name it.

Believe me anyone who has ever been the victim of a stalker or vindictive ex knows what harm can be done by giving out too much information.

Offline Rennhack

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Re: If you post it "they will see it"
« Reply #5 on: Mar 12, 2007, 10:22 »
I just deleted the 300 oldest messages in this board.


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