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Author Topic: What can SRO do outside of nuclear power?  (Read 6563 times)

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What can SRO do outside of nuclear power?
« on: Nov 30, 2014, 09:41 »
Does anyone know of potential positions for SRO's trying to leave the industry? What can control room supervisor,  reactor operator, refueling operator,  and work control center experience translate to in other industries? It appears that the position is very limiting unless you stay in nuclear power, but skills developed as a work control center supervisor, for example, must be able to translate into something non-nuclear....

Offline HydroDave63

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Re: What can SRO do outside of nuclear power?
« Reply #1 on: Nov 30, 2014, 10:18 »
Does anyone know of potential positions for SRO's trying to leave the industry? What can control room supervisor,  reactor operator, refueling operator,  and work control center experience translate to in other industries? It appears that the position is very limiting unless you stay in nuclear power, but skills developed as a work control center supervisor, for example, must be able to translate into something non-nuclear....

With an ME or EE, yes. I know of several that went from CRS/SS to Ops Training, then out to load dispatcher, gas/hydro/coal plant commissioning engineer, transmission planning engineer, root cause specialist and a variety of middle management spots. Depends upon where you are. what you know, openings at the time, and a fair bit of luck. High school-Navy-Ops-SRO and out is possible, but more threading the needle.

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Re: What can SRO do outside of nuclear power?
« Reply #2 on: Nov 30, 2014, 01:45 »
It depends on how you look at it and what you did as an SRO. In general, as an SRO you start around middle management and work your way up.

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Re: What can SRO do outside of nuclear power?
« Reply #3 on: Nov 30, 2014, 02:29 »
I know a shift manager that became the superintendent of the maintenance and facilities department at a school district making more than he did as an SM.

One trick will be translating your skills to the positions that you're interested in. Most people won't understand nuclear speak. A well written resume and a savvy interview will go a long way.

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Re: What can SRO do outside of nuclear power?
« Reply #4 on: Dec 04, 2014, 12:25 »
Does anyone know of potential positions for SRO's trying to leave the industry?

Start by not defining yourself based on a job or you will be trapped.  Look at what you would like to do, and then do research on what the job requires.  I have been in 8 careers (not counting low level jobs) and would like to get out of nuclear power for good.  There is life outside of it and happiness is a state of mind.

Offline scotoma

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Re: What can SRO do outside of nuclear power?
« Reply #5 on: Dec 04, 2014, 10:31 »
If you can operate a nuclear plant, a fossil plant should be a piece of cake. There are also postions with the dispatch side of the business. Work Control experience should translate to most industrial facilities.


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