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Author Topic: NUPOC Nuclear Power School  (Read 7818 times)

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Franklin Pierce

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NUPOC Nuclear Power School
« on: Jul 19, 2015, 02:12 »
Howdy, I'm trying to figure out my future finances and I just want to be sure that this seems like what I should possible expect after OCS in Powerschool in South Carolina:

Base Pay (O1): 2,236.70 (2800 after relevant taxes)
BAH:   1341.00 ( based on Goose Creek 29445 zip code)
BAS : 253.38

So a total of $3831.08/month. Is that what other NUPOC guys/gals are getting or am I off on something?

As a side question why do officers receive less BAH/BAS than enlisted? The increase in base pay is basically offset by the reduction of BAS/BAH.


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Re: NUPOC Nuclear Power School
« Reply #1 on: Jul 19, 2015, 11:00 »
2015 paychart, courtesy of

O-1 less than 2 years - $2934.30
BAH - $1341.00
BAS - $253.38
Total gross - $4528.68

E-4 less than 2 - $2019.60
BAH - $1146.00
BAS - $367.92
Total gross - $3533.52

So that's almost a grand a month more for the officer before taxes.  The increase in base pay more than "basically offsets" that $111 difference  ;D.

For a more accurate look after taxes, I used a salary calculator located here

I chose single, 1 claimable allowance, paying SC state taxes (7%, it sucks), and did not include your BAS and BAH because neither of those are taxable.

O-1 less than 2:
$3631.10/month, $1815.55 per paycheck

E-4 less than 2:
$2956.66/month, $1478.33 per paycheck

Difference after taxes - $674.44, which is not the initial 1k, but is still much higher than that difference in BAS.

Also, at your two year point as an officer, contingent on you not doing anything stupid, you receive a promotion to O-2.  The average enlisted, if they don't reenlist or have been fortunate to have made E-5 via the exam, will still be an E-4.

So at that point, based on 2015 pay for an O-2 over 2 of $385020 with the same BAH zip code for comparison sake($1497.00 for O-2 over 2 without dependents) and you get:

O-2 over 2:
$4363.02/month, $2181.51 per paycheck

E-4 over 2:
$3023.68/month, $1511.84 per paycheck

Difference after taxes - $1339.34.  After 2 years, the difference has almost doubled.

Lastly, if that enlisted guy/gal gets advanced and is actually getting paid (cause they can go up to 6 months in their new rank before actually getting paid for it), BAH of $1278 and same BAS you get:

E-5 over 2:
$3303.74/month, $1651.87 per paycheck

Difference after taxes - $1059.28

Hopefully I have provided a info source (the pay calculator site) that gives you a better estimate.  As to the actual why enlisted BAS is higher, I can't recall the reasoning given.  On a side note, on the carrier (guessing same on a boat), the officers paid monthly dues to the wardroom, which was usually a little more than their BAS.  Not sure how it will work for you as a NUPOC instructor.

Best of luck and congratulations on being selected for this highly competitive position.

Franklin Pierce

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Re: NUPOC Nuclear Power School
« Reply #2 on: Jul 19, 2015, 08:11 »
Thank you for your help. I apologize if I sounded like I was whining, I just couldn't find any information on why Enlisted and Officer BAH/BAS differed but that all makes sense.


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