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Author Topic: Messed up the CRQ, wondering if going to another recruiter is possible  (Read 10953 times)

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Hello everyone, I've been thinking about commissioning in the Navy and going the Nuke route which I think I would be a good fit with my Mathematics major.  Basically I messed up the introductory CRQ questionnaire by stupidly overestimating the number of times I've used Marijuana while in college (said I used approximately once a week and while that isn't too far off, it has been a while since I've used and don't ever think about it anymore).  The recruiter said that over 100 times of drug use is a permanent disqualification for the officer program.

Basically I'm wondering if it's possible to go to another recruiter?  It seems that there is only one officer recruiter in Colorado, however my mom lives in Louisiana so I could potentially go through one there.  Are there any sort of residential requirements for going through a recruiter in the state that your parents live in?  Also, do you think that they uploaded that CRQ to my record or anything like that?  I got the indication from her email that she just read through it and shot me an email saying no but I obviously don't know that for sure. 

It's been over a year since I've smoked and could easily pass a drug test, just wondering if that stupid CRQ has ruined any chance I had.  Any advice would be much appreciated!  Thanks!

Offline MrHazmat

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Never been in the Navy, but have been in the Nuclear business for 40 years. So if I understand you correctly, you filled out a questionnaire and basically told the truth and now you want to know if you could go to another recruiter and lie?? -K Let me just say Integrity is everything in this field of work.
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If this was your first thought, then our field is NOT the place for you.

What you are suggesting is intentionally circumventing the system, which is clearly an integrity violation.  Not only is this absolutely against the industry's and Navy nuclear standards, it is also not the mindset the Navy is looking for out of its leaders, i.e. commissioned officers.

Also, you start off saying you overestimated your past use, but then say that it was pretty close.  Which is it?

Hopefully you understand what is wrong with your questions here.  If not, best of luck in life.

Offline HydroDave63

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Hello everyone, I've been thinking about commissioning in the Navy and going the Nuke route which I think I would be a good fit with my Mathematics major.  Basically I messed up the introductory CRQ questionnaire by stupidly overestimating the number of times I've used Marijuana while in college (said I used approximately once a week and while that isn't too far off, it has been a while since I've used and don't ever think about it anymore).  The recruiter said that over 100 times of drug use is a permanent disqualification for the officer program.

Basically I'm wondering if it's possible to go to another recruiter?  It seems that there is only one officer recruiter in Colorado, however my mom lives in Louisiana so I could potentially go through one there.  Are there any sort of residential requirements for going through a recruiter in the state that your parents live in?  Also, do you think that they uploaded that CRQ to my record or anything like that?  I got the indication from her email that she just read through it and shot me an email saying no but I obviously don't know that for sure. 

It's been over a year since I've smoked and could easily pass a drug test, just wondering if that stupid CRQ has ruined any chance I had.  Any advice would be much appreciated!  Thanks!

1. A Math major that cannot correctly estimate?!? Either the degree is bogus or the story is bogus.

2. Agree 110% with the previous posters. This is an integrity issue.

3. Just like with drinking, if you can't (correctly) recall how many "doses" you have had in a month or a year, that is an addiction. One of the first signs of permanent physical damage: memory loss.

4. Recommend finishing the Math degree and staying in Colorado. There are plenty of nice paying jobs in Denverfornia and the People's Republic of Boulder in the energy and tech sectors.

5. Assuming you somehow pursued the officer route anyways, the security clearance check is fairly thorough. Your references will be asked to list other references to check. Eventually the investigators will piece together that you had to have been purchasing and using prior to the Commierado MMJ-scam legalization in late 2012 (and illegal with the Feds anyhow);therefore, regardless of passing a whiz quiz or not, it would demonstrate the applicant's willingness to knowingly violate state and federal law.


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I guess I didn't articulate myself very well...  I viewed the question more as asking the frequency of usage when I would smoke, which was around once a week while in college.  HOWEVER, I wasn't smoking the entirety of college and would say that the aggregate total was under 100 as there were long periods where I wouldn't smoke at all.

Frequency vise it is a close estimate, but that implies throughout college I used on the order of 208 times, which isn't.  Why you would call my major and the legalization of MMJ in Colorado a scam is beyond me though.  Sorry for asking a poorly worded question, my apologies.

Offline Marlin

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I guess I didn't articulate myself very well...  I viewed the question more as asking the frequency of usage when I would smoke, which was around once a week while in college.  HOWEVER, I wasn't smoking the entirety of college and would say that the aggregate total was under 100 as there were long periods where I wouldn't smoke at all.

Frequency vise it is a close estimate, but that implies throughout college I used on the order of 208 times, which isn't.  Why you would call my major and the legalization of MMJ in Colorado a scam is beyond me though.  Sorry for asking a poorly worded question, my apologies.

Nukeworker can be Curmudgeons-R-Us at times.  [coffee]


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Nukeworker can be Curmudgeons-R-Us at times.  [coffee]

Haha, yeah I was starting to feel like someone with a bogus degree and no integrity for a second there.  Oh well, I actually struggled a bit with the more hardcore physics in college so maybe it's a blessing in disguise. 


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I think you're still missing the big picture here.

You went to the recruiter and gave them some information about yourself concerning past illegal drug use.  When that didn't get you what you wanted, your next thought is "I'll go to another recruiter and say something different."  THAT is an integrity violation.

The actual circumstances of your situation become a moot point once you decide to go to another recruiter and tell them something patently different than what you told the original recruiter.

I will once again go back to my comment about expected behavior from a commission officer in the United States Navy.  You will be a leader or people.  What you say and do is expected to set the standard.  If you tell your sailors one thing and they don't react the way you expect or desire them to, you can't simply tell them something else and expect everything to work out.  When you find yourself as a Department Head on some frigate or the XO on some cruiser, these sorts of decisions and actions will get you listed as the next Navy leader to be relieved due to "loss of confidence in their ability to command".

If you don't see the correlation, then nothing I or anyone else who served or works in the commercial industry says will help you.   


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To be clear, I HAVE NOT smoked more than 100 times.  The issue in question is the fact that I stupidly interpreted the question as declaring the frequency of use when I was smoking which was off and on while in college.  The whole reason I don't feel comfortable going back to the same recruiter and explaining that is because it would clearly look like I was just back pedaling to get in...


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But point taken, I do realize that integrity would be an integral part of the job.


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