Specific example: I have a good friend that has been a ibew local 175 substation technician for 8 years. He applied for an electrician apprentice position, took the test and passed and did not get an interview. I know a couple of guys that actually got the job that have had no prior experience in ANY electrical field however both had an associates degree in something or other that was non related. When it comes to multiskilled craft positions and tech positions, TVA has a lot of sub par employees that are not bad people, they just lack skill and knowledge. The TVA training programs I've heard are a joke and don't really teach you much, you just kinda pick it up as you go or hide behind the people that have been there a while. God forbid some kind of emergency did happen because I'd say A LOT of workers lack of knowledge would be exposed. Now I'm not saying all employees because obviously there have to be some pretty sharp people that actually do have the knowledge to run the show. But there are a bunch of them that got hired on simply because they knew someone and not because they were the best candidate for that job. However, eventually these people will learn it after they are there for several years because most of the tasks are repetitive.