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Offline RoundinAT

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UAA Status Up In The Air
« on: May 20, 2015, 12:58 »
I've tried to find the answer to my question but have had no luck. Please forgive me if this has already been discussed as I have never worked in this sector before.

I responded to an add placed by a medical drug screening office looking for a drug screener to work at VC Summer. I was given the packet to fil out by this office. I completed my UAA request and the process of checking on former employers was started Wednesday. I have held more jobs over the past two years that I am embarrassed to admit so I was on the phone with the person doing my background almost every day. She said that she hadn't received one bad thing from my employers and she sent the final report to her supervisor yesterday which would have been Monday. She said once they were done with my file, it would be sent to CB&I.

The owner of the medical screening place called today and let me know that for some reason they "passed" on me. I asked was my clearance not granted or was another applicant selected. He told me they would not tell him that. 

I called the CB&I office at the site to simply get clarification and he chewed me out stating that they have nothing to do with "passing" people and would need to call the drug screening place to get that information even though he was the supervisor for FFD. He did say that I would get a letter if I was denied my UAA and could appeal.

My bottom line question is this normal and if I don't receive anything in the mail how do I know if I got it, am I not entitled to receive the findings? There seems to be so many people in the pot and they are all telling me to talk to the other person.   Any suggestions?


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Re: UAA Status Up In The Air
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2015, 04:24 »
Sounds like you were attached to another object by an inclined plane, wrapped helically around an axis. (Quoted from Leonard in "The Big Bang theory.") Sounds like what happened to you. 

Offline RoundinAT

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Re: UAA Status Up In The Air
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2015, 05:40 »
Sounds like you were attached to another object by an inclined plane, wrapped helically around an axis. (Quoted from Leonard in "The Big Bang theory.") Sounds like what happened to you. 

Pretty much what I thought. I'm not sure if the same contracted service completes all background checks for nuclear but the person I spoke with was very nice and was forthcoming with the information she was receiving from her investigations. I have no criminal history, not even a speeding ticket, and all employers responded to the request for information. I just hate to think that I spent time as well as a lot of personal information then be that screw you speak of. It's bad when the supervisor of the AUU at the site doesn't know anything and talks down to you. I just want to know if I got the clearance bottom line. Even if it's no good to me right now, it's on my files with the government and if I ever do want to pursue a career in nuclear. 

Offline Carolina Jethro

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Re: UAA Status Up In The Air
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2015, 11:03 »
CB&I is not a very professional acting company. I applied and was told after 3 interviews that I had a job as Safety Manager over Unit 3 at Vogtle almost 2 years ago. The paperwork was supposedly waiting on one more signature before they sent it to me. After almost a week of no one calling or answering my emails the HR person said they decided to go in another direction. I was already packing my furniture and preparing to move 1200 miles when I got the news. I've talked to some of my safety colleagues that have worked at either site and they say I am better off for not going and I believe them because I see safety openings posted almost every other month for Summer and Vogtle. So you are probably better off too. A new door awaits to be opened! Good Luck!

Offline RoundinAT

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Re: UAA Status Up In The Air
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2015, 09:09 »
It would just be nice to know the status of my clearance. I know they are required to let me know in writing if I didn't get it and the reason why but after wasting a couple of hours of my life I will never get back they could at least have the decency. Guess my professional standards are higher than CBI.


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