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Offline ZJH5066

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VC Summer's New Nuclear Station
« on: Jan 19, 2013, 04:37 »
[I attempted to post this a little earlier and my computer glitched- I apologize to the moderators if I created 2 threads]

Hello, everyone. A little background: I just finished my six in the Navy as a surface nuke (EM2) late last year, enrolled in some classes, and am currently searching for jobs. I have been perusing the wealth of information here on NukeWorker for quite some time, and have finally registered an account and would like to address a question or two to the forum. (I hope Broadzilla feels I have done my due diligence with the search function :)

I have found a couple of advertizements, both on and off this site, for VC Summer Nuclear Station, and I was hoping someone on the forum could help me clarify a few of the details:

Question #1:
Both of these postings are advertising the positions of "Reactor Operator" and "Nuclear Reactor Operator."  Now, as I understand it, the NRC does not make any allowance for directly hiring RO's. So I must assume this is an opening for either an AO/NLO or a Direct SRO. Does anyone here happen to know which of the two positions V.C. Summer is attempting to fill? (Disclaimer: I understand my SIR credentials don't qualify me for DSRO.)

Question #2:
The position advertised appears to be for the new units under construction. This may be a broad question, but what duties will the newly hired operators be expected to perform until the new units go online? Begin qualification on a simulator? I actually pre-commissioned a ship in the Navy, and we operators were put in a "phase qualification," but I can't assume private industry will be the same.

Alright ladies and gentlemen, thank you for taking the time to read my post, and thanks in advance for any advice you may be able to offer. Cheers.


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Re: VC Summer's New Nuclear Station
« Reply #1 on: Jan 22, 2013, 07:21 »
I work QA for the two new units and in the coming year we will be adding over 190 personnel.  That number includes operators, security, chemistry, HP, pretty much everything.

The positions posted could be either SRO/RO or for AO.  I would have to go in and read the posting to be able to tell you. 

Currently, most of our operators are working on writing procedures, self study, and participating on creating the transition plan for the project (transition from construction to operations).  Our first group of licensed operators started class in the middle of December, with the entire process scheduled to take around 18 months.  The AO process is slated to last around 8-10 months.

As of right now, Unit 2 is “scheduled” to go on-line in 2016, with Unit 3 coming on-line late 2017. 

As of right now.  ;D

I know that we have hired several ex-Nukes.  I personally know one of them from the carrier I retired from.  Direct SRO is a no-go for someone in your scenario, at least here.  The 2 years of watch-standing as a PPWS/EWS is huge.  Even then, the industry as a whole hasn’t had a great number of success stories for Navy nukes going direct SRO.

If you have any other questions, I can try and answer them.  Not sure if I put my info in the site here for you to PM me, I’ll check later on today.

Best of luck and thank you for your service.

Offline ZJH5066

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Re: VC Summer's New Nuclear Station
« Reply #2 on: Jan 22, 2013, 03:08 »
Hi, thanks for the thorough reply. I attempted to send you a PM, but I'm not convinced it went through, as it does not display in my "Outbox." I suppose I'll try again later. Thanks again for your response. Cheers

Offline Homer S.

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Re: VC Summer's New Nuclear Station
« Reply #3 on: Jan 22, 2013, 03:21 »
You can direct hire as an RO if they use cold license requirements.


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Re: VC Summer's New Nuclear Station
« Reply #4 on: Apr 16, 2013, 08:00 »
A link to the SCE&G channel on YouTube.  Most of the videos are about what the company is doing as a whole, but there are 2 videos in there about our project; first nuclear concrete and our CR10 module placement. 

Enjoy :)


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