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Offline zarroc827

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Listen to Recruiter or Another semester?
« on: Mar 18, 2013, 11:44 »
So, heres the deal basically:

Im 22 years old (23 in may) and I am interested in becoming a Nuke officer in the long run, going career military.  Sadly, my time at ASU has not been the best academic wise, (2.5 GPA in Genetics and Cell Development), and I should be graduating next december (which I would have to pay for out of my own pocket).  So when I talked to the recruiter, he told me that I should enlist and do the Nuke Program, and while in it apply for the STA21 program.  Honestly, I know I can do better than the 2.5GPA, in high school I had a 4.4 with weighted classes, but I did go to ASU. 

So hes telling me to go in as enlisted and as long as I do good, apply for the STA21 program, I have a decent shot at becoming an officer. 

I just wanna know what you guys think, if I should just complete my last semester, or what should I do?

Thank you for any help at all.

Best Regards

Confused College Student

Offline Larrygiro

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Re: Listen to Recruiter or Another semester?
« Reply #1 on: Mar 19, 2013, 12:36 »
What ever you do finish your degree.  If unfinished and you return to university, ASU or others, several years later, they most likely will reduce your credits because too much time has passed.  One of my acquaintances wanted to restart after being out of school for 6+ years.  The school allowed him ZERO credits for prior studies.  Needless to say he gave them a pass and went elsewhere.  Remember about university - they are in the business of handing out sheepskin, getting revenue and ensure remaining "important".

When dealing with the Navy make sure you are being handled by a nuclear officer recruiter.  Bypass both the enlisted and officer recruiters.  We are talking monthly pays and career training of substantial differences depending upon which recruiter you go with.  The key words here are OCS and NUPOC.

Someone else may have a better answer regarding STA21.  Careful here: you could be bypassed and you are an enlisted person.[spoiler][/spoiler]

Nuclear is all about precision, focus and effort.  After all the stuff does glow green.  We absolutely do not want a purple glow - bad form here.

Offline zarroc827

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Re: Listen to Recruiter or Another semester?
« Reply #2 on: Mar 19, 2013, 01:17 »
I understand, its just the idea of taking out the loans for ASU is a little worrisome for me, and im worried I wouldn't be approved for the NUPOC program due to my low GPA, as I did get a D in a couple of my technical classes at ASU, like Calc II and Differential Equations (never an E though), so I know that I wouldn't be as competitive as other applicants for the NUPOC program, but I am confident in my ability to do well in A school and Power school.   

Offline Lip2303

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Re: Listen to Recruiter or Another semester?
« Reply #3 on: Mar 19, 2013, 08:06 »
There are always a ton of applicants for the STA21 program (I was an alternate one year). They only took 40 people into the Nuke STA21 field. Are you prepared to stay enlisted if you do not make the STA21 program? I would second the advice to talk to a Nuclear Officer Recruiter...they may even offer a payback of loans if you join.
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Re: Listen to Recruiter or Another semester?
« Reply #4 on: Mar 19, 2013, 08:08 »
With grades like those in your math courses, I don't want to say your chances at NUPOC are nonexistent, but .......

Also, if you've read any of my other posts about folks wanting to be officers, this next question should not be a surprise:

Why do you want to be an officer in the United States Navy? 

Every step of the application and interview process, you are going to get asked this question.  Be ready.

Best of luck, and remember that there are no guarantees when it comes to applying for an officer ascension program as enlisted.

Offline zarroc827

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Re: Listen to Recruiter or Another semester?
« Reply #5 on: Mar 19, 2013, 11:41 »
The main reason for my bad grades was that I was in a fraternity at ASU and i had no time management and my priorities were not straight.   Now that I have those fixed, my grades have increased, physical fitness and everything else is an overall better. 

So talking to the Nuclear officer recruiter would be the best option then? 


Offline Phillip3364

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Re: Listen to Recruiter or Another semester?
« Reply #6 on: Mar 22, 2013, 12:44 »
I went navy nuke at 18.  Went through training and did quite well.  I got to my fast boat and qualified senior in rate.  I expressed interest in sta 21 and every time I brought it up my co and engineer told me to re-enlist and it would happen.  You need to be recommended to apply I believe. There is already a lot of applicants, and you have to pick a specific program.  After that not all colleges offer navy nuke officer as a choice so you have select schools.  If you got Ds in a couple technical classes you may need a waiver even to go enlisted.  Sta 21 may have changed in the 4 years I have been out, but I doubt much.

Back when I was in my early nuke days I thought a career was an option.  Time on the boat changed that and I certainly didn't want to re-enlist for a chance.  I stuck it out my 6 and used that enlisted time to pay for my bachelors.  My time in the nuclear navy was a rewarding experience and I made great friends.  Being a nuke officer and an enlisted nuke are two entirely different lifestyles so gather some information on each before heading a specific route.

If I were in your shoes I would stick it out and finish college.  If your heart is set on being a navy officer you can always try for ocs.


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Re: Listen to Recruiter or Another semester?
« Reply #7 on: Mar 25, 2013, 12:30 »
I went navy nuke at 18.  Went through training and did quite well.  I got to my fast boat and qualified senior in rate.  I expressed interest in sta 21 and every time I brought it up my co and engineer told me to re-enlist and it would happen.  You need to be recommended to apply I believe. There is already a lot of applicants, and you have to pick a specific program.  After that not all colleges offer navy nuke officer as a choice so you have select schools.  If you got Ds in a couple technical classes you may need a waiver even to go enlisted.  Sta 21 may have changed in the 4 years I have been out, but I doubt much.

Back when I was in my early nuke days I thought a career was an option.  Time on the boat changed that and I certainly didn't want to re-enlist for a chance.  I stuck it out my 6 and used that enlisted time to pay for my bachelors.  My time in the nuclear navy was a rewarding experience and I made great friends.  Being a nuke officer and an enlisted nuke are two entirely different lifestyles so gather some information on each before heading a specific route.

If I were in your shoes I would stick it out and finish college.  If your heart is set on being a navy officer you can always try for ocs.

A wealth of good information and advice.  Heed it ;D

Offline Phillip3364

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Re: Listen to Recruiter or Another semester?
« Reply #8 on: Mar 27, 2013, 12:06 »
Thanks HeavyD.  Just putting my experience out there and two cents so other people can weigh their options.

Offline UncaBuffalo

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Re: Listen to Recruiter or Another semester?
« Reply #9 on: Mar 27, 2013, 04:12 »

I just wanna know what you guys think, if I should just complete my last semester, or what should I do?

You are so close to done.  FINISH THE LAST SEMESTER NOW! 

Good luck!  :)
We are plain quiet folk and have no use for adventures. Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner! I can’t think what anybody sees in them.      - B. Baggins

Offline Creeker

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Re: Listen to Recruiter or Another semester?
« Reply #10 on: Apr 02, 2013, 04:50 »
I agree with Unca, and others!  You will not regret finishing your degree, but you very well might regret not finishing it!  Stay the course!

Offline Dstealth

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Re: Listen to Recruiter or Another semester?
« Reply #11 on: Jul 07, 2013, 08:59 »
I was a Navy nuke.  I went to class with many people just like you.  They were all told to join enlisted and then go STA21 to be an officer.  Only a handfull were picked, while others with full degree's continued on the enlisted path.

I am not saying that it is not possible; however, you simply need to talk to a recruiter for officers.  Check into a ROTC program. 

The recruiter that you talked to simply wants to sign your name up to count for his quota.


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Re: Listen to Recruiter or Another semester?
« Reply #12 on: Jul 07, 2013, 05:01 »
Understatement of the day: Recruiters tend to under-inform or withhold the part of the truth you wish you had heard before you made the decision to enlist.  I am still looking for that sub with a pool table.
My alternate theory is recruiters are chosen in boot camp and selected, then intentionally given a much easier naval life (They only meet officers who treat them humanely, etc.) so they think they are telling the truth when they say what it is like to be in the Navy.

Offline VCSInstNuke

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Re: Listen to Recruiter or Another semester?
« Reply #13 on: Jul 10, 2013, 06:25 »
I guess you really need to ask yourself how long you plan on being in the Navy as well. I got picked up for STA-21 pretty early on, at about the beginning of my 4 year point enlisted, Second year as a staff pickup at Prototype. After 3 years of school and then my officer contract, I finished with 1 month shy of 12 years. That is a long time to give up for one semester's worth of credits. I enlisted for some of the same reasons you have mentioned: Money, and Degree, and after 12 years, I imagine there were ways I could have gotten them quicker. On the other hand I was able to find gainful employment in a field I enjoy when I left, but the nuclear field is not for everyone. Hate to see you waste years of your life to figure that out.

Offline spekkio

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Re: Re: Listen to Recruiter or Another semester?
« Reply #14 on: Jul 11, 2013, 03:00 »
A few clarifications:

1) With a 2.5 gpa, OP isn't eligible for NUPOC and would have a hard time these days getting into another designator. If OP wants to serve in the Navy he would have to enlist.

2) STA-21 is a big gamble when the cost of not getting accepted is invalidating much of your college coursework. Finishing the degree is the best play.

3) Age is also a factor if OP enlists first.

4) This thread is rather old so OP likely already made a decision.

Offline MGH

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Re: Listen to Recruiter or Another semester?
« Reply #15 on: Jul 12, 2013, 12:14 »
In short - stay the course, improve your grades while you can. Stop letting the distractions (parties, girls, beer, etc.) dictate your grades.

Stop talking to the recruiter. They have a quota to make. Don't even answer the phone until you are done with school.

Offline fforocky

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Re: Listen to Recruiter or Another semester?
« Reply #16 on: Jul 17, 2013, 08:08 »
OK I feel like I can offer you alot of different advice on this. First I am a Nuke electrician, second I am a recruiter, and most importantly I know all these programs pretty much first hand, so here it goes.
As far as STA goes, You are ineligible for it do to your college credits. The only routes you have Are NUPOC, then NRI and NRE. NRI is Naval reactors instructor, ie a teacher at NNPTC, NRE is Naval reactors Engineer. All three of these are basically closed off to you do to your GPA, a 3.2 is competitive at the most basic nature. With Your gpa you would have to score Perfect On the OAR portion of the astb( the officer asvab) Now as far as enlisted side goes, with a D in your class, regardless of which class your going to incur a waiver, before listening to everyone on here knocking recruiters saying how evil we are blah blah blah (yes I am angered and insulted by these comments, we bust our butt to help people out, obviously if you hated your time in the navy, then its no one else's fault but yours. Remember no one forced you to get off your mothers couch and do something with your life, anyways) Your going to have to blow away the asvab, and If you meet minimum score requirements you will have to take whats called the NAPT(navy advanced placement test) You will also incur an age waiver if you wait any longer and an additional waiver if its been two years since math class. The only other option you have is IF you enlist you can apply to go to OCS or ODS to get nuke that way but once again it is unlikely with your GPA. Your best bet if you wanna get in Nuclear power is enlist in Navy. You can be assured NUKE contract long before ever joining, Take the asvab and then take the NAPT and have the Nuke coordinator submit your waiver request to the Nuke waiver shop. If its approved great your on your way to becoming a nuke, if not well at least you tried, PM me you need any other specifics.

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Re: Listen to Recruiter or Another semester?
« Reply #17 on: Jul 17, 2013, 10:27 »
.....(yes I am angered and insulted by these comments, we bust our butt to help people out, obviously if you hated your time in the navy, then its no one else's fault but yours. Remember no one forced you to get off your mothers couch and do something with your life, anyways).....

got it,...please explain why this recruiter told the OP something different, something not realistic, but something which would no doubt get the OP into the USN and too bad for the OP later should the unrealistic picture painted by the recruiter have a snowball's chance in hell of bearing fruit,...

first you,...

....As far as STA goes, You are ineligible for it....

then the OP's recruiter:

.....So when I talked to the recruiter, he told me that I should enlist and do the Nuke Program, and while in it apply for the STA21 program.....

....So hes telling me to go in as enlisted and as long as I do good, apply for the STA21 program, I have a decent shot at becoming an officer.....

oh wait never mind, I already know the answer, "It's not the recruiter, the OP is just confused or perhaps hearing what he wants to hear and not what he is being told."

suck it up shipwreck, recruiters are recruiters, and 68.27% of them are in the 1 standard deviation club,...

the OP has not been back since two days after his first post four months ago, he's probably not enlisting, so your last four sentences (right out of the recruiter's manual stuff, very good) are not helping him, although your candid early assessment as to his potential to be an officer is welcome,...

that assessment should serve other readers well when their recruiter encourages a 2.5 GPA slacker to enlist and strive for seaman to admiral,...

just like Boorda,...  [coffee]

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"


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