Morning people.
First and foremost this is my first post here but, not my my first post on a forum. That being said I am sorry in advance for any and all rules I happen to unknowingly break.
To keep this short as its 4am and I have not slept yet. Back in March I had my eyes opened up to the nuclear security field. I got out of the Marine Corps back in October 2011 and then attended college. I networked myself around for a bit (since this seems to be the only way to get into a career field other than some scammy craigslist posting) and talked to a security manager who works for the NNSA. I ended up applying for a Security Police Officer at the Lawrence Livermore National Lab. I was then told that there was a 60 day turn around time to find out if you get accepted for training and what not. Basically, how the hell do I get in as a Security Police Officer or Protection Force Guard at a nuclear plant. I have plenty of asset/personnel security experience. Tons of trigger time and have trained thousands of Marines, SF nuts and foreign military personnel in combat marksmanship and urban assault. However, I feel I am missing something. I was a week away from heading back over to Afghanistan for PSD work with Triple Canopy but, decided I have been deployed enough and there has to be something here stateside that I am qualified for. Is there some nuke security course I should take before scouring the internet and applying for any vacant position? Does anyone have any recruiters that I can talk to? I live in upstate NY but am willing and able to move ASAP. I'm on my last leg here as I feel getting out of the Marine Corps was the biggest mistake of my life. It seems the thousands of hours of training and real life combat experience doesn't mean diddly when joe schmoe from down the block is better suited at even being a mall cop than a salty war dog because he took the $600 16 hour security guard course. I'm sorry for running my mouth but, I'm tired and slightly annoyed at the hush hush business that is nuclear security. If any of you don't feel like writing anything even a link to some website will help. Are all nuke security gigs acquired by applying for a job vacancy on whatever companies job board? ...End Rant..
Thanks for anyone who read all of that and any info you can throw at me.
Semper Fi